b'34American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(REDUXcontinued fromTop U.S. Imports from China Top U.S. Ports for China Importspage 32)TEUs TEUsworkersandbusinessesmoreHS CODE (2 digit level) H1 2024 H1 2023 VAR PORT OF ARRIVAL H1 2024 H1 2023 VARthan they are punishing China% %while doing little or nothing to94 - FURNITURE; BEDDING ETC; LAMPS NESOI ETC; P. 914,322 784,477 17 LONG BEACH,CA 1,477,699 1,124,373 31create U.S jobs. 39 - PLASTICS AND ARTICLES THEREOF 617,881 548,146 13 LOS ANGELES,CA 1,158,614 1,108,780 484 - NUCLEAR REACTORS, BOILERS, MACHINERY ETC.;. 595,958 516,649 15 NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 600,908 506,490 19Still, it is highly unlikely85 - ELECTRIC MACHINERY ETC; SOUND EQUIP; TV EQ. 442,433 392,343 13 SAVANNAH,GA 492,061 416,538 18that whether Trump or Harris95 - TOYS, GAMES & SPORT EQUIPMENT; PARTS & ACC. 343,296 301,794 14 HOUSTON,TX 311,375 276,805 12getselectedthetariffwar73 - ARTICLES OF IRON OR STEEL 288,705 229,147 26 OAKLAND,CA 224,199 189,166 19with China will abateas87 - VEHICLES, EXCEPT RAILWAY OR TRAMWAY, AND P. 277,663 238,444 16 TACOMA,WA 203,574 152,002 34the song goes, it is really just63 - TEXTILE ART NESOI; NEEDLECRAFT SETS; WORN . 171,071 138,264 24 NORFOLK,VA 180,272 159,150 13acaseofyousaytomayto64 - FOOTWEAR, GAITERS AND THE LIKE; PARTS OF S. 122,993 118,867 3 CHARLESTON,SC 171,854 151,812 13SEATTLE,WA 119,588 124,211 -4andIsaytamahtobetween61 - APPAREL ARTICLES AND ACCESSORIES, KNIT OR . 109,872 97,534 13 Total 5,235,413 4,525,991 16thetwoparties.PerhapstheTotal 5,235,413 4,525,991 16differencemightbeKamalaTop U.S. Exports to China Top U.S. Ports for China ExportsHarrisvicepresidential pickMinnesotaGovernorTEUs VAR TEUs VARTimWalz.WalzhasalongHS CODE (2 Digit level) H1 2024 H1 2023 % US PORT H1 2024 H1 2023 %standingrelationshipwith39 - PLASTICS AND ARTICLES THEREOF 114,684 112,191 2 LONG BEACH,CA 147,068 100,814 46China, but whether this is a12 - OIL SEEDS ETC.; MISC GRAIN, SEED, FRUIT, P. 80,681 89,316 -10 LOS ANGELES,CA 108,399 150,252 -28steptowardsbetterterms,44 - WOOD AND ARTICLES OF WOOD; WOOD CHARCOAL 79,693 83,745 -5 SAVANNAH,GA 97,092 110,628 -1252 - COTTON, INCLUDING YARNS AND WOVEN FABRICS . 52,210 35,982 45worse or more of the same, it47 - WOOD PULP ETC; RECOVD (WASTE & SCRAP) PPR . 45,387 75,897 -40 HOUSTON,TX 80,165 67,759 18NORFOLK,VA 61,653 62,751 -2is a great unknown. 48 - PAPER & PAPERBOARD & ARTICLES (INC PAPR PU. 29,406 35,570 -17 CHARLESTON,SC 52,276 59,821 -13Andwhilethetariffs02 - MEAT AND EDIBLE MEAT OFFAL 26,426 38,404 -31 OAKLAND,CA 46,350 32,988 41themselveshavethusfar23 - FOOD INDUSTRY RESIDUES & WASTE; PREP ANIMA. 25,102 19,837 27 NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 40,515 33,916 19produced only a selective but87 - VEHICLES, EXCEPT RAILWAY OR TRAMWAY, AND P. 23,653 16,517 43 TACOMA,WA 30,834 34,393 -10marginal impact on US-China25 - SALT; SULFUR; EARTH & STONE; LIME & CEMENT. 18,754 18,391 2 SEATTLE,WA 17,712 14,492 22trade in terms of figures, theTotal 753,106 762,494 -1 Total 753,106 762,494 -1heightenedtensionbetween the US and China heightens the business risk for all.r IskyB usInessThereisanold African proverb,thatsays,when elephantsfight,thegrass getstrampledandthere arenobiggerelephantsin internationaltradethanthe US and China. InJulySteveVickers, lead consultant for the Hong Kong-basedfirmSteve VickersAssociatesanda veteran observer of the ChinaCLOSERTrade,wroteablogentitled, EscalatingRisksinAsia US Elections and Government Interventionassessingthe potential risk to not only US butglobalbusinessinthe context of the upcoming US elections. In the piece Vickers wrote, The upshot is that theON THE COLUMBIA RIVER IN WASHINGTON STATEpolitical risks for any foreignFASTERcompany dealing with China or Chinese counterparties are rising. Perhaps the most overt threatisseriousdisruption tosupplychains,thanksto tariffsorconflict(Editors Italics).Alargenumberof companies are at risk, ranging fromsimpleplastictoyDIRECT CONNECTIONS TO MAINLINE RAIL & INTERSTATE HIGHWAYSproducerstocomplexhigh- SMARTERendelectronicsandelectric vehicle manufacturers. Andinternationaltrade disputes,likerealconflicts, spreadquickly.InJulythe European Union (EU) in July announceditwasimposing tariffsofupto37.6%onSTORAGE OPTIONS & FOREIGN TRADE ZONE SPACEvehiclesmadeinChina.BETTERThe EU decided to levy the tariffbasedonitsfindings thatChineseautomakers hadreceivedsubstantial governmentsubsidieswhich gavetheautomakersan unfair competitive advantage overtheEUsownauto manufacturing companies.ON-DOCK RAIL & DUAL-SERVED BY BNSF & UPIn August, China brought thedisputetotheWTO (WorldTradeOrganization) arguinginastatementby the Commerce Ministry, that (REDUXcontinued onCONTACT US AT [email protected] | PORTOFLONGVIEW.COMpage 35)'