b'26American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comTop U.S. Exports to EuropeTEUs VARHS CODE (2 Digit level) H1 2024 H1 2023 %87 - VEHICLES, EXCEPT RAILWAY OR TRAMWAY, AND P. 161,589 212,122 -2439 - PLASTICS AND ARTICLES THEREOF 160,328 177,723 -1047 - WOOD PULP ETC; RECOVD (WASTE & SCRAP) PPR . 49,055 52,999 -784 - NUCLEAR REACTORS, BOILERS, MACHINERY ETC.;. 38,892 49,860 -2248 - PAPER & PAPERBOARD & ARTICLES (INC PAPR PU. 33,940 29,720 1408 - EDIBLE FRUIT AND NUTS; PEEL OF CITRUS FRUI. 31,229 31,294 -029 - ORGANIC CHEMICALS 25,323 29,450 -1440 - RUBBER AND ARTICLES THEREOF 21,062 19,832 644 - WOOD AND ARTICLES OF WOOD; WOOD CHARCOAL 20,370 24,657 -1798 - SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION PROVISIONS, NESOI 20,202 24,334 -17Total 939,356 1,056,433 -11Top U.S. Imports from EuropeTEUs VARHS CODE (2 digit level) H1 2024 H1 2023 %84 - NUCLEAR REACTORS, BOILERS, MACHINERY ETC.;. 237,172 224,395 622 - BEVERAGES, SPIRITS AND VINEGAR 209,595 209,471 039 - PLASTICS AND ARTICLES THEREOF 116,648 111,509 587 - VEHICLES, EXCEPT RAILWAY OR TRAMWAY, AND P. 107,143 118,162 -994 - FURNITURE; BEDDING ETC; LAMPS NESOI ETC; P. 95,806 92,941 385 - ELECTRIC MACHINERY ETC; SOUND EQUIP; TV EQ. 66,869 63,105 673 - ARTICLES OF IRON OR STEEL 65,256 63,827 220 - PREP VEGETABLES, FRUIT, NUTS OR OTHER PLAN. 59,313 53,831 1040 - RUBBER AND ARTICLES THEREOF 59,261 58,691 119 - PREP CEREAL, FLOUR, STARCH OR MILK; BAKERS. 58,333 52,419 11Total 1,843,952 1,741,308 6Top Export Carriers from U.S. to EuropeTEUs VARCARRIER H1 2024 H1 2023 %MSC-MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S A (MSCU) 237,022 187,489 26HAPAG LLOYD A G (HLCU) 137,163 212,238 -35OCEAN NETWORK EXPRESS PTE LTD (ONEY) 109,354 68,265 60CMA-CGM (CMDU) 102,305 98,201 4MAERSK LINE (MAEU) 96,930 230,287 -58INDEPENDENT CONTAINER LINE LTD (IILU) 56,005 60,070 -7 agenda. Earlier this year, it announcedwhichmakesitapioneerofthe ORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE LTD (OOLU) 53,876 67,787 -21 aprojectforthefirstshorepowerclimate-considerate transformation of CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING COMPANY (COSU) 28,190 24,478 15 installationfordeep-seavesselsinfreight traffic.EVERGREEN LINE (EGLV) 24,818 23,932 4 Belgium. Dr. Melanie Leonhard, Hamburgs ZIM INTEGRATED SHIPPING SERVICES LTD (ZIMU) 23,460 19,413 21 Itwillallowmooredshipstosenator for economic affairs, commented: Total 939,356 1,056,433 -11 connect to the local electricity grid viaOurportisalreadymoreessential a socket on the quay and contributethanever.Inthenextfewdecades, toreducingemissionsofCO2,wewillrequirelargequantitiesof nitrogenoxides,sulphuroxidesandrenewable, rather than fossil, sources particulate matter. of energy. These will reach (the city Top Import Carriers from Europe to U.S. Two fixed shore power connections,of) Hamburg via the port that we are TEUs VAR attractinginvestmentofbetweennow remodeling to be the driving force 25-30 million (US$27.29 million -fortheenergytransition.Maritime VOCC H1 2024 H1 2023 % $32.74 million), will be installed at thelogistics can therefore play an essential MSC-MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S A - MEDU (MSCU) 532,216 476,165 12 Antwerp Euroterminal which handlespartinclimate-friendlytransportand HAPAG LLOYD A G (HLCU) 386,108 371,751 4 car carriers and con-ro vessels. Theydecarbonization of society as a whole. MAERSK LINE (MAEU) 186,792 165,530 13 arescheduledtobeoperationalbyIn Hamburg, our port is the key player CMA-CGM (CMDU) 176,291 186,057 -5 2026andaredesignedforfuturefor this.proof expansion, enabling additional OCEAN NETWORK EXPRESS PTE LTD (ONEY) 153,524 131,118 17 vessels to connect. The 100% greenn eed Fora ttractIVeI nVestmentORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE LTD (OOLU) 95,742 105,840 -10 electricity will initially be producedc lImateINDEPENDENT CONTAINER LINE LTD (IILU) 59,677 57,276 4 by the three wind turbines located atReturningtotheEPSOstudy, COSCO SHIPPING LINES CO LTD (COSU) 41,408 35,133 18 the terminal site. Europes ports require large investments ZIM INTEGRATED SHIPPING SERVICES LTD (ZIMU) 39,238 35,285 11 Numerousconnectionpointsiftheyaretotransformintoenergy ATLANTIC CONTAINER LINE AB (ACLU) 39,127 41,418 -6 forquaysideelectricityarealreadyhubs, it observed.Total 1,843,952 1,741,308 6 availableforbargesandtugsatthe(Global)investmentneedsof portandatZeebrugge,quaysideEuropean port authorities are estimated electricity will be available for cruiseat80billion(US$87.31billion) shipsfrom2026.PortofAntwerp- over the next 10 years and the study (ROLEcontinued from page 24) aProjectofCommonInterestbytheBruges is also committed to providinghighlightsthatEuropesports,more stored in empty gas fields under theEuropeanUnionandwasawardedshore power for the largest containerthanever,needaccesstosufficient North Sea. CO2 will be collected oversubsidies of 102 million (US$111.32). ships by 2028. public funding.a period of 15 years from the likes ofInaddition,constructionisalsoTheymustbeabletorelyon Shell, ExxonMobil, Air Liquide, andwell underway at the Port of Rotterdamc lImate - FrIendlyt ransport dedicatedportenvelopeswithinthe Air Products. to build a national hydrogen network.AsforthePortofHamburg,thedifferent EU funding instrumentsin Infrastructure investment costs inOpentoallhydrogensuppliersandEUsthird-largestportforcontainerthe first place through the Connecting the Porthos system, which is expectedbuyers,itwilleventuallyspan1,200traffic, its aiming is to be climate-neutralEuropeFacility,butalsothroughthe to be operational by 2026, are estimated atkilometers and provide green hydrogenin its operations from 2040. Innovation Fund, the Just Transition and 1.3 billion (US$1.42 billion). to five Dutch industrial hubs. A new development plan, endorsedthe Modernisation Fund.Recognized as making an importantMeanwhile,atEuropessecond- bythecitysSenate,givesspecialThestudyrecommendsthat contributiontowardsmeetingclimatebiggest port, Antwerp-Bruges, addressingattention to the ports railway networkEurope foster a stable and attractive targets,Porthoshasbeendeclaredenergy transition is also high on theand rail infrastructure with the hinterland(ROLEcontinued on page 27)'