b'14American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comIntermodal: the sustainability advantage (ANNIVERSARYcontinuedchoiceoftherouteinvolved from page 12) severalfactors.Theobvious Rochester & Southern RailroadoneswerethattheG&W By Pete Goldin, AJOT (R&S)andtheBuffalo&originatednearRetsof,New PittsburgRailroad(BPRR)York, at the salt mine which Asmorecompaniesaremakingagreenhouse gas emissions, and Garofalo addsrailroads. The numbers of theremarkably is still a customer commitment to protecting the environment thattheuseofintermodalreducedNorthlocomotives1899and125today.AlsotheG&Ws and measuring their impact on itsustainabilityAmericanfuelconsumptionby2.3billionwere in honor of the year theadministrativeheadquartersis isemergingasoneofthetopadvantagesgallons and saved over 25 million tons in CO2companystartedand125thinRochesterwhichallowed helping intermodal compete with trucking, andemissions in 2022.anniversary. The christening ofemployees to attend the event. as a potential driver of intermodal growth. Schneiders Intermodal services emit 62%the locomotives was a surpriseAnd the route is symbolic of Businesses looking to reduce their carbonless CO2 than Tier 5 truckload transportation,forMortFullerandiswifetheoriginal14milerailroad footprintareincreasinglylookingtorailsays Michael Baumgardt, Schneider SVP andSue Fuller, who did the actualestablishedin1899that intermodal for their long-haul movements, saysGM of Intermodal, pointing out that one tonsmashingofthechampagnesolelyhauledsalt-asingle Jessica Kahanek, Assistant VP, Communications,of freight can be shipped up to 500 miles onbottle on the engine. commodity railroad - from the Association of American Railroads (AAR).the equivalent of a single gallon of fuel. OurThe christening was followedmine in Retsof, New York.Intermodal offers a far more environmentally- north-southzero-handoffroutewithCPKCbythesubsequent14.5railAt virtually every crossing and friendlyalternativetoover-the-roadtrucking,savesapproximately3,400poundsofCO2ridethatincludedtheuseup in the hills surrounding the David Garofalo, IANA Assistant VP, Membershipemissions and 157 intermodal gallons per tripofpassengercarsthatwererouting,railfansgathered & Communications, agrees. Moving containerscompared to existing over-the-road routes. arranged by Great Lakes Divisionto wave and take pictures of on the rail is roughly four times as fuel efficientGarofaloconcludes,WeexpectthatVice President Dan Pavick, whothetrainhaulingthehighly as pulling a trailer over the highway. sustainabilitywillplayalargerroleinthehasarelationshipwiththeunusual freight of people in Kahanek says fuel-efficiency of railroadsdecision-makingtouseintermodalgoingAgeofSteamRoundhousethe passenger cars. And while leadstoanaveragereductionof75%inforward. Museum in Ohio, who provideditwasacelebrationof125 the cars. yearsofendeavor,G&Ws The 14.5 rail trip back toactivities are very much a part (TRACKcontinued fromlowerstransportationcosts,supplychain.Thisapproachthe Retsof salt mines was bothof todays railroading linking page 8) boosts efficiency and enhances(TRACKcontinued ona trip back to the past but alsoClass 1 railroads to ports and Tosupportnearshoring,theoverallcapacityofthepage 16) a celebration of the future. Theyards across North America.Schneideroffersintermodal cross-border capabilities. Last year,Schneiderexpanded theseservicesbybecoming a strategic intermodal carrierField FreshonCPKCsflagshipnorth-southroute,addingmore optionsforcustomersandWith Less Wasteimprovingefficiencyby increasing reliability, security and capacity. In the past, service reliability forcross-bordertransportation was questionable as there were manychallengestomeeting consistenttransittimes,says Baumgardt.Sinceselecting CPKC as our primary cross-border intermodal partner last year, we have seen consistent, fast,secureandreliable service.Additionally,transit times to and through Kansas City and Chicago have been reducedbydaysandnow compete with truck.B ypassIngd IsruptIonsNearshoring and intermodal work together as a compelling optiontobypassthesupply chaindisruptionsimpacting todaysunpredictabletrading environment.TheNorth American intermodal network provides coverage in all three countriesMexico,Canada and the U.S.so that a supply chainchallengeinonearea can be addressed by another, Garofalo of IANA assures.Baumgardtconcurs, explainingthatintermodal helpssolvesupplychain challenges by easing capacity issues,reducingdisruptions throughdiversifiedroutes, increasingefficiencywith standardizedschedules,andFood Waste Remote Climate Zero CO 2 Best in Class enhancing resilience to adaptMitigation Tech Controls Emissions Equipmentto disruptions.Intermodal is vital to the North American supply chain as it combines the strengths of Its not just the boxmultiple transportation modesits our approach to offering food waste mitigation to create a more resilient andsolutions bundled with leading edge technology that efficientlogisticsnetwork,makes the difference.Baumgardtconcludes.ByVisit www.seacubecontainers.com to learn more.integratingrailandtruck services,intermodalreduces congestiononhighways, BSYA 1084 SeaCube Field Fresh Lemon 8x10 AJOT_r2.indd 1 4/15/24 9:22AM'