b'14American Journal of Transportation ajot.com(PARTNERcontinued from page 12) Banana Imports by Ocean CarriertechnologiesincludingtheOcean Carrier Q1 2020Q1 2019Q1 2018MARK wearables with their existingapplications-with- Transfrut Express Limited58,52459,74057,316outunnecessarydowntime,Sealand [Maersk] 14,784 9,035 8,814 costs, or integration complex- Network Shipping Ltd 13,014 17,742 16,584 ities.EntrenchedwarehouseSeaboard Marine Ltd5,584 4,196 8,340 management systems are noMSC-Mediterranean Shipping Co2,990 760 476 longer a barrier to adoption. Hapag Lloyd A G2,706 2,759 3,176 With ProGlove as a Stay- Crowley Latin America Services 1,814 1,430 1,286 Linked.iolaunchpartner,our customerscannowusePro- Hamburg Sud [Maersk]686 164 270 Gloves state-of-the-art MARKWorld Direct Shipping Llc 532714466 HMMs new class of 24,000 TEU container vessel DisplayandentireMARKDole Ocean Cargo Express 524496512 familyofscannerswithoutOthers 38,97238,55027,562 (TOPcontinued fromtrend has been exacerbated byhaving to plan for time-con- Total 140,130135,586124,802 page 4) low bunker fuel prices whichsuming and expensive integra- Source: Descartes - Datamyne than the capacity of the cur- havemadelonghaulroutestionefforts,confirmsJustin rentfiveterminals.Thefirstfrom Asia through the Suez orGriffith, CTO of StayLinked.of four phases of constructionaround Africa more economicPlanzerrecentlyselectedBanana Imports by US$at Tuas port is due to be com- withrelaystotheU.S.Eastthe MARK wearable barcode pleted in 2021 at an expectedCoast. Added to this has beenscannerfortheirmaterialsNation$ Value 2019Chg.cost of about $1.8 billion, butaconcertedeffortbymanyhandling platform operations.United States 2,756,349,000 -0.025the Covid-19 pandemic couldEast Coast ports to dredge andOf their 68 locations through- Russia 1,119,904,000 -0.03delay the schedule.improvefacilitiestobebigoutEurope13areequippedBelgium 1,100,876,000 -0.181While the scale of Singa- ship ready. Conversely, portfor rail receiving with 350 railChina 1,094,356,000 0.22pores ambitions sets its portdirectorsontheWestCoastcars handled per night in Swit- Netherlands 1,084,014,000 0.112project aside, there is massivenow recognize that to regainzerland.StayLinkeddevel-portexpansionunderwaymarketsharetheywillhaveoped the mobile interface thatJapan 959,265,000 0.051albeit slowed by the pandemictoagaininducemoredirectpairstheirexistinglogisticsGermany 950,617,000 0.001 through all quarters of theshipcallsfromAsia.Withmanagement system with theUnited Kingdom745,572,000 -0.031globe. No doubt, Chinas SilkonlythreecarrieralliancesMARKscanningsolution.France 560,858,000 -0.097Roadpolicyisunderwriting(2M, Ocean and The Alliance)WiththissolutionthePlan- Italy 529,564,000 -0.063vastamountsofportdevel- the loss of any single alliancezerteamnolongerneedstoCanada 427,406,0000.009opment, particularly in Asia,can be devastating to a port.dismountfromaforkliftto the Mediterranean, and evenLargershipsandfewercallsscanpalletsuponarrivalorSouth Korea 301,578,000-0.163inLatinAmerica.Willthecreateaconundrumforportto record inventory locations.Poland 291,345,000 -0.097Silk Road investments payoffauthorities large and small.Picking and packing teams areSpain 249,093,000 0.01isanyonesguess?ButBei- Nonetheless, as the shipsenabled to scan as they go andArgentina 196,080,000 -0.101jing is certainly committed toget bigger, the Panama Canalhave their hands free to keepRomania 176,487,000 0.007playing the long game in portoption is again off the tablegoods moving. As shift super- Sweden 158,994,000 -0.038investments. and the advantage shifts to thevisorDominikGrnacher But not all ports are pros- West Coastwith the caveatnotes, With MARK we areSaudi Arabia 155,313,000 -0.187peringeven in Asia a fewthattheshiftinsourcingtonowmoremobileandhaveGreece 151,817,000 -0.04are finding it difficult to mea- SoutheastAsiaandSouthinformationwedidnthaveCzech Republic 145,543,000 -0.036sure up. Asia somewhat evens up theaccess to before. Portugal 136,922,000 0.044For example, Hong Kongseconomics for services.PadraigRegan,GeneralAustria 133,459,000 0.06818.3 million TEUs is impres- How fast the global econ- Manager, EMEA, StayLinkedUnited Arab Emirates 119,231,000 -0.182sivebutthatisnearlytheomy bounces back from theconcludes, With Planzer, we same total the port posted inpandemicwillcertainlybewereabletobringacom- Switzerland 104,892,000 -0.0412000, when it was the largestreflected in the ports as theypletelynewtechnologyintoAlgeria 96,292,000 2.169containerportintheworld.gear up for the next genera- the workflow. It was gratify- Finland 92,026,000 -0.074GivenHongKongscurrenttionofboxshipsandreturning to see how well the part- Chile 88,559,000 0.009socio-economic dilemma andofvolumes.WillithappennershipbetweenProGloveUkraine 84,559,000 -0.414with the rise of neighboringin2021isatthistimeonlyandStayLinkedperformedSlovakia 82,912,0000.023South China ports, its look- aguess,butashistoryhasand how seamlessly the inte-ing increasingly unlikely thatshown the volumes do indeedgration was achieved in suchIraq 81,072,000 -0.153HongKongwillremaininreturn, bigger than before. a short amount of time. Data collected by AJOT from various sources the top ten of containerports through the new decade.n ortha meriCaWhile Covid-19 has had a serious impact on port fig-uresforNorthAmerican portsthroughtwoquarters of2020,therealquestionSingle Source Solutions S3ishowmuchofthisisan outlier?Certainly,theWestLearn how our S3 can empower your intermodal Coastports,particularlytransportation program. 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And theseRandolph, MA 02368www.roadone.comportsarenotaloneasThe NorthwestSeaportAlliance (NWSA)ofTacomaandSolutions That ConnectSeattle along with the Cana- Corporate Headquartersdian ports of Vancouver andDomestic Intermodal Trucking Solutions Regional OfficesPrinceRuperthaveallsuf- International Intermodal Trucking Solutions Service Centersfered to varying degrees.Container Terminal Solutions Northeast RegionPartoftheproblemliesRegional Dedicated Truckload Solutions Midwest RegionSouth Regionwith the Panama Canal expan- West Regionsion.Since2016,U.S.EastNational Transloading, Warehousing and Distribution SolutionsCoastportshaveseentheir shareincreasewhileWestReliabilityTenacitySafetyIntegrityLoyaltyCoast has remained static. This'