b'2American Journal of Transportation ajot.comAJOTs top 100 container ports top 100 global container ports 2020George Lauriat, AJOT Y esterYear inB oxes . forceofalmostonebillion Twentyyearsago,thepeople. This led to a wave of largestcontainerportintheoffshoring and the fragmenta-world was the Port of Hongtion of supply chains, ulti-Kong which handled justmately making China the over 18 million TEUs. Infactory to the world.fact, there were only twoConsider twenty years double digit [in terms ofago China had four ports million TEUs]portsininthetoptwentyin theworld-Hongcontainervolumes Kong and its city- (HongKong/SAR, staterivalontheShanghai,Shen-Straits of Malacca,zhen and Qingdao). the Port of Singapore, whichNow,Chinaboastssixof tallied over 17 million TEUs.thetoptencontainerports Inthelatestcontainerportin the world and has over 30 rankings,fifteenportshitportshandlinginexcessof double figures with the Port1millionTEUthroughput. of Shanghai leading the wayAdditionally, Shanghai is the notchinganastounding43worlds largest container port million TEUs.at 43.3 million TEUs and has Another way of lookingremained the boxport leader at the tremendous increase in(TOPcontinued on port throughput is by assess- page 4) The Port of Shanghai lead the way in 2019, notching an astounding 43 million TEUs.ing daily average. Back when Hong Kong was leading the pack,ithandledjustaboutTHANK YOU50,000 TEUs a daya nice totalbutin2019Shang-haiaveragedover118,638 TEUs daily. In short, the Port ofShanghaisweeklytotal would be a nice annual total SHIPPING LINESPILOTSSHIPYARD WORKERSLONGSHOREMENSEAFARERSTUGBOAT CREWSformostcontainerportsin the world. Back in 2000, the WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEESSTEAMSHIP AGENTSCUSTOMS & BORDER PROTECTIONIMPORTERS ItalianportofGioiaTauroEXPORTERSTERMINAL OPERATORSRAILROAD WORKERSFORKLIFT DRIVERSCRANE OPERATORS rankednumber20atjust under2.5million TEUS.InCOAST GUARDLINE HANDLERSTRUCKERSFREIGHT FORWARDERSCUSTOMHOUSE BROKERS the current list the Thai port ofLaemChabanghandling over 8 million TEUs in 2019 holds down the 20th slot. Portsachievedthese remarkablenumberswith annual double digit increases inthroughputasbothship size and ship calls increased. Back twenty years ago only sixcontainerportsinthe world could boast an annual throughputof5million TEUs. There are now thirty-two container ports handing 5 million TEUs annually andYOUR FRONT DOOR TO THE I-4moretoenterthe5million TEU club in the near future.OPEN FOR BUSINESS AND EXPANDINGCollectively,theTEU numbers are so large as to beDistribution Centersmind-numbing.Whathap- In these challenging times, Port Tampa Bay would like to thank those pened? individuals and companies that play such a critical role in keeping cargoORLANDOmoving for our communities. The entire supply chain and by extension, thePORTTAMPA C hinas Yndrome economies of nations, rely on our ability to deliver. Cargo flow is vital atBAYTheeasiestthoughnotFloridas largest and most diversified port. That includes everything from necessarilythemostcom- food and beverage products, to consumer goods and e-commerce, gasoline pleteansweristhatChinaand other energy products, as well as construction and building materials. happened.ThegrowthinTogether with our partners, were on the job to serve you.boxtrafficbetweenChina and Europe, China and North Global container connections with NEW direct Asia servicesAmericaandChinaandthe New on-dock 135,000 square foot state-of-the-art cold storage facilityintra-Asiannationsgrew Save significantly on logistics/distribution costs serving Florida from its middleexponentially.TheLon-don-basedTTClubintheir No gate or berth congestionBraveNewWorldlook Expanding terminal facilities with plenty of room for growthatthefutureofcontainer transportin2043wroteofYour last mile just got shorter.theleaduptothepresent:WWW.PORTTB.COMChinas integration into the globaleconomycatalyzed by establishing the Shenzhen SpecialEconomicZoneand DengXiaopingsreformsin the1980s,andculminating inits2001accessiontothe1101 CHANNELSIDE DRIVE, TAMPA, FLORIDA 33602WorldTradeOrganization unlockedalow-costlabour'