b'22American Journal of Transportation ajot.comMEXPRESS& S200 MYSTIC AVENUEMEDFORD, MA 02155(781) 395-8772/87Fax (781) 395-7319Container-LTL Bonded U.S. Customs CarrierPiggyback Coverage Radio DispatchedConsolidation-Distribution Bonded Container Freight StationPrivate Chassis FleetFully Insured Overwidth/Overheight LoadsDaily Service Port of BostonServing: Conn., Maine, Mass., N.H., AAl Shipping, in partnership with Peters & May, successfully transported 38 private yachts on deck in a singlerhode island, Vermontsailing, from Fort lauderdale to Southampton, UK, and Antwerp, Belgium. Also Serving Logan international AirportAAL transports 38 yachts from the US to EuropearebenefitingfromnotableHappyRivercompletedthree Award-winning multipurpose (MPP) and proj- well-planned stowage engineering and lashing, aincreases in shipping traffic. voyages to Monroewith eleven ect heavy lift carrier AAL Shipping, in partnershipfirst-class crew and a very special ship. If there was a single wordmoreplannedcarryingforty with Peters & May, has successfully transported 38He added: At a time when the global ship- to describe the Port of Monroe, itwind tower sections per trip.private yachtsthe largest of which was 32 m longping community is concerned about the ability ofwould be resilient, said Paul C.Thewindprojectandtheon deck in a single sailing from Fort Lauderdale,MPP carriers to deliver service and schedule integ- LaMarreIII,PortDirector,Porttower sections are the lifeblood US, to Southampton, UK, and Antwerp, Belgium. rity, this sailing examples AALs own boosted fre- of Monroe. Everything we haveofourportthisseason,said The cargo covered an area of 2,500 m2aboutquency through the US. doneputsrelationshipsandtheLaMarre. Not only is this proj-half the size of a soccer pitchand was carriedIn a boost to the regions shippers, in Junebroader industry as a whole first.ectimpactfulfromthenumber aboardthemegasize31,000dwtAALMel- wehavemultipleMPPvesselscallingUS WestI believe, if you build the relation- of vessel calls, which will be the bourne, with her 39,500 cbm intake capacity andCoast, Gulf and East Coast Ports and ready to serveships, the cargo will follow it. highest in our history for Seaway weather deck space of 3,000 m2. market needs. Oftheserelationships,thiscargo,itswithapartnerthat MarcWillim,GeneralManagerofAALsDave Holley, Chief Executive Officer of Petersnavigation season brings to lightweve been in the trenches with CharteringDepartment,commented:With& May, concluded by saying: Moving this manya particularly impactful partner- for five years, has the majority 25-yearsexperiencedeliveringtrampcharteringyachts in one go is always full of challenges and weship between the Port of Monroe,of the Ports laydown area being solutions and operating scheduled liner services onare very careful which carrier we choose for suchSpliethoffGroupsBigLiftutilized, is using multiple modes busy trades around the world, we have carried oura voyage. Shipping,andVentowerIndus- of transportation, and sustaining fair share of pleasure craft. AAL provided us with a timely solution and thetryoneoffourwindtowerour port workforce and partners Only a few months ago, we transported anwholeoperationwentextremelysmoothly. WearemanufacturersintheUnitedin challenging times.86m long aluminium superyacht hull from Chinanow looking forward to our next transatlantic voyage. StatesallworkingtogethertoSimilarly, the Port of Buf-to Australia, the largest single floating cargo pieceThe AALMelbournerecentlytransportedtwomove,handleandmanufacturefalo is off to a strong start, filling thatwehaveevercarried. Similarly,38yachtsgiant jib cranes, each weighing 900 metric tonnes fromwind towers for a General Elec- their docks a total of thirty-two with an average length of 16m on deck requiresTaicang, China, to Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates. tric project based in Michigan. dayssincetheirnavigation The Port of Monroe, serv- season began on April 12, 2020. ingtheprojectasanadvanta- To date, the Port of Buffalo wel-(ACTIVEcontinued fromgeouscongregationpointforcomed three Seaway shipments page 21) highvaluewindcomponentsofwindturbinecomponentswind-relatedcomponentswerecoming by rail and vessel, nowtwofromGermanyandone handled across five Great Lakeswelcomes BigLifts M/V Happyfrom Koreaand are expecting statesateight Americanports,River on a nonstop shuttle deliv- two more in the coming week.including: Port of Monroe, Portering wind tower sections manu- TothePortofBuffalo, of Erie, Port of Buffalo, Port offacturedinBcancour,Quebechandlingthesewindturbines Ogdensburg,PortofBayCity,every eight days. means a full dock for the season. PortofMenominee,PortofInadditiontologisticalNot only are we unloading the Indiana-BurnsHarborandPortadvantages due to the Ports geo- vessels, but were also loading of Chicago. graphical location, BigLifts ves- the trucks that take them to site. Attractingnewbusinesssels are particularly well suitedSo, this is an opportunity to keep throughwind-relatedcargosforthePortofMonroeduetousbusyallthewayintofall, andSeawayactivity,bothPorttheirsizeandthePortsdraftsaid Patricia C. Schreiber, Port Wallenius Wilhelmsens Bess docked at the Port of Freeport, TX of Monroe and Port of Buffalorestrictions.Todate,theM/VDirector, Port of Buffalo.Wallenius Wilhelmsen makesPort of Oakland picks longtime shipping vet first call to Port Freeport as Maritime DirectorPort Freeport has announcedassortmentofproductstobest thatWalleniusWilhelmsen,serve their customers needs. Longtime shipping industryas well as APM Terminals. Most aglobalshippingandlogis- WalleniusWilhelmsensexecutiveBryanBrandeshasrecently, Brandes was Vice Pres-ticsolutionsprovider,recentlyBess made its first call to Free- beennamedMaritimeDirectorident, Pacific Southwest Region made its initial port call to Portport on Tuesday, May 26th. Theat the Port of Oakland. The PortOperationsforFlexiVanLeas-Freeport. This service from Asiacall saw 859 new cars dischargedsaid he was selected followinging, an intermodal chassis leas-to the Gulf Coast will continueto Port Freeport, stated Damienanationwidesearch.Brandes,ing company.to bring automobiles on Walle- Bressler, Port and Cargo Opera- a25-yearmaritimeveteran,Oaklandannuallyhandles nius Wilhelmsen oceanvesselstionsManagerforWallenius.replaces John Driscoll who lefttheequivalentof2.5million into Freeport. WewouldliketothankPorttomanagetheAlabamaState20-footcargocontainers.Its We were very proud to wel- Freeport, Ports America and thePort Authority. knownasoneofthelead-comeWalleniusWilhelmsentoInternationalLongshoremensBrandeswillleadastaffinggatewaysto AsiaforU.S. Port Freeport and look forwardAssociation for a successful firstof 20 responsible for one of theexportsespecially farm goods. to working together to make thevoyage to Freeport. nations10largestcontainerCargo volume has declined 7.8 partnership a success, said Phyl- HeadquarteredinOslo,seaports.OaklandsMaritimepercent in 2020 due to the eco-lis Saathoff, Port Freeport Execu- Norway, Wallenius WilhelmsenDirectoroverseeseverythingnomic fallout from coronavirus.tive Director and CEO. The newis a market leader in Roll-on/Roll- fromfacilitiesmanagementtoBryan Brandes, Maritime DirectorThe Port said Brandes faces service from Wallenius Wilhelm- offshippingandvehiclelogis- real estate negotiations. at the Port of Oakland twochallenges:recoveryfrom sen will add to the already exist- tics,managingthedistributionBryaniscominginatathe economic wallop and shap-ing multiple monthly calls fromof cars, trucks, rolling equipmentcrucialtimeforusandweretakes for us to succeed. ingOaklandsmaritimefuture. Roll-on/Roll-off vessels creatingand breakbulk cargoes. WalleniuseagertoputhisskillandThe new Maritime DirectorThe Port and business partners additional economic opportunityoperates130vesselsservicingindustryexperiencetowork,arrives in Oakland with execu- haveinvestedmillionsthis for our region. 15 trade routes to six continents,saidPortofOaklandExecu- tive experience gained at ship- decade in new logistics capabili-Wallenius Wilhelmsens ver- together with a global inland dis- tive Director Danny Wan. Heping lines and marine terminals.ties. Oakland is now upgrading satilefleetofRoll-on/Roll-offtribution network, 120 processingknowstheplayers,knowstheHe worked with ocean carriersto handle the latest class of ultra vessels is capable of carrying ancenters, and 11 marine terminals. businessandknowswhatitMaerskLineandCMA-CGMlarge container vessels.'