b'jUnE 22 - jUly 26, 2020NOrth AmericAs trANsPOrtAtiON & LOGistics N ewsPAPer 21ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1AMP and AWO urge unified US Covid-19 protocols andOsupport for the Jones Act ONNEESSHHIIPPC onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggooBy Stas Margananis, AJOTMichael Roberts, presidentand San Juan. The same should of the American Maritime Part- hold true for others ports in the nership (AMP), called upon USUnited States.CoastGuardCaptainsofthe Port to agree on a unified set ofr isks tos uppLYC hains oFprotocolsregardingCovid-19hi, akandp uertor iCotreatmentofmarinersonU.S.Robertswentontosay, flagvesselsoperatingintheWhat is at issue here is are the non-contiguoustradessupplychainsserving serving Hawaii, AlaskaPuertoRico,Alaska and Puerto Rico. and Hawaii. They areRORO Customer ServiceInaninterviewbasedonjust-in-timeA SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676withAJOT,RobertsinventoriesandwhenCuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday Export Customer ServicepraisedtheroleofthefederalofficialssendFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO 800-225-1235Coast Guard in respond- ashipintoanchor- TO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Export Documentation ingtotheCovid-19agetheyarecaus- ANTWERP 1620 18888-802-0401DUBLIN 12 crisis. ing delays in the deliveries ofBELFAST 13Import Customer ServiceRoberts urged that marinersproducts that adversely impactGTEBORG 21888-802-0403should receive priority in beingpeople and businesses awaitingHAMBURG 13 17 15 22 Logisticstested for Covid-19 so as to mit- those shipments. LE HAVRE17 866-821-7449Credit & CollectionsigaterisksofmaritimesupplyRobertssaidsickmarinersLIVERPOOL 9 13 888-225-7747chaindisruptionsandprovideshouldberemovedandtreatedLONDON GATEWAY20 19a federal standard for the U.S.and the rest of the crew removedROTTERDAM11 20maritime industry. andquarantinedandtheship Roberts urged that the Coastsanitized and a new crew brought GuardandCentersofDiseasein, rather than sending a ship toSt. Lawrence Seaway active Control(CDC)jointlydevelopanchor, The crew member sus-nationally imposed and uniformpected of having infection can be protocolsensuringthat,inthesafely removed from the ship andwith international shipments, case of a vessel serving in thetested, with results immediately U.S.coastwisetrade,acargoavailable. If they test positive for ship should not be quarantined. COVID-19, the company wouldmoving global supply chainRobertsconveyedasimi- then implement plans for remov-larmessagetomembersofing and testing /quarantining the theHouseTransportationandrest of the crew and disinfectingAmerican ports in the Great Lakes-St. Law- vitaltokeepingcommerceflowingwithoutdis-InfrastructureSubcommitteethe ship so that it can be safelyrenceSeawaysystemrecordparticularlynote- ruption in order to support North Americas agri-onCoastGuardandMaritimeandpromptlyreturnedtoser- worthy increases in project cargo as they advancecultural, manufacturing, construction, energy, and Transportation during a hearingvice with a new crew. This is thetheglobalsupplychain,tradingwith22coun- miningindustries,saidCraigH.Middlebrook, on May 29th. safest and most efficient way oftries during the first two months of the navigationDeputy Administrator of the U.S. Saint Lawrence Hisconcernswereechoedproceeding, ensuring that a crewseason. Year-to-date total tonnagefrom the open- Seaway Development Corporation.by Jennifer Carpenter, presidentmember with suspected COVID- ing of the St. Lawrence Seaway on April 1, 2020 & CEO of the American Water- 19 quickly receives needed care,through May 31, 2020is situated at 7.7 millionw inde nergYC omponentss oaring atways Operators (AWO) who alsofellow crew members are prop- metric tons (mt), down 10.2 percent compared toa meriCang reatL akesp ortstestified at the May 29th hearing. erlyisolatedandquarantined,this time last year. With an increased focus on commodity diver-and the ships providing essentialIn times like these, it is reassuring to see oursification through project cargo, international ship-a voidp LaCingv esseLs at services to American consumersportsintheGreatLakesSt.LawrenceSeawaymentsofwindenergycomponentsintheGreat a nChorage and businesses are allowed safelySystemworkinghardtokeepthesupplychainLakes region are taking off. During the first two Roberts said that there haveand promptly to resume service. moving. The Great Lakes Seaway marine transpor- months of the 2020 navigation season, shiploads of been two incidents on the WestRobertsalsonoted,Fortu- tation system is critical infrastructure, and remains(ACTIVEcontinued on page 22)Coast where vessels were forcednately,thenumberofsuspected to go into anchorage. In one caseCOVID-19 cases involving Amer-thecrewmembertestednega- ican mariners has been relatively tive:Onevesselwithasus- low.Whensuchcasesdoarise, pected case was sent to anchor,however,thequestionbecomes whereahealthcareworkerhow to effectively manage those delivered by pilot boat climbedcases given the vital role of mari-onboardandadministeredatimetransportationinAmerica. COVID-19test.ThespecimenWebelievethereisageneral was rushed to the lab and wasunderstanding on this subject, but fortunately negative. Only thenan urgent need to clarify and rein-was the ship allowed to proceedforce the message.to berth.Roberts said the decision tod iFFerenta pproaChes tosend the vessel into anchorageC ruisev ersusC argowhile testing mariners is caus- He explained that the pro-ingmajordelaysinvitalsup- tocolsimposedbytheCoast plies to people and businesses,Guard and the CDC were first Ifthereisaconcernaboututilized as a result of outbreaks infection,theshipshouldbethatoccurredoncruiseships allowed to berth. In the Unitedand continued to be utilized on StatestheberthsatU.S.portscargo ships:arealreadysecurelocationsAcargoshipwith20-25 with strict access requirements.mariners or a fishing vessel with The crew member or members150marinersisverydifferent can be tested and sent to hospi- thanacruiseshipwiththou-tal if necessary Crowley hassandsofpassengersandcrew. an agreement in place for these(UNIFIEDcontinued onThis navigation season brings to light the partnership between the Port of Monroe, Spliethoff Groups Biglift Shipping rules at the Ports of Jacksonvillepage 23) and Ventower Industry, as they move, handle and manufacture wind towers for a GE project in Michigan.'