b'20American Journal of Transportation ajot.comI NtErmodal& l ogIStIcSN EWSCBP and GSA partner with city of PharrOntruck secures 17M euros to expedite cargo inspectionsin funding roundat Pharr Land Port of Entry Ontruck,EuropesleadingwithOGCIClimateInvestments digital road freight platform, hasand the potential to leverage our secured an investment round oftechnology through OGCIs mem-U.S. Customs and Border Protection has part- concurrentlyperformsecondaryinspectionson17 million euros led by OGCIbers will accelerate our ability to nered with the City of Pharr to implement Unifiedimports as part of the UCP program. This jointClimateInvestments(OGCIbuild a new future for logistics in Cargo Processing (UCP) at the Pharr Land Port ofprocessing will expedite the inspection process,CI).ExistingOntruckinves- Europe, one that is efficient, trans-Entry (LPOE). The partnership was managed byreducing wait times and increasing throughput attors, Cathay Innovation, Atom- parent and sustainable. CBPs Donations Acceptance Program (DAP) inthe Pharr LPOE. ico, Idinvest Partners and TotalPratima Rangarajan, CEO of coordination with the General Services Adminis- Pursuant to 6 U.S.C.301a, and more gener- CarbonNeutralityVentures,OGCI Climate Investments, said tration (GSA). ally, the Homeland Security Act of 2002, 6 U.S.C.participatedintheround,withWe are pleased to add Ontruck The City of Pharr donated infrastructure modi- 112etseq.,asamended,CBPandGSAareEndeavor Catalyst joining as atoourportfoliooflow-carbon fications to establish two dry dock bays at the Pharrauthorizedtoacceptdonationsofrealproperty,new investor. solutions.Ontruckstechnology LPOE. The dry dock bays will be used by CBPpersonal property (including monetary donations)OGCI CIs investment willdemonstrates that increased effi-Officers as additionalsecondary inspection baysand non-personal services from private sector andacceleratethedevelopmentofciencycanhaveanimmediate for non-agricultural imports. government entities. Accepted donations may beOntrucks transport network andand substantial impact on reduc-CBPOfficersatthePharrLPOEcannowusedforportofentryconstruction,alterations,technologythroughtheinjec- ingcarbondioxideemissions. workalongsideMexicanCustomsOfficerstooperations and maintenance activities.tion of capital. Ontruck will alsoWe look forward to helping them seek to leverage the expertise andachieve greater scale faster. resources of OGCIs members toSince 2016, Ontrucks first-(CRISIScontinued fromEcuadoraccountsfor96%ofthings being equal, the Philip- achieve a common goal of devel- to-marketinnovationshave page 17) the total banana importsit is apines could challenge Ecuadoroping, implementing and scalingtransformed the logistics indus-COVID-19globaleconomy.near monopolistic exporter. Butforthenumberoneexporterinnovative low carbon solutionstry to create the most efficient Russia and China have becomethereareanumberofthreatsposition within two decades butincommercialtransportation.andsociallyresponsibleplat-importersranked#2and#4facing Ecuadors money crop TR4 represents a real threat toThese industry members includeform for road transport. respectivelyandmanybelieveinNovemberof2019RussianPhilippine aspirations. BP, Chevron, CNPC, Eni, Equi- The startups zero-touch load China will overtake Russia thisagriculturalofficialswarnedOtherCentralAmericannor,ExxonMobil,Occiden- matching of shipments to carriers year,particularlyshouldthethat it might restrict the importnations like Colombia ($1.6 bil- tal,Petrobras,Repsol,Saudihas fully automated 90% of loads domestic production falter (seeof plant products from Ecuador,lion 11% share), Costa Rica ($1Aramco, Shell and Total.in main regions while providing chart).BothBelgiumandtheincluding bananas. The depart- billion 6.4%) Guatemala ($944.5To date, Ontruck has cut thegreaterflexibilityforshippers Netherlandsranked#3and#5ment made this statement aftermillion 6.8% share) and Panamapercentage of kilometres drivenby assuring 100% capacity even [althoughsomestatisticsshowpolyphagous humpback fly was($380million2.6%)expecttobyvehiclesrunningwithoutin urgent situations. This is done the edging out of Belgium] actfound in imported products. Onseetheirexportsincreaseovercargo from 44%the industryusing data algorithms to predict as distribution centers for Euro- December12,theRussiasaidthe next decade but as with allaverageto 19%. This achieve- peak demand, routing shipments peanconsumers,includingthethattheinspectionhadfoundthe major producers the threat ofment, which prevented 728,000tomaximizecarrierutilisation, UKwhichimportsover$745thedangerousinsectinEcua- TR4 looms over any projections. kgsofC02emissionsfromand dynamic pricing to balance million worth of bananas annu- dorianbananasagain,threat- enteringtheatmosphere,con- the marketplace. ally. At this stage, how BREXITeningimports.ButthelargestB ananas BY then umBers solidates the platforms positionInfouryears,thecom-willimpactthebananasupplythreatfacingEcuadorisTR4IntheU.S.thePortofas a market leader in providingpanyhasreinforceditsEuro-chainisanybodysguessbutwhichforthemomenthasntWilmington, Delaware is by farsustainable transport solutions.peanfootprintwithoperations more direct shipments from pro- significantly hurt the 8,000 pro- #1 in the handling of importedWearehonouredtowel- inSpain,theUK,France,and ducers to the UK could well beducers in the country. bananas. In 2019 the Port han- comeonboardOGCIClimatetheNetherlandswithfurther in the cards. ThePhilippines,whichdledover170,000TEUsofInvestmentsasanewinvestor,plans for expansion. The startup eclipsed Colombia, is now thebananas according to data col- saysIigoJuantegui,CEOandispoweredbyanexecutive B ananae xports and number two exporter of bananaslectedbyDescartes-Datamyneco-founderofOntruck.OGCIteam that combines a diversity e Cuador at just under $2 billion in sales(seecharts).Forcomparison,CIsharesourvisiontodriveaofexpertisefromthestart-up Ecuador is a small exporteror about 13% of the market. ByPhiladelphiaandGulfport,step-changeinefficiencyacrossworld,includingfounderswho by international trade standards,farthenumberoneexporterMississippibothhandledoverthe 600 billion trucking indus- have guided companies to suc-but is the king of banana exports.in Asia,thePhilippineshasa65,000 TEUs ranking a distanttryinEurope,andreducethecessful exits together with sea-In2019thecountryexportednatural advantage with proxim- #2 and #3 in banana imports. millions of tons of carbon emis- sonedexecutivesfromlogistic $3.3 billion in banana exports,itytomajormarketsChinaThe impact of the COVID- sions generated by trucks drivingpowerhouses such as Uber, CH roughly 22% of the global total.and Indiathat Central Ameri- 19 pandemic has thus far beenempty each year. Our partnershipRobinson and XPO Logistics. In some cases, like Russia wherecan producers do not share. Allnegligible as the 2020 1st quar-ter statistics for most ports are either up or just slightly off the (BOOMINGcontinued fromthink India will be next. 2019 1st quarter numbers.page 19) SomeofthisdemandmayThe statistics are also true BillionairesIndex.TheRus- prove to be short-lived. Freightfor the banana exports from the siancompanysrevenuemayrates have started to decline, andCentralAmericanexporters. increase by a third this year tothemarketforshippinghealth- For example, Guatemalas 2019 $2 billion, Isaykin predicts. relatedcargomaydropinthenumbers (212,446 TEUs) were second half of the year, Isaykinup over 2019 (198,551). And in e xpandingg eographY said.Still,heexpectsvolumesthe first quarter of 2020 Guate-Theoverallriseinsalesand prices to stay above the pre- malas numbers were up (56,074 hascomeevenassomerev- virus level with fewer passengerTEUS) over the first quarter of enue streams shrink. Shipmentsplanes expected to be flying. 2019 (50,309 TEUs). The trend for the aerospace industry haveSomenewbusinessmaywastrueforothermajorsup-fallen by about a third comparedheraldlastingchangestotheplierslikeEcuadorandCosta with last year, Isaykin said. world economy. While his car- Rica while Honduras, Colombia Medical goods now accountrierisshippingpigstoChina,and Mexico were slightly down. for more than half of global airits also ferrying assets the otherOverall, banana imports were up freight, with e-commerce cargoway.Thecompanyrecently140,130 TEUs in QTR 1 2020 to for firms like Amazon.com Inc.transportedaproductionline135,586 TEUsin2019QTR1, and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.formakingmaskstoRussiasdespitetheCOVID-19impact another growing category. Tatarstan region from China. on the U.S. economy.Volga-DneprsfootprintisAninterestingtrendisThebusinessofbananas also shifting, Isaykin said. gaining traction nowwe call itlooksstrongeveninareces-Thegeographyofourthe medieval period of the 21stsion.Stillthequestioniswill shipments is expanding, follow- centurywhenstrategicallybananaexportswiltifTR4 ing the spread of coronavirus,importantproductionfacilitiesbegins to have a major impact Isaykinsaid.Wejuststartedarebeingrelocatedtoreduceon the Central American planta-shipping Chinese medical goodsdependence on China, Isaykintions and as Desai said, nothing toAfricaandaregettingfirstsaid. I am expecting this trendis as offensive as the death of inquiries from Latin America. Ito accelerate toward year-end. bananaplantations.Ontruck is Europes leading digital road freight platform.'