b'aUgUsT 24 - sePTeMber 13, 2020MaritiMe Section 13Enstructure acquires Port Canaverals Ambassador Services, Inc. and entersMEXPRESS& SSoutheast US market 200 MYSTIC AVENUEMEDFORD, MA 02155 Enstructure, a bulk terminals and logistics com- our logistics network into the Southeast and pursue (781) 395-8772/87pany, announced the acquisition of Port Canaveral,additional growth opportunities together. Fax (781) 395-7319Florida-based marine terminal operator AmbassadorFoundedin1994,Ambassadorhandlesa Services, Inc. (Ambassador). With this acquisition,diverse mix of commercial cargo, bulk and break-Enstructure enters the high-growth Florida marketbulk products including lumber, fertilizer, slag, salt,Container-LTL Bonded U.S. Customs Carrierthrough a partnership with Ambassadors best-in- perishables, newsprint, wood pulp and other spe- Piggyback Coverageclass management team who have a proven trackcialty cargoes, including aerospace parts and mili- Radio Dispatchedrecord of delivering exceptional customer service.tary equipment. With an experienced workforce ofConsolidation-Distribution Bonded Container Freight StationAmbassadorwillcontinuetooperatewithBriannearly 200 employees, Ambassador prides itself onPrivate Chassis FleetHubertasPresidentandunderthename Ambas- its on-site inspection, processing, and tracking, andFully Insured Overwidth/Overheight Loadssador Services International, LLC. In addition, Mr.delivering logistics solutions to its customers.Hubert will become a partner with Enstructure. ThisWeareproudofAmbassadorslegacyof strategic acquisition further expands Enstructuresproviding our customers with efficient and reli- Daily Service Port of Bostongeographicterminalnetwork,establishingaflag- able transloading solutions, including marine, rail,Serving: Conn., Maine, Mass., N.H., ship terminal operation in the Southeast. Existingand truck services, said Brian Hubert, President Enstructure and Ambassador customers will benefitof Ambassador. As part of the Enstructure familyRhode Island, Vermontfrom a broader dry, liquid and breakbulk terminalof companies, our customers will now have accessAlso Serving Logan International Airportnetwork on the East Coast and Inland River Systemto Enstructures entire terminal network, and we of the United States. Additionally, Enstructure willlook forward to exploring new growth opportuni-expand its service offering to include cold storageties through the partnership. (RISKcontinued fromsealevelacceleration,drown-and cruise line porter services. Ambassador hosts one of the largest cold stor- page 12) ingoccursinabout50years. Ambassador Services has a long history ofagefacilitiesontheSoutheastcoastandoffersmarsh drowning occurs within aMostconcerningisthatthe providingexceptionalcustomerservicethroughexpansive indoor and outdoor storage. Given Portfew centuries. Because present- present-dayrateofglobalsea-a wide range of cargo handling and storage solu- Canaveralsproximitytoessentialdistributionday rates of global sea-level riselevel rise already exceeds the 3 tions, said Matt Satnick and Philippe De Mon- channels and key Central Florida markets, Ambas- already surpass this rate, submer- millimetersperyearthreshold tigny, Co-CEOs of Enstructure. We are excited tosador is strategically located as the regions pre- gence of the remaining15,000and drowning of the remaining partner with the Ambassador team to further expandmier terminal and logistics company. km2(squarekilometerswhichmarshland in coastal Louisiana equals5791squaremiles)ofseems unavoidablemarshland in coastal Louisiana isHe added: Our work was probably inevitable. RSL-drivenwith past sea level, not current. tipping points for marsh drown- The current rate of sea level rise ingvarygeographically,andis 3.3 millimeters per year. What thosefortheMississippiDeltawe found is that when the rate maybelowerthanelsewhere.of sea level rise reaches 6-9 mil-Nevertheless, our findings high- limeters per year wetlands dis-light the need for considerationappear within 50 years. We are oflongertimewindowsinheading in that direction but are determining the vulnerability ofnot there yet.coastal marshes worldwide. Gonzalezexplainedthe b acKGround methodology:Wetookadif-ferent approach in this study and JuanGonzalez,oneofthelookedatthesedimentrecord reports authors, is an Associateusing an unmatched data set con-Mainsail 10 went live at Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT) in Panamathe first deployment of the TOs. ProfessorofGeology,Schoolsistingof1,000sedimentcores ofEarth,Environmentalandfrom the Mississippi Delta. This (MARCHEScontinued frominformationacrossitsopera- being able to be present on-site. Marine Sciences at The Univer- allowed us to look at how coastal page 4) tions,withouthavingtomakeOverall, terminals through- sity of Texas - Rio Grande Valley. wetlandsrespondedtoawide Thomas terminal enables links toanyadditionalinvestmentsinouttheworldaremovingfor- Inaninterview,Gonzalezrange of sea level rise scenarios ports in the U.S. and Canada toITsupport.Duetorestrictionswardwithimplementingmoreexplained toAJOT: The mainover the past 8,500 yearsthe Virgin Islands and operatesinplacefromCOVID-19,thedigitalization,equipmentauto- finding of this study is that once at around 97,000 TEU annually.go-livewassuccessfullycom- mation, electrification and flex- a threshold of 3 millimeters ofm anmadeT hreaTsThesmallterminalwasfacingpleted via remote assistance andibilities of terminal operations. RSLriseisexceeded,wide- Gonzalezsaysthenatural numerousoperationalchal- because of Octopis cloud-basedNew TOS is coming onlinespreadmarshdrowningoccursprotectionsoftheLouisiana lenges and needed to modernizeplatform with built in KPI dash- daily and the move to full ter- withinafewcenturies.Whencoast have been undermined by and chose Octopis TOS SaaS toboard, the project team was ableminalautomationisnolongerrates increase to 6-9 millimetersman-made levees and ship chan-givetheterminalstakeholdersto get live updates and be traineda generation away, but rather anper year, a likely scenario in thenels:Historicallysuspended visibility and access to real-timequickly on the TOS, despite notinevitability. next century, under the currentsediments and flooding coming downtheMississippiRiver flowedintotheDeltaregion andreplenishedmarshlands thatactedascoastalbarriers. Unfortunately,theconstruction ofleveesinrecentyearsbuilt to protect against flooding and deepeningofshipchannelsto improve navigation have chan-neled river sediments away from theDeltaanddirectlyintothe Gulf of Mexico.Thereportdescribesthese effects:Coastalmarshesare amongthemostvaluableeco-systems on the planet, yet there iswidespreadconcernabout their sustainability due to accel-eratedsea-levelriseandother human-induced stresses.Theresult,Gonzalezsays, isthatastormsurgeorhur-ricanecouldhitNewOrleans and without coastal barriers the city could be lost. Baton Rouge, upriverfromNewOrleans, would also be in bad shape and customs brokers&freight forwarders could be lost: We must act now toupgradethenaturalbarriers ofmarshesandwetlandsthat www . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041 protect New Orleans and Baton Rouge or they will have to pick up and leave.'