b'aUgUsT 24 - sePTeMber 13, 2020NOrth AmericAs trANsPOrtAtiON & LOGistics NewsPAPer5Did someone just hit the pause button?After a considerable lead-up to the August 15 thinitial review of Phase 1 of the greatest and biggest trade deal between China and the U.S., the review was postponed just like someone hit the pause button on the remote. By George Lauriat, AJOTLastSaturdayAugustTiananmen Square in 1989. It 15thChinaandtheU.S.would, by all outside appear-negotiatorswereallsettoances, seem there are enoughChina reviewthefirstsixmonthsbullet points of disagreement of Phase 1 of the new tradebetweenthetwosuperpow-deal.Theinitialreviewerstofillthemagazinesof of the deal which came intoa dozen AK-47s. But in thetrade force on February 15th wouldmidstoftherisingtension determine whether China hadbetweenWashingtonand fulfilleditsobligationstoBeijing,someoneseemsto purchaseU.S.goodspar- have hit the pause button and2020ticularly agricultural exports.the question is why?Itwaswellestablished(PAUSEcontinued on thatChinahadfallenwellpage 7)short of the purchases needed forcompliancewiththe Phase 1 of the agreement, $77 billion over the 2017 import total.Andgiventherecent escalation of discord between Washington and Beijing over suchissuesasHongKong, Uighursandhumanrights, Covid-19,intellectualprop-erty rights, technology theft, investment,andtheSouth China Sea passage, the fail-ureofhittingthePhase1 goals set up a made to order opportunityfortheTrumpAS ONE, WE CAN. Administrationtoyetagain admonishChina,settingoffONE DELIVERS YOUR EVERYDAYanotherroundofrecrimina-tions.Afterall,inJanuary, shortlyafterthedealwasWith weekly liner services to all major trade lanes around the world, inked, U.S. Trade Represen-tative Robert Lighthizer said,Ocean Network Express (ONE) o\x02ers customers a superior level of service and on Fox Business news to Louconvenience when it comes to Trans-Pacic shipments between Asia and Dobbs,Weretough,hardNorth America. This is further complemented by an ongoing eet expansion program people, and we expect themand the use of enhanced operational and service technologies, through which ONE is to live up to the letter of thebetter equipped to connect with customers now and in the future.law,Adding,Wellbring cases.Wellbringactions against them if they dont, but for right now, this is a really, really big agreementa huge step forward.But surprisingly, over the weekend there was no cabi-net level appearances on Fox Businessortweetstormson Twitter as both sides instead agreedtodelaythereview citingschedulingconflicts and presumably adding more time for China to buy more U.S. goods. Andreportedlynonew date for the initial six-month review was set between U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer,U.S.Treasury SecretaryStevenMnuchin andChineseVicePremier Lui He, leaving the compli-ance time frame open.P lumbinG TheG aPSo,whathappenedon Saturday during a lull in the news cycle? U.S.relationswiththeOcean Network Express(North America) Inc. 8730 Stony Point Parkway, Richmond, VA 23235PeoplesRepublicofChina areatalow-perhapstheCustomer Service ( 844 ) 413 - 6029www.one-line.comlowestsincetheperiod immediatelyfollowing'