b'aUgUsT 24 - sePTeMber 13, 2020China trade9(RISINGcontinued from page 8) thanthoseofcongestion-plagued exports from Nansha include a widecompetitors, and Hong Kongs pres-range of seafood. entlyprecariouspoliticalsituation Amongfreshcargosalreadyadds to incentives for shippers to turn enjoying expedited customs clearanceto Nansha.andrapidtransittomarketviaPort ofNanshaarecherriesfromChileG eoGraPhYf avorsP orT ofand citrus fruits from the U.S. Westn anshaCoast. The addition of the new coldInadditiontobeingclosestto chainlogisticshubpromisestofur- Guangzhous Jiangnan Fruit Market, ther enhance productive service levelsPort of Nansha is in an increasingly anddramaticallyexpandopportuni- preferredgeographicalpositionas ties through integrated one-stop offer- manufacturingandpopulationcon-ingofsuchfunctionsasinspection,tinuetomigratetothewestsideof storage, processing, repackaging andSouthChinasPearlRiverDelta, distribution,allwithinspecifictem- where Nansha remains the only deep-perature-maintained environments. watercontainerport.Thisdynamic Thecoldsupplychainhaslongregion includes such vibrant cities as beenunderservedandunderinvestedFoshan, Jiangmen and Zhongshan.on a global basis, according to Swartz,Withalongsidedepthof17.4 soheseesthelatestinfrastructuremeters (57 feet), Port of Nansha can endeavor at the Port of Nansha as aeasily accommodate the largest con-much-neededgame-changer,awin- tainer vessels of today and tomorrow. winpropositionbenefitingcargoDedication of the 65-square-kilometer owners and consumers alike. (25-square-mile) island port solely to shipping and logistics, without urban b iGT rucKinGc osTs avinGs conflict,combineswithautomation-o ffered driventechnologicalefficienciestoPort of Nansha and its new cold chain logistics hub are just 90 kilometers (55 miles) from the The three-building first phase of(RISINGcontinued on page 11) Jiangnan Fruit Market in guangzhou (formerly Canton)twice as close as Hong Kong. the cold logistics complex, compris-ing 305,000 square meters (3.3 million square feet), represents an investment of 1.87 billion Chinese yuan (US$260 million) and is to deliver a warehous-ing capacity of 230,000 tons, accord-ing to John L. Painter, chief executive officerofGuangzhouPortAmerica Inc., Port of Nanshas Wyckoff, New Jersey-basedNorthAmericanarm. Thethree-buildingsecondphaseis similar in scope, bringing total invest-menttomorethanUS$500million andoverallcapacitytoawhopping 460,000 tons.John L. Painter, Port of Nanshas North american representative, sees the south China ports cold chain logistics capabilities delivering trucking cost savings of as much as Us$850 per shipment.Thenewmega-warehousehub isnttheonlytrailblazingproject underwayattheGuangzhouPort GroupsPortofNansha.Afourth fullyautomatedmarineterminal bodes to boost the ports contingent ofship-to-shorecranesto78from thecurrent65,whilesoon-to-be-completed on-dock rail access augurs to furnish direct train links to such inlandcitiesasChangsha,Wuhan, Chongqing and Kunming. For temperature-controlled loads movinginlandbytruck,Portof Nanshaprovidescostsavingsofas much as 5,000 to 6,000 Chinese yuan (US$700toUS$850)percontainer comparedwithotherPearlRiver Delta ports, like Hong Kong, accord-ing to Painter. Whats more, Port of Nanshasaffordablelaborcostsand terminalchargesaretypicallyless'