b'4American Journal of Transportation ajot.commentation work involves ret-rofittingandcommissioning hardwareonthecranesand performingrelatedsystem integration work to integrate the solutions with the ports Navis N4 terminal operating system (TOS).MostTOSareaimedat servicingthebigboxtermi-nalswherescaleisthekey operational element. However, Octopi,partofNavis(and Cargotec) TOSisalittledif-ferent,aimingmoreforthe smaller and often diverse cargo Mainsail is highly configurable and customizable, which enables terminalhandlingatmanysecondary operators to create individualized user experiences and ad-hoc reports. ports.InJune,Octopiwent (MARCHEScontinuedofHelsinki-basedCargotec,live at Tropical Shippings St. from page 2) recentlywonacontracttoThomas terminal in the Virgin goingelectric,PortNew- supplythePortofHoustonIslands. After the launch Tropi-arksRedHookTerminalswith a suite of process auto- cal Shipping began evaluating ordered a fleet of ten BYD 8Ymationsolutionsfortheoptions to implement Octopis all-electric yard tractors fromPortsRTGfleet.Theportcloud-basedTOSacrosstheir BYDslocaltruckdealer,isimplementingtheKalmarportfolio of terminals through-Hudson County Motors. ThisSmartMap and Kalmar Smart- out the Caribbean.zero-emissionfleetwillbeStack process automation solu- TropicalShippingsSt. deployedatRedHookTer- tions for its fleet of over 100(MARCHEScontinued on minalsintermodalyardinKonecranes RTGs. The imple- page 13) gT Usa Wilmington took delivery of five rTgs from Konecranes.PortNewark,NJandwill be the largest fleet of heavy-duty electric trucks operatingCoalition of New England Companies for Tradeon the U.S. East Coast. Red Hook Terminals is a versatile intermodal operator that alsoREGISTER NOW!offersstevedoringandcross harborbargeservice,with two separate facilities within the Port of NY/NJ complex.Tos c overs al oT of CONECT PRESENTS THE 19TH ANNUALG roundAlthough the RTGs, GantryNORTHEAST CARGO SYMPOSIUMCranes and other yard equip-ment are what you see work-inginacontainerterminal, VIRTUAL EVENT behind all the movements is the TOS, the Terminal Oper-atingSystems,whichactasTwo Days of Expert Industry EducationNovember 9 & 10, 2020thebrainscoordinating allthetraffic.Asterminals become more and more auto-mated,theintricaciesandTRADE DAY indeed the importance of theMONDAY, NOV. 9, 1:003:30 PMTOS has similarly increased. The reach of the TOS is nowBrenda Smith, Executive Assistant Commissioner, well beyond just the yard andOffice of Trade, U.S. CBP on CBPs trade initiatives is now a fundamental featureCONECT Counsel Peter Friedmann on presidential of the supply chain. election results and impact on trade A good example is Seattle- BCOs and trade attorneys on complianceTrade Day KeynoteTransportation Day Keynote Executive Assistant CommissionerCommissioner Rebecca F. Dye basedTideworks(aCarrixchallenges and interpretations Brenda Smith,Federal Maritime Commissioncompany)Mainsail10.Office of Trade, U.S. CBPRecently,Mainsail 10 wentTRANSPORTATION DAY liveatManzanilloInterna-tionalTerminal(MIT)inTUESDAY, NOV. 10, 1:003:30 PMPanamathefirstdeploy- Rebecca Dye, Federal Maritime Commission,ment of the TOS. The empha- on detention and demurrage sis of the TOS in the globalCONECT Counsel Peter Friedmann on presidential supply chain was purpose-fullyengineeredintotheelection results and impact on transportation Mainsailsystem.MainsailHot topics in ocean shipping for BCOs, Matthew Bock, Peter Friedmann,ishighlyconfigurableandcarriers, and portsTrade Day Chair,CONECT Counsel,customizable which enablesCOVID-19 challenges and opportunities Middleton, Shrull & Bock FBB Federal Relationsterminaloperatorstocreatefor BCOs, carriers, and forwardersindividualizeduserexperi-encesandpowerfulad-hocPLUS:reportsthatmeettheirspe-cificneeds.Additionally,Virtual networking opportunitiesthesolutionintegrateswithCONECT Partner and Sponsor virtual exhibitback-officeaccountingandand display opportunitiesERPsystemsamongother third-party technologies. Total CCS/CES/MES/MCS points: Alison Leavitt, Nicole Uchrin, A great deal of port tech- 5 points for 2 days (2.5 points per day) Transportation Day Co-chair, Transportation Day Co-chair,nology currently being intro-Chafee Scholarship raffle Wine & Spirits Shippers Association Gemini Shippers Associationduced is working with legacy systemsessentially the new TOSisdesignedtoextend thelifeofexistingtermi- PARTNERSHIPS, SPONSORSHIPS AND BOOKLET ADS ARE AVAILABLE!nalequipmentandsystems.Call CONECT at 508-481-0424 or go to CONECT.org for details.Forexample,Kalmar,part NECS_8x10_081720.indd 1 8/17/20 2:21 PM'