b'8American Journal of Transportation ajot.comSPONSORED CONTENTNANSHA, PART OF THE GUANGZHOUPORT GROUP, MOVED OVER 75% OF THE TOTAL 22.2 MILLION TEUS IN 2019Now the 5th Largest Port in the WorldCOST SAVINGS, CONGESTION FREE, CLOSE PROXIMITY TO VENDORSREMEMBER TO INSERT FOB NANSHA INTO YOUR CONTRACTS!KEEPING UP WITH DEMAND DRIVES NEW INITIATIVES: ON DOCK RAIL ACCESS CONNECTING TO THE CHINA NATIONAL RAIL 2021 COMPLETION OF A 4TH TERMINAL - FULLY AUTOMATED 2020 OPENING OF A 9 FLOOR STATE OF THE ART COLD LOGISTICS FACILITY 2021 CONSTRUCTION OF 3X6 STORY BUILDINGS WITH 320,000M3 WITH When completed in mid-2021, Port of Nanshas cold chain logistics mega-warehouse hub is to RAIL-SEA-AIR CAPABILITIES AND VALUE ADDED SERVICES FOR ECOMMERCE offer nearly 500,000 tons of total storage capacity in six buildings, each eight stories high.MODELS-IN OPERATION BY EARLY 2021South Chinas Port of Nansha rising to meet cold chain logistics demand with leading-edge mega-warehouseBy Paul Scott Abbott, AJOTInthewakeofCOVID-19pan-demic shocks, global demand is soar-ing for warehousingin particular for leading-edgefacilitiesmeetingvitalS.CHINA PORT WITH NORTH AMERICA AND EU/UK REPRESENTATIONneeds close to major markets. John Painter Rod Wagoner Johan NanningaSouthChinasPortofNansha,Eastern Region, USA Western Region, USA Europe/UKamong the worlds five busiest con- [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], is rising to meet cold chainFOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT US ONLINE AT PORTOFNANSHA.COMlogisticschallengeswithanultra-modern mega-warehouse complex to encompasssixmassiveeight-story buildingswithacombinedstorage(PAUSEcontinued from page 7) jumped in to bid on the app. The Pres-capacity of nearly 500,000 tons. U.S. would pull out of the deal, Presi- ident has subsequently indicated that The Nansha International Logis- dentTrumpnoncommittallysaid,hes considering banning online retail ticsCentersiteadjoinstheportsWell see what happens. giant Alibaba and others. expanding automated terminal facili- WhatishappeningrightnowisWhateverthe(de)meritsofthe ties and is proximate to the bustlingChris swartz, director of global transportationChina,aftermonthsoftappingthecaseagainstTikTok,theexecutive Jiangnan Fruit Market in Guangzhouand logistics service for aJC InternationalbrakesonU.S.purchases,istryingorder may have the unintended con-(formerly Canton) and key populationInc., envisions Port of Nanshas emergingtomakeagoodfaithshowingorsequencesofentangling Techissues centersthroughoutthePearlRivertemperature-controlled mega-warehouseat least an attempt to alter the politi- with trade in ways the Trump Admin-Delta, from Shenzhen to Hong Kongcomplex as an industry game-changer. caltrajectory.Afterbuyingaroundistrationhadntforeseen.While and Macao. $8.7billioninagriculturalproductsHuaweisconnectiontotheChinese chain logistics been more crucial thanthrough the first half of 2020, theremilitary hierarchy is well documented c omPleTions laTed bYm id -2021 today, Swartz says, citing not only thehasbeenaspateofagexportdealsandthecompanys5-Gbusinessis Withfirst-phasecompletiononimpacts of COVID-19 but also Afri- inrecentweeks.Accordingtotheintrinsically tied to national security target for March 2021, Port of Nan- can swine fever virus and other infec- USDA,Chinahasbookedaroundinterests (as the UK recently decided) shaslargest-in-regioncoldchaintious diseases. 10 million tons of U.S. soybeans forthe same does rise to the same thresh-logisticsinstallation,whileontheshipment for the 2020-2021 market- old for Tik Tok. drawingboardformorethantwos hiPPers eesc omPlex as ing year starting Sept. 1 st . China hasBy forcing a divestiture, the U.S. years,isindeedcomingonlineatav isionarY also agreed to deals for 195,000 tonsis treading down a path that capital-propitious time. Swartz believes the new Nanshaof corn for feed. The energy purchasesistic economies generally oppose and ChrisSwartz,directorofglobalcoldchaincomplexisavisionaryhave also stepped up as China boughtcould destabilize agreements like the transportationandlogisticsserviceinvestment, providing an ideal gate- an average of 4.2 million barrels ofrecent trade deal with China.for AJC International Inc., an Atlanta- way for proteins coming into ChinaU.S. oil in May and June, after a five-basedworldleaderinshippingof the worlds No. 1 importer of suchmonth drought of no U.S. oil buys.c hina , h onGK onG and Theuspoultry and other frozen and refriger- commoditiesattheforefrontofaWhenBeijingannouncedthe ated protein products across six conti- broad spectrum of frozen and refriger- T icKYT echf ouls new National Security Law for Hong nents, is among industry veterans soldated goods from throughout the world.EvenwithanincreaseinU.S.Kong,ittriggeredarapidresponse on the endeavors vast potential. Meanwhile, top temperature-sensitiveimportstherearestillanumberoffrom Washington. The Trump Admin-Neverhassafe,expedientcold(RISINGcontinued on page 9) outstanding issues that could foul upistration announced that Hong Kong the U.S.-China trade deal. The biggestgoods will need to be labeled as made obstacle to keeping U.S.-China tradein China instead of Hong Kong after on even keel is likely to be the TechSeptember 25. Although the goods at war. Since the U.S. put sanctions onthis juncture still remain outside the Huawei over a year ago, the war overU.S. tariffs on China.tech has been heating up. The hostileThe Administration also took the situation isnt just confined to the U.S.step of freezing the U.S. assets of 11 and China but is global in scope but asHong Kong officials including Chief goes the worlds two economic super- Executive Carrie Lam and criminaliz-powers,sogoesthebusiness.Theing their financial transactions within latest salvo came when Trump issuedthe U.S.an executive order (August 14 th ) thatPart of the controversy over the would ban social media app Tik Toksecurity legislation is the extraterrito-and WeChat in 90 days if they werentrial reach of the new lawbasically Port of Nanshas new cold logistics complex is rising in the shadow of the West Pearl riverdivestedbytheirChinese-ownedallowingthelawtobeappliedto a Deltas only deepwater terminal facilities, which already include 65 ship-to-shore cranes and areparentcompanies.Sincetheorderperson of any nationality whether resid-undergoing expansion. was issued Microsoft and Oracle have(PAUSEcontinued on page 11)'