b'10American Journal of Transportation ajot.com(CARNAGEcontinuedWe have absolutely not(UNSTUCKcontinuedtotrackthemovementof from page 8) thefaintest,foggiestideafrom page 9) chassis.Wealsousedata coordinator for the Customshow long its going to take usor moving chassis around. Weforanalyticstoimprovethe Administration of the Nether- tocrosstheborderforroadlook at the fleet as a whole andmaintenance and repair cycle lands. Come next month, Ifhaulage between the UK andoptimize use of the equipmentand to optimize business pro-you dont have the paperworkthe EU, said Buchanan. andforflowandfluidity.cesses, said Wilson.ready, there is no transport. PlanningwillbecomeCCMcurrentlyhas100,000Thenextgenerationof FortheUK,thereisnomuchmorecritical.Next-daychassis under management. technology,currentlybeing more single market, no morecommerce between the EU andIn other chassis pools andtested, uses telematics and sen-inclusion in the EU Customsthe UK is no longer possible.fleets,usersarelockedintosors to report on the condition Union. No more will the Brit- Forthepastquarter-century,contracts and dont have accessofassetssothatequipment ishenjoyeffortlesstravelShallysaid,customershavetootherproviders.CCMsmanagers can get ahead of the andcommercewithinthebeen able to place an order onalternativeprovidesship- repair cycle.Those technolo-EU. Ditto those from the EUMonday,haveitcollectedonpers with numerous options atgies still require some tweak-wanting to enter the UK.Tuesday, and in Italy on Thurs- lower prices, Wilson said. Railing,saidWilson,beforethey Atthemomentwhatday. The days of just-in-timerampoperatorscanchoosemike Wilson, CeO of CCm are more widely deployed.wehaveisaborderthatisdeliveriesareunfortunatelyany chassis on the facility toCCMslessonforthe roughlytheequivalentofgone, said Shally.discharge a container, savingflexibility, competition, greaterindustryasawhole,said catchingaferryfromNewOne of the biggest logis- time and money. That meanssupply, and lower costs.Wilson,isthatthereisan JerseytoNewYork,saidticschangescouldbethefasterloadinganddischarg- Motorcarrierscanuseopportunity for all players in DuncanBuchanan,policymode of transportation. Short- ingoftrains,quickerrailcarachassisonmultiplecon- themarkettofindsolutions director at The Road Haulageseashippingwillincrease,movements in and out of thetainer moves without havingthataidthesupplychainas Association, the trade associ- manybelieve.Iftruckingramp, and the ability to cut thetounhook,savingtimeandawhole.Itsimportantto ation of logistics handlers inlanesbecomeascongestednumber of chassis required atmoney and promoting safetybroadentheperspectiveto Britain and Northern Ireland.as feared, even airfreight willany given facility.andefficiency.Thattrans- see what works for the greater Were going from that [ease]gain,especiallyintheliveAtseaports,saidWilson,lates into adding truck capac- supply chain, he added. A to a border which is less wellanimal trade. oceancarriersenjoyawideity to a tight supply picture.moreefficientsupplychain developed and has less facili- (CARNAGEcontinued onrangeofchassissupplierstoCCMs technology includescreatesmoreopportunities ties than any of your borderspage 16) choose from, and that promotesseveral apps that allow usersfor everyone.betweentheUnitedStates andMexicoortheUnited States and Canada. We have thousands of people who are going to have to start makingWE KNOWcustomsdeclarationsimme-diately on the 1st of January. And we do not have enough people to do the customs bro-kerage. There is not enough trained staff to do it. PEOPLEduncan buchanan, policy director at The Road Haulage AssociationN ewp roCeDUresShippersandcarriers shouldgetbetterasthey becomemorefamiliarwith thenewproceduresandas customs officials gain experi-ence as well. In six months, logisticsprovidersbelieve, data will be automated, meth-ods streamlined. There could well be last-ingchangesinwhatgoods areshipped,howtheyare shipped and to where, how-ever. Gone are the days when shippers in Britain or France could simply load trucks andMexicomadeeasy.expectthemtobedelivered within hours, a system that is both fast and cost-effective. It is a very efficient way oftransiting,butnotifyour cargo and the drivers need to be checked every time, said WimDillen,international development manager, Port of Antwerp.Dillen,whoheads theportsBrexittaskforce, cited the British government, which warned that adding just a few minutes of waiting time for trucks outside the port of1000 Foust Rd., Brownsville, TX 78521(956) 831-45921-800-378-5395Doverwouldleadtotrafficportofbrownsville.comjams that extend miles.'