b'8American Journal of Transportation ajot.comNo-deal Brexit carnage for logistics sector analysis & perspective 20Editors note: At this writing [Dec. 15 th ] the European UnionandtheUnitedKingdomremainatlogger-heads over the terms of Brexitthe UKs separation from the EU. What is clear is that with or without anagreementthetransitionperiodwillendon December 31 st2020 and the EU and UK will separate. By Matt Miller, AJOTEuropean Union and Britisheleven months. The UK actu-negotiators continue last-ditchallylefttheEUinJanuary efforts to fashion a free-tradethisyear.January1,2021, pact.Otherwise,theUnitedmarksaharddeadline.In Kingdomwillstartthenewterms of customs inspections, year with what is called a no- goods moving into and out of dealBrexit,anightmareofBritain from the EU will be tariffs-laden trade that wouldtreated the same as if they are battertheUKeconomyandtravelingtoothercountries depress commerce in Europeoutside the EU. There is no as a whole. Plan B. There is no couldnt Butevenifthereisait be something different?, tradedeal,itdoesntmeansaid Roel vant Veld, Brexit thatshippersandtheircus- (CARNAGEcontinued on tomers,transportoperatorspage 10) At the Port of dover, trucks will be placed on ferries and transported across the Channel without drivers.andfreightforwardersare homefreenextmonth.Far from it.Expect the worst on Janu-ary 1, and for months to come.Its going to be carnage, saidTonyShally,managing director of Espace Europe, an asset light logistics company based in Lichfield, Britain.Withenforcedborders comedelays,regardlessof whetherornotgoodscan enterduty-free.Controls, howeverexpeditedtheyare fashioned,meanthatvehi- AS ONE, WE CAN. cles,theircargoandtheir driversmustbechecked.ONE DELIVERS YOUR EVERYDAYCustoms must be cleared.SystemslinkingtheUK and the rest of the EU, which have run pretty much seam- With weekly liner services to all major trade lanes around the world, lessly and effortlessly for theOcean Network Express (ONE) o\x02ers customers a superior level of service and past 27 years, are being over- convenience when it comes to Trans-Pacic shipments between Asia and hauled. Everyone in logisticsNorth America. This is further complemented by an ongoing eet expansion program and trade will face new regu- and the use of enhanced operational and service technologies, through which ONE is lations and procedures. Infra-structure and operations willbetter equipped to connect with customers now and in the future.be bludgeoned. Itwillcauseimmense disruptionwithinthesupply chain, said Aidan Flynn, gen-eralmanageroftheFreight Transport Association Ireland.N op laNBAno-dealBrexitwould wipe7.6%offBritains GDP over the next 15 years, according to the British gov-ernmentsownconservative estimates,whileBrexitwith freetradewouldresultina declineofabout5%.The Covid pandemic will cost the UK an additional 2% in GDP.Covid-relatedupheavals have occupied the attention of most businesses, which have onlyrecentlyturnedtheir attention to Brexit. The British government has been guilty of foot-dragging as well. Confu-sion has compounded private-sector inertia. Exportersarentready. Importers arent ready. Equip-mentsystemsarentready.Ocean Network Express(North America) Inc. 8730 Stony Point Parkway, Richmond, VA 23235European haulers arent ready, said Shally. Customer Service ( 844 ) 413 - 6029www.one-line.comTurmoilwilltakeplace, despite a transition period of'