b'deCembeR 21, 2020 - jANuARy 24, 2021 NOrth AmericAs trANsPOrtAtiON & LOGistics NewsPAPer 19(CHARGEcontinued from page 14) (CHARTcontinued from page 14)Estimates are all over the place. But one71 Maverick USA North Little Rock, AZ Private LTL/TL www.maverickusa.comCaliforniagovernmentstudytwoyears back pegged the cost of an electric bus72 Daylight Transport Long beach, CA Private LTL/expedited www.dylt.comcharging station at $250,000. 73 Central Freight Lines Waco, TX Private LTL www.centralfreight.comAccording to Roeth, the first fleets to74 Oak Harbor Freight Lines Auburn, WA Private LTL www.oakh.comembrace zero-emissions trucks will likely beconsumer-facingbrands.Notonly75 Wilson Logistics Springfield, mO Private TL www.wilsonlogistics.comdo electric trucks project an environmen- 76 Bill Davis Truckingbatesville, AK Private TCL www.billdavistrucking.comtallypositivemessagetothepublicand77 Duncan and Sons Lines Phoenix, AZ Private TL/LTL www.duncanandson.comwill help in shareholder issues, their fleets are more manageable, since trucks travel78 Raven Transport jacksonville, FL Private TL/Intermodal www.raventransport.comrelativelyshortdistanceseachdayfrom79 RJR Transportation el Paso, IL Private TL/LCL/TCL www.rjrtransportation.comdistribution centers to retail outlets such as80 Koch Cos. minneapolis, mN Private LTL/Flatbed/TL www.kochtrucking.comsupermarkets and return to depots at night. Its no coincidence that PepsiCo and81 OutWest Express el Paso, TX Private expedited Freight www.outwestexpress.comAnheuser-Busch have high visibility proj- 82 S&S Transport Inc. Grand Forks, Nd Private TL/LTL www.sstransport.comects and that theyve both placed substan- 83 Hirschbach Motor Lines dubuque, IA Private TCL www.hirschbach.comtial orders for zero-emissions semis.However, some logistics companies84 Horizon Freight Lines Cleveland, OH Private TL/LTL www.horizonfreightlines.comareactiveaswell.NFI,forexample,85 Itz-Ohlson Topsfield, mA Private dray/Intermodal www.itz-ohlson.comwants to be an early adapter and is com- 86 Nussbaum Transportation ServicesHudson, IL employee Owned TL www.nussbaum.committed to electrifying its fleet because, as Biem said, its the right thing to do.87 Halvor Lines Superior, WI Private TL/LTL www.halvorlines.comNFI executives have stated in the past88 McFarland Truck Lines, Inc Austin, mN Private TL/LTL www.mcgfti.comthat they want between one-third and one- 89 Givens Transportation Inc. Chesapeake, VA Private TL/expedited www.givens.comhalf their fleet, which currently stands at morethan4,000tractors,tobeelectric90 Standard Forwarding east moline, IL Private LTL www.standardfowarding.comby the middle of this decade. According91 Eagle Express Line Homewood IL Private TL/TCL www.eagleexpresslines.comto Biem, that timetable has been pushed92 Colonial Cartage Corp. Kennesaw, GA Private TCL www.colonialcartage.combackbymanyfactors,notablybattery technology,whichisntprogressingas93 Colonial Freight Systems Knoxville, TN Private TL/LTL www.cfsi.comquickly as expected.94 Columbian Logistics Network Grand Rapids, mI Private 3PL www.columbianlogistics.comPocketsofadaptationwillhappen.95 Continental Expedited Services Clarksville, TN Private expedited Freight www.continentalexpedited.comBiemcitedNFIsSouthernCalifornia drayage operations, where both the Daim- 96 Lily Transportation Corp. Needham, mA Private TL/LTL www.lily.comler and the Volvo rigs are being tested.97 McLeod Express decatur, IL Private LTL www.mcleodexpress.comGenerousgovernmentincentivesatthe98 M&W Logistics Group Nashville, TN Private 3PL www.mwlginc.comlocal and state level make these possible. NFI now operates a fleet of 65 rigs99 John Christner Trucking Sapulpa, OK Private TL www.jclogistics.comthat move between the ports of Los Ange- 100 Ward Transport & Logistics Corp. Altoona, PA Private LTL www.wardtlc.comles and Long Beach and warehouses in Chino,intheInlandEmpire.Itsabout 140milesroundtrip,whichmeansthe(CONUNDRUMcontinued fromand delivery-airport excellence and cargoto more than 170 countries.eCascadia,forexample,can,withoutpage 16) for American. While distribution needsWhiletransportingvialsfromtheir recharging, make one round trip, but notdaily.Butestimatesarethatanywherecontinue to evolve, a team approach willpoint of manufacture to a major hospital two. Recharging expended batteries takesfromone-thirdtotwo-thirdsoftheseensure that there will be enough air cargoor clinic in a big, developed city is one threehours,whichisfartoolongfortrucks will encounter difficulties with newcapacity to handle demand. thing, the challenge gets steep in emerg-same-day transport. regulations and with systems that have yetAmericanbegantestingvaccineingnations,whereinfrastructureto Regardless, Biem said, that particularto be tested. thermalpackagingandhandlingpro- remote villages and towns may be rickety drayage fleet should be completely elec- Authoritiesarelikelytobeover- cessesonBoeingCo.777-200serviceand unreliable, or even non-existent.tric by 2025. whelmed with not just customs checks, butbetweenMiamiandSouthAmericainUnicef held a call in November with That wont tip the scales in favor ofwith agri-food inspection. All documentsmid-November, according to a companyabout 40 carriers to make plans for the electric semis in California, let alone themust be scrutinized, and upwards of halfstatement.Thecarrierdidntnametheglobal airlift to 92 of the worlds poorest US, but it will help a bit. Others will follow. thefoodshipmentsmustbephysicallypharmaceutical and cargo companies itsnations, for which its leading efforts to checked, according to EU regulations.working with. purchase and distribute Covid vaccines. Officials have yet to instruct shippersWith another 80 higher-income countries (RESILIENCEcontinued from page 15) and transport operators on how long eachs torage thathavechosenittoprocureinocula-to Tuthill the lifespan of a reefer containerinspection will take. So, industry is run- Despitethehurdles,awell-estab- tionstheywillbuy,theagencyseffort generally is 15 years and a dry containerning blind, said Flynn. lished global network for pharmaceuti- will cover 70% of the worlds population.12 and a half. The production of the con- Portsdiversificationandtheusecal distribution should expedite the flowPTGarudaIndonesiawascertified tainer is China centric, although relatedofshort-seashippingrepresentwaystoofdoses.CitiesrangingfromMiami,last month to transport vaccines across a equipment such as gensets are made inbreak the pre-Brexit binds. New short-seaDallas and London, to Liege in Belgium,country that has Southeast Asias biggest various places. routes from Ireland to Santander, Spain,Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore and Incheonoutbreakwithmorethan520,000con-For SeaCube, the assets, the reeferLisbon, Portugal and Zeebrugge, BelgiuminSeoulhavewell-establisheddeep- firmed cases. The nation also presents one container, have a life cycle that corre- have recently been initiated.freeze capabilities. of the toughest logistical challenges, with sponds to their usage. As Tuthill explains,However, ferry routes from Ireland toUnited Parcel Service Inc. has builta population of some 273 million spread So,justtogivesomecontextonhowFrance, which carry trucks, are sporadicfacilities in Louisville, Kentucky, and inacross the worlds largest archipelago.the life cycle of our assets flow. We [Sea- at best. Only two ferries per week travelthe Netherlands with a total of 600 deepSingapore, meanwhile, a close neigh-Cube]have the primary lease, which is thefrom the Irish ferry port of Rosslare tofreezers that can each hold 48,000 vials ofbortosomeofAsiaspoorestnations, firstproductionlease.So,webuynewCherbourg, France. Three ferries a weekvaccine at temperatures as low as minusshouldbeabletotargetadispropor-equipment that goes on a first lease. Andnow travel from Dublin to Cherbourg.80 degrees Celsius. tionate share of the transit, according to lets say that goes out for seven to eightBeginningthefirstoftheyear,aFedEx Corp. has added freezers andAlex Hungate, chief executive officer of years. Then wehave a secondary leasenewdirectlinewillconnectRosslarerefrigerated trucks to its already extensiveground-handlinggiantSATSLtd.The that goes out for anywhere from five totoDunkirk.Thissix-timesaweekser- cold-chain network, and Richard Smith,formerSingapore AirlinesunitisIATA four years and thats out in a secondaryvice will take 24 hours. But it does offerwhos heading up the delivery firms vac- CEIV Pharma certified in Singapore, Bei-lease market. And then the third stage isanoptionfortheIrishfreightlogis- cine effort, has pledged to free as muchjing and Bangalore and is in the process the disposal or the sell status, which istics sector to bypass the land bridge andair and ground capacity as needed. of receiving the designation in Jakarta and when we sell the unit. create a connectivity that we so desper- Delivery firms have experience trans- Kuala Lumpur, he said.Andthereeferbusinessisgettingately need, said Flynn. But its going toporting flu vaccines and medical samples bigger each year. Theres been obviouslytake more than one service to and one newat low temperatures. And both UPS andt hel astm ilesignificant growth in the reefer sector. Andferry operation to solve the issue that weFedEx mobilized earlier this year to flyDelivery wont be just about airlines. if you look at new build vessels now, thenow face. tonsofneededmedicalsuppliesintoCars,buses,trucksevenmotorcycles, plug capacity is much, much higher thantheU.S.whentheshortagewasacute.bicyclesanddonkeysmayberequired it was 10 years ago. If you look at termi- Theyvesincebeencoordinatingwithto get the vaccine to rural areas. In some nal capacity, reefer plug capacity is much,(MISSIONcontinued from page 18) vaccine makers and government officialsplaces, it may need to be carried in by foot.much higher than it was 10 years ago,GmbHs Opticooler RAP climate-controlto prepare for the vaccine rollout. You just dont have deep-freezers Tuthill noted.containers.TheairlinealsoisawaitingWere just waiting until they tell useverywhere,saidAdarPoonawalla, And the lines are investing in reeferU.S.regulatoryapprovalforincreasedtheyhaveavaccinereadyandwewillchief executive officer of Serum Institute because the segment is highly profitableallowablelevelsofdryice,whichisbe ready to go out there and deliver it toof India Ltd., the worlds biggest vaccine and more resilient than the more volatileregarded as a dangerous good, accord- every ZIP code in the U.S., Smith said.maker. Its tied up with five developers, drybox trades.ing to IATA, meaning only about 50% ofWell be ready to deliver it around themaking40milliondosesof AstraZen-The reefer business is also expandingholdspacecannormallybefilledwithworld as well. ecas vaccine so far. The company aims as the refrigerated ships that move cargovaccine shipments packed this way. tostartmanufacturingNovavaxInc.s in bulk are phased out although this yearIf all vaccine producers ship withinr eaChiNg thep oor contender soon.the reefer ships have received somethinga narrow time frame, the situation wouldUnitedNationshumanitarianreliefThesefrozenvaccines,whichare of a reprieve with the high demand forrequire all cargo carriers to be involved,agency Unicef has been recruiting airlineshighlyunstable,thedevelopersneedto perishable freight. said Vittal Shetty, director of innovationinto its vast effort to distribute the vaccinework on stabilizing, Poonawalla said.'