b'deCembeR 21, 2020 - jANuARy 24, 2021e-shipping & freight management 7(APPROACHcontinueddecisions, said Regan.connectsallstakeholdersin from page 4) TakeRyderShare,forreal-time, it has allowed them ourgroceryaccountsprettyexample, a software platformto better plan their back-room much doubled within a matterthat allows shippers and theirlabor, which is critical for a of weeks.We were shiftingcustomers to track shipments.retail operation. drivers and assets from areasRyderShare integrates mul- AreassessmentonDIY who were adversely impactedtiple transportation and ware- logisticsversusoutsourc-by the shut-downs such as tra- housemanagementsystemsingcorrespondstoanother ditional retail and automotiveinto a single, synergistic plat- noticeable trend: fashioning a companies. Regan explained.form.Thisallowsshippers,holistic approach to logistics. This realignment allowed uscarriers, and service providersThat often means an empha-to satisfy record demand andto easily see across the entiresisonintegrationinsteadof keep our drivers moving.supply chain, access real-timecompartmentalizingdiffer-Thismeanteverythingactionableinformation,andentfunctionsthroughsepa-fromtemporarilyprovidingcollaborateinstantaneouslyrate providers. Ryder has the supplemental trucks to privateto prevent exceptions. It alsomeanstoofferthatholisticRyderShare is a software platform that allows shippers and their fleet operators, termed pop- offerskeyfunctionssuchaspathway. Regan cited the part- customers to track shipments by integrating multiple transportation and up fleets, to shifting driversproof of deliveries, exceptionnership with a long-time cus- warehouse management systems into a single, synergistic platform.on existing trucks, sometimesmanagement, and OS&D. tomer (since 1974). For this called transfer drivers. Regan cited a nationwideclient,wehavecontinuedtoLoad.Theseareverydiffer- shippersandlogisticsspe-According to Regan, thehomeimprovementstoreshowthemthevalueRyderentfunctions,butwehavecialistsalikeforyearsand pandemicresultedinmanychainofsmallermomandcanbringtothetableasanshown them how we can driveyearstocome.Thegood shippersacceleratingplanspop stores. They have storeintegrated strategic partner. Inthe right balance of efficiencynews is that because of the relatedtoimprovementsonowners,throughtheRyder- this case, we provide multipleandlevel-of-servicethrough- pandemic,weveprovento transportation- and logistics- Share platform, learn whensolutions including: Distribu- out their supply chain with anbeflexible,agileandturn-relatednetworkdesignsandour truck is coming, is it ontionmanagement,dedicatedintegrated solution. keyinordertomeetour operations.Theymayhavetime, and what is it bringing.transportation, final mile andThe global pandemic willcustomersneeds.Weare beencontemplatingtheseThroughexceptionmanage- transportationmanagementeventually end. And, the les- looking forward to what the changesbefore;COVID-19ment and how RyderShareforbothLTL&Full-Trucksonslearnedwillstaywithfuture brings Regan said. drew them to action. The last three to four months have been as busy from a solutions devel-opmentstandpoint,Regan said,describinganinitial periodofcrisismanagement followed by a reassessment of a customers entire supply chain.Thebiggesttrendthat were seeing with a lot of our customers is that theyre really reconsidering the do-it-yourself model as the risks are just too great, Regan added. A lot of the private, insourced supply chainshaventinvestedin the right level of optimization orvisibilitytoolsordont have the experience to handle somethinglikeapandemic whenthathappenswitha surge or a contraction, these are the folks that are really, truly reassessing.Regan cited an unnamed customer, which is in the midst ofatransport-relatedcrisis. Theyreflyingdriversall over the country because they havevariousdriver-coverage challenges, he said. Ryders responsetothecustomer: Wellleverageourdrivers into your network nationwide, whichwillsavemillionsof dollarsintravelalone.In addition,wellprovidebest-in-classvisibilityandexecu-tion, explained Regan. Furthermore,thecus-tomerunderstandsthatit must also look at future ware-housingande-commerce needs.Theydontwantto necessarily put all their eggs inonebasketwithapro-viderthatcanonlydoone thing.Theywanttopartner withsomebodythatcantie italltogetherwithaninte-grated solution that includes thetechnologynecessary to operate a supply chain in todays environment. Inlogistics,technology is no longer a choice; its a necessity. Data is key. That data is so critical, especially now,becauseyouvegotto beabletoseewhereyour trends are to make informed'