b'deCembeR 21, 2020 - jANuARy 24, 2021analysis & perspective9Digital technologies key to COVIDGetting chassis unstuckvaccine distribution Interoperable gray pool promotes cargo fluidityBut with automation comes increased cybersecurity risk By Peter Buxbaum, AJOTBy Peter Buxbaum, AJOT The availability and posi- As a non-asset based com-tioning of chassis has been apany, CCMs focus is to assure Now that COVID-19 vac- capability requirements andinfrastructure and the shortsticking point that has com- that users have chassis when-cinesarebeingintroduced,standardized formats. expiration dates of vaccines,promised the fluidity of cargoeverandwherevertheyneed the globe is embarking on thesaidLind,alsounderscoreflowstoandfromseaportsthem. We offer expertise and monumental challenge of dis- a irF reightC apaCity theneedforend-to-endvis- and intermodal terminals fortechnology, said Mike Wilson, tribution,ultimatelyintotheThe reliance on air cargoibilityofvaccineshipments.several years.the companys CEO. Wilson is armsoffivebillionormorepresents another set of prob- IncreasedvisibilityandAnumberofsolutions,a former executive at the ocean people around the world. Pan- lems. Air cargo capacity hastransparency of vaccine logis- including proprietary and port- carrier Hamburg-Sd and other demicexperiencehasalreadybecomeinsufficientandticsdata,hesaid,literallywide chassis pools, have beenmembers of CCMs leadership made clear that supply chainsconstrainedthankstopan- equates to more lives saved. introduced, that seek to increaseboast backgrounds in railroads, cancomeunderstrainanddemic disruptions, accordingAll of these factors pointtheavailabilityofchassis. Atequipment leasing, and IT.underperform during times oftoMikaelLind,aprofes- to a requirement for an elec- portslikeCharleston,Tampa,Ourmodelisautility-crisis. The logistics of COVID- sor at Research Institutes oftronicecosystemtofacili- Jacksonville, and Wilmington,style pool, Wilson explained. 19vaccinedistributionwillSweden. There are also mul- tatethelogisticsofCOVIDN.C., and at intermodal hubs inShippersandcarrierscon-presentnewerchallenges,astiple dead spots in the vis- vaccines.Noexistingplat- Atlanta,Charlotte,Memphis,tribute chassis to the pool and the effort will require govern- ibilitychain,notedChrisform covers all the visibilityNashville,Huntsville,Kansaspick up and drop off the equip-ment involvement, high levelsJones,executivevicepresi- needed for a COVID vaccineCity, and St. Louis, Consoli- ment wherever they need to. of transparency, complex datadent at Descartes, because ofresponse,theDHLreportdatedChassisManagementTheyrenotwastingtime exchanges, overcoming capac- theseveralhandoffstypicalnoted,buttherearefive(CCM) operates what it consid- huntingfortherightchassis ityconstraints,anddefensesin air cargo transportation.(KEYcontinued oners to be the state of the art: an(UNSTUCKcontinued on against cyber-espionage.Thelimitedcoldchainpage 12) interoperable gray chassis pool. page 10)Pharmaceuticals factories will be producing the vaccine doses,thenshippingthem by air to distribution centers, afterwhichtheywillreach avarietyofservicepoints suchaspharmacies,hospi-tals, and clinics. Monitoring and maintaining the integrity of the cold chain represents a keyproblem,asthemRNA vaccines being manufactured requiretemperaturesaslow as-80degreesCelsiusto maintain their efficacy. Governmentsarelikely to be the primary customers purchasing the vaccine doses, onereasonwhygovern-mentshavemovedtowards amoreactiveroleinmedi-calsupplychains,noted Katja Busch, chief commer-cial officer at DHL. Govern- In. Out.mentsalsohaveaninterest in mitigating theft, diversion, and counterfeiting, and will, accordingtoarecentreportOn tofromDescartes,demand,that logistics companies pro-videdoor-to-doortracking andvisibilityaswellasthewhatsconditionoftheshipment. Governments must also moti-vate skeptical publics to takenext. the vaccines, another reason for supply-chain stringency.In. Out. On to Whats Next AJOT Half Page 8x 10 No Bleed 2/28/20Title:Pub: Trim Size:Bleed Size:Close Date: Welcome to done.Welcome to what you need, when you need it. North Carolina Ports is more than the port with NCP 14317 - WhatsNext - AJOT - 8x10 - v1.2 NC Ports 14317 InDesign CC 4Cthe fastest turn times on the East Coast. Its also the port with exceptional service, unique logistical solutions, and expanded offerings, like three neo-Panamax cranes, improved intermodal rail service and expanded Client:Job #:App:Colors:refrigerated container capacity. Were File Name: never donending better ways to help you discover the power of DONE. Katja busch, chief commercialLearn how NC Ports delivers officer at dHL the worldfaster. Shipmentvisibilitywill requireextensivedatashar- 800.213.4430 // NCPorts.comingamongstakeholders, whichiswhygovernments, notedarecentDHLreport, needtospecifycleardata-NCP 14317 - WhatsNext - AJOT - 8x10_1.2_mech.indd 1 1/31/20 2:04 PM'