b'14American Journal of Transportation ajot.comai160079800013_Heavy Load.pdf 1 9/22/2020 2:06:40 PM(INKINGcontinued from page 11) London and the wind project devel-Authority and port operator Gatewayopers is a long-overdue restructuring Terminal, the city is expected to real- of payments to New London that is izemorethan$1,000,000peryearmuchfairertothetaxpayersofthe fortheinitialseven-yearperiod.Ifcity,CongressmanJoeCourtney the joint venture receives additionalsaid.Ivebeeninfrequentcontact awardsfromthestatetoproducewith Mayor Passero over the last six more energy, the city will continue tomonthsregardingrailaccess,ferry receive $1,000,000 annually in yearsnavigation,andcitycompensation. eight, nine, and ten. The city can alsoHis tenacity on fair compensation is receive up to an additional $750,000justifiedbecauseofthecrucialcity annuallyontopofthatifthejointsupport to the State Pier, such as police venture attains certain bid levels. Theand fire services, public works, snow city has worked tirelessly to reach anplowing,andmore.Ibelievethere agreementthatbenefitsthetaxpay- needed to be a compromise that brings ers of New London as the host citypeopletogether,andthatwillfoster for the State Piers use for offshorestability and certainty, as opposed to wind development. It is exciting forendless litigation. New London is the thecitytopartnerwiththestatonbeating heart of our regions maritime itscommitmenttoincreasingcleaneconomy, and this deal will ensure it CrenewableenergyforConnecticutsees a greater benefit from this proj-residents,andwelookforwardtoectonethatitsresidentsdeserve. MeconomicgrowthopportunitiesforI also want to applaud the efforts of YNewLondonandtheregionasthelocal legislators to stabilize the pilot CMoffshore wind industry continues toprogram, which is also critical to clos-MYgrow. I would like to thank Gover- ing the remaining revenue gap of this nor Lamont for his leadership on thistax-exempt parcel. CYimportant project, and for his com- rstedandEversourcebelieve CMYmitment to New London and South- that the City of New London can be Keast Connecticut. anepicenterfortheoffshorewind Should the Eversource and rstedindustryintheNortheastandare joint venture win additional offshoreeagertobuildastrongpartnership wind procurement awards from Con- with the city and the region by ensur-necticut,theagreementincreasesingithasthetoolsandresources payments up to $1.5 million per yearneeded to grow alongside this emerg-retroactively to year three regardless ofing industry, David Hardy, CEO of the year the award is received. Thesersted Offshore North America, said. payments are retroactive, meaning theSinceannouncingthefinalHarbor CityofNewLondonwouldreceiveDevelopmentAgreementwiththe themaximuminvestmentregardlessstateandotherpartnerslastyear, of when the increased activity thresh- wehaveworkeddiligentlywiththe olds are met. mayor and his team to build a strong Todays announcement of a newHost Community Agreement that puts agreement between the City of New(INKINGcontinued on page 16)marylandports.com | 1.800.638.7519 |Governor Larry Hogan MDOT Secretary Gregory Slater MDOT MPA Executive Director William P. DoyleUS Imports of Finished SteelCountry Jan. 21 Dec. 20 1/21-12/20 Jan. 20 Y 20/21 Y 21 Y 20 Y 21/20Prelim Final %Chg 1Mo. % Chg Annual 1Mo. % ChgSo. Korea 131 222 -40.8 182 -27.8 1577 2015 -21.7Turkey 82 14 497.8 51 60.7 978 562 74.1SAVE SAVE Japan 46 56 -17.2 76 -39.4 555 767 -27.6TIME & MONEY Brazil 42 39 7.9 89 -53.2 501 504 -0.7UAE 31 12 152.3 25 26.1 372 255 45.9Taiwan 28 43 -34.9 43 -34.6 337 573 -41.2China 26 26 0.2 26 -2.9 308 376 -18.2Vietnam 25 11 122.7 27 -9.5 296 314 -5.6DIRECT ACCESSTRADING INBULK, BREAK BULK,SEAMLESS SUPPLYAll Others 829 918 -9.7 1,129 -26.6 9,946 10,773 -7.7INTO ALL OF NORTHOVER 50 GLOBALLIQUID & CHAIN WITH A AMERICA MARKETS SPECIAL CARGO CONNECTED NETWORK Total 1,239 1,340 -7.5 1,648 -24.8 14,871 16,139 -7.9Source American Iron and Steel InstituteSIMPLE.(SPIKEcontinued from page 10) demic saw a tightening of steel sup-COMPETITIVE.anotherfactorthatbodeswellforplies,asituationwhichislikelyto steeldemand.TheBidenadminis- reverse. For example, there has been CONNECTED. trationhasproposedspending$2recent increases in U.S. of orders for trillion to invest in clean energy andimported steel, after a 21.2% drop last rebuild infrastructures such as roads,year, despite the former Trump admin-bridges,watersystems,electricityistrations25%Section232tariffs, grids, and broadband networks. which are still in place. That would EUROPE U.S. MID-WEST Overseas, China is seeing a strongindicatethatforeignmillscanoffer TO SPECIAL CARGOTO recoveryinconstruction,manufac- savings to U.S. buyers over domestic U.S. MID-WEST ICON/BADGE NORTH AFRICA turing, and government spending onprices even with the tariffs and ship-infrastructure. This year, said Tamaraping costs. But the same increase in Lundgren,CEOofSchnitzerSteelimport orders also shows that buyers Industries,arecycledsteelmanu- dontseedomesticpricestakinga SHIP WITH US TODAY facturerbasedinPortland,Oregon,plunge anytime soon. couldseeChinasre-emergenceasWith supply increasing and demand an importer in the global ferrous scrapspiking, a price increase doesnt appear market. Meanwhile, Indias domes- on the immediate horizon. Current con-tic steel consumption rose at all-timeditions, according to Zacks, are likely rates in January. tocontinuelendingsupporttoHRC Ontheotherhand,thepan- prices over the near term.'