b'MARCH 8 - 21, 2021BREAKBULK QUARTERLY 15US Imports of Steel Mill Products in US DollarsCountryDec 2020 Jan 2021 Canada$357,331,528 $463,640,285Mexico$172,695,953 $237,120,115Brazil$28,814,983 $373,612,320 The Pioneer of Integrative Solutions on Land and Sea. Korea$165,031,017 $102,117,612Germany$92,246,008 $44,143,133Japan$76,156,627 $65,697,393Taiwan$45,461,002 $35,469,079China$33,611,281 $33,013,021Italy$28,731,157 $32,454,263Netherlands$57,891,919 $3,251,092Sweden$32,162,843 $13,086,620United Kingdom$26,083,880 $10,639,651Austria$18,449,700 $17,993,144Turkey$7,360,423 $34,075,774Russia$2,395,507 $39,672,254Vietnam$10,842,064 $20,120,211Spain$18,464,212 $5,539,052France$17,789,029 $12,603,460India$15,505,487 $14,875,046 Stevedoring Australia$14,044,929 $3,564,606 Maritime & Logistics United Arab Emirates$8,747,049 $16,886,166 Quarry Owners & Operators Romania$982,958 $7,796,179 Tug & Barge Marine Towing Thailand$2,978,062 $5,874,144 Property & Port Management Belgium$4,288,292 $4,066,795 General & Marine Construction Czech Republic$3,477,686 $868,401South Africa$3,217,323 $10,026,183Argentina$4,825,259 $7,410,711Ukraine$7,600,277 $5,166,629Slovenia$4,595,549 $2,788,408Luxembourg$4,098,231 $1,042,228Finland$3,515,733 $3,151,366 www.carvercompanies.com Dominican Republic$2,813,429 $2,966,732Indonesia$1,790,047 $1,924,297Switzerland$2,162,771 $1,905,091Portugal$2,381,081 $2,451,840 (PUSHcontinued from page 10) of Environmental Improvement Rev-Saudi Arabia$912,292 $854,130 increase hydrogen usage up to 70% andenueBonds,theproceedsofwhich Oman$2,228,386 $2,354,909 reduce over one-million metric tons ofwillpartiallyfundworkonanew Belarus$1,612,883 $1,409,083 greenhouse gas emissions per year. Thelow-emissionelectric-arcfurnaceat company, Goncalves added, will evalu- its Fairfield works. The new electric-New Zealand$203,371 $19,937 ate partnering with hydrogen producersarc furnace recycles scrap steel as its Greece$140,418 $47,849 toreplacenaturalgaswhenhydrogenprimary feedstock and uses electric-Guatemala$661,574 $600,237 becomes commercially available in sig- ity for power, said David Burritt, the nificant quantities. companys CEO. Malaysia$703,612 $744,553 Boston Metal, a company founded Slovakia$436,544 $617,031 F undIng Fore nvIronmentallyin 2012 by professors from the Mas-Pakistan$111,578 $712,225 F rIendlyo peratIonS sachusettsInstituteofTechnology Source: US Census In December, United States Steel(MIT), announced in January that it Corporation closed on $63.4 millionhad raised $50 million in funding to accelerateindustrial-scaledeploy-ments of its molten oxide electroly-sis (MOE) technology. MOE reduces ironorewiththeuseofelectricity, enablingareductionprocessthat eliminates CO2 emissions.Steelproductionhasreliedon the same basic formula for millennia, said Tadeu Carneiro, CEO of Boston Metal. Our mission is to supply emis-sion-free steel on a global scale. In February,theBrazilianmultinational mining giant Vale S.A. announced it had invested in Boston Metal.If the ultimate goal is for carbon-neutral steel production, the McKin-seystudysuggeststhatelectric-arc furnacesrepresentthewaveofthe future, but require the availability of scrap and direct reduced iron (DRI). Blast furnaces using iron ore can be mademoreefficientusingalterna-tive reducing agents and carbon cap-ture technology, the report noted, but wonteliminateemissions.Boston Metals MOE process, which poten-tiallyeliminatesemissionsfromthe iron-ore reduction process, could shift that paradigm.'