b'16American Journal of Transportation ajot.com(OPPORTUNITYcontin- open was on a global scale! taineroperatorsgoinginto(INKINGcontinued fromteessignificantrevenueto ued from page 9) the charter market and takingpage 14) the city while wind develop-spent on home improvementm ultIpurpoSeS eCtor onmultipurposetonnageNew London in a position tomentistakingplaceatthe projects and home gym equip- For years now, the Multi- torelievethecurrentshort- growalongsidetheindustrypier,DavidKooris,chair-ment to name a few. purpose Sector has been underage of container space. Thisin Connecticut. We are proudman of the Connecticut Port AlexanderGrahamBellpressure from container; RO/ demand for tonnage has alsoto be the citys partner on thisAuthority, said. coinedthephrasewhenROandbulkcarrierswhoresulted in the rise of averageexciting journey. The HCA is in furtherance onedoorcloses,anotherhavebeenpoachingawaydaily charter rates. Thisisatremendousofthe$157millionpublic-opens; This quote rings truecargoestosupporttheirownIn addition to this recentmoment for the City of Newprivate Harbor Development today.Youcouldalsocallbreakbulkandoutofgaugewindfall of containers comingLondon,JoeNolan,Ever- Agreement(HDA)between ittheCOVIDeffect.Wecargoambitions.Whilethisover to MPP vessels the out- source Executive Vice Presi- the State of Connecticut and tendtofocusontheseverehas certainly had an impact onlook for the sector was alsodentofStrategy,CustomertherstedandEversource impact COVID has wreakedavailablecargovolumesforbeginning to look up again.& Corporate Relations, said.Joint Venture to transform the Eversource and rsted lookState Pier into a modernized, forwardtoourlong-termheavy-lift facility capable of partnershipwiththecityasoperating as a critical part of weworktogethertolaunchthe burgeoning U.S. offshore Connecticutsnextgreatwindsupplychain.Itcoin-maritime industry right herecideswiththeHDAsten-inNewLondon.Theben- year lease agreement that the efits of the redeveloped Statersted and Eversource Joint PierandouroffshorewindVenture signed to utilize the project work at the port willState Pier as a wind turbine serveasaneconomiccata- generatorpre-assemblyand lyst for New London and thestaginghubforatleastthe region, bringing hundreds ofRevolutionWind,Sunrise newjobstotheareawhileWind, South Fork Wind off-alsodeliveringthebenefitsshore wind projects.ontheairlines,hospitality,the MPP segment, it has beenOver the past few year MPPofcleanenergytoCon- IftherstedandEver-diningestablishmentsandrelativelyconfinedtomajorownershavebeenmuchnecticut and beyond. We aresource Joint Venture continue manyotherbusinesses.Atportpairswhenitcomestomore tempered in their new- grateful to the mayor for hisoperationsattheStatePier the same time, we have seencontainercarriers.However,buildorderingwhichhassupportforthisprojectandbeyond the initial terms of the new industries pop up, suchrecentlywehaveseenthenowcreatedamuchcloseroffshore wind and look for- HDA, this HCA provides an as,PPEsupplies,theseareshoe move to the other footbalancebetweencapacitywardtoalong,productiveoption to negotiate additional thelatestadditionstoyourasMPPcarriersarebeingand cargo demand. The windpartnership. paymentsbeyondtheinitial fashionensemble.Andtheapproachedbymajorfor- and renewable energy sectorTheConnecticutPorttenyears.In2019,thecity demandforplexiglassandwardersandshippersoffer- are forecast to remain strong,Authorityisthrilledthatalso signed a revenue-sharing otherbuildingmaterialsining containers for on-carriageandonemustthinkthatoilrstedandEversourcehaveagreement with the Connecti-ordertomakebusinessesthat cannot find their way onprices will rise if the new USreachedafinalHostCitycut Port Authority, which will adapttothenewCOVIDto traditional container ships.administration is able to curbAgreementwiththeCityofbenefit the city as State Pier conditions. The door that didWe have also seen major con- U.S. production. NewLondonthatguaran- sees increased activity.DEPENDABLEPERFORMANCEEVERY SHIPMENTEXPRESS SERVICE FOR OVERSIZE CARGOFeatures: Benefits: Lump sum, all inclusive rates Attractive and predictable pricing Weekly frequency & expedient transit timesDependable and consistent service Port to Port / Door to Port / Door to Door serviceFlexible service Attentive, responsive, and respectfulThe AIL experienceContact us today for your oversize shipment needs!New York:Chicago:San Francisco: 516-829-0647
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