b'MARCH 8 - 21, 2021TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED LOGISTICS TRI-ANNUAL 5(CHARGEcontinued fromGrowers in many other coun- Chile presents model of efficiency page 2) tries, such as Brazil, Ecuador, in2020,itscontainerbusi- Morocco and Spain also ship ness rose seven percent, frominto the Delaware Valley.in vaccine logistics effort598,000 in 2019 to 641,000Representing all the major TEUs.Therehasbeencon- bananacompanies,bananasHow Chiles cool logistics efficiency met the vaccination challenge.sistent growth in TEUs sinceaccount for 44 percent of the 2012,whenthetotalwasaDelawareValleysrefriger- Matt Miller, AJOTmere 88,461TEUs. ated cargo volume. Pineapples, PhilaPortalsoreportswhich often ride aboard bananaOn a first-dose basis, Chile has vaccinatedMuozisamongthoseattheforefront that its sea container volumeships,ranksecondat10%.a larger percentage of its population againstof her countrys effort. At the ripe young age forJanuary-November2020Citrus accounts for seven per- COVID-19 than almost any other country onof 29, the personable transportation engineer rosesixpercent,whilethecent. Grapes and melons bothearth. Only the United Arab Emirates, Israelheads the ministrys air-related logistics, now average change for U.S. EastaccountforfourpercentofandtheUnitedKingdomhaveinoculatedcentered on vaccine distribution. Muoz has Coastportsdroppedthreerefrigerated container volume. more, according to figures compiled at the endbeeninstrumentalindrawingupplansto percent. Philadelphia was theMeatsaccountfor11%of February. With an almost 18% inoculationimplementthatcriticalpartoftheprocess, onlyeasternseaporttoseeoftherefrigeratedcontainerrate,Chileleadsthedevelopingworldandboth the arrival of the vaccine from abroad as increasedcontainerbusinessvolume steaming up the Dela- Latin America by a long shot. well as domestic airborne distribution. in the Year of COVID.ware River.Other commodi- ThesuccessfulvaccinationprogramisThe country hopes to inoculate 80% of its PhilaPort boasts the exis- ties comprise the remaining 20%. centeredonremarkablyefficientlogisticspopulation by July.tence of 366,000 square feetManfredi notes that otherand distribution, with months of coordinatedMuozspoketoAmericanJournalof of on-dock refrigerated ware- United States ports are tryingplanning and procedures before the first vialTransportation(AJOT)fromSantiagovia housecapacity.TheagencytocutintotheDelawarewas shipped.Zoomaswellassuppliedwrittenanswers alsoindicatesthereareoverRiver refrigerated cargo busi- We designed a plan exclusive for thesethrough email. We need to be adaptable and 400 distribution centers withinness. That may happen nowvaccines,saidtheMinistryofTransporta- dynamic to respond efficiently, she said. The two hours of its terminals. andagain.Buthesaidthetions Zaida Muoz Aravena, who was quickbiggest challenge is time.benefits offered by the regiontoaddthattheresconstantupgradingasChiles efforts demonstrate how a devel-C oldS torage are attractive to exporters forwell. There are little details that we have tooped cold chain must be armed with not only Large national warehous- many reasons. improve upon every time. (MODELcontinued on page 19)ingcompaniesarequickly buying into this business.On the private warehous-ing side, there is Frank Man-fredi, Sr., who is a partner with his brother, John Manfredi, in Manfredi Companies.Franks keyresponsibilityisheading Manfredi Cold Storage. Forty years ago, the broth-ers launched a cold warehous-ing business from their familys roots in the mushroom industry centered in Kennett Square, PA. Located just a few miles north of the Port of Wilmington, one expansionafteranotherhas broughtManfredito430,000 square feet of modern, comput-erized cold warehousing. This May,ManfrediColdStor-age is completing a 100,000 squarefootfacilitynear Gloucester City. Frank Man-fredi said March 2nd that he will break ground for an adja-centexpansionasthefirst New Jersey warehouse-office complex is completed.Manfredi said a key strength ofreceivingintohisregion is the abundance of backhaul opportunities. From his Ken-nett Square office, he noted: Im looking at a parking lot with 50 or 60 trucks looking to get out today. The north-eastern United States mega-lopolis draws delivery trucks fromacrossthecountry. Those truckers are hungry to avoid deadheading home. Astohisexpansionin New Jersey, Manfredi noted: We wouldnt do what were doing if we didnt see great potential.Part of Manfredi Compa-nies is Manfredi Repacking. Manfredinotedthisbusi-ness will thrive as consumer demandforindividualpro-duce packaging grows.Manfrediandtheentire Delaware Valley produce indus-trymakeagoodlivingwith fruitprimarilyfrom,listed alphabetically, Argentina,Chile, Colombia,CostaRica,Gua-temala,NewZealand,Peru, SouthAfricaandUruguay.'