b'MARCH 8 - 21, 2021VIRGINIA PORTS 19(RECORDcontinued from page 18) seasonal shipping patterns as a result patternsareleadingtobotheleva- of COVID-19, chassis in The Port of tion and extension of the typical peakVirginiaremaininabundantsupply, shipping season, according to Canniz- thanks in large part to our recognition zaro, who brings more than a quarterof the importance of this vital comple-of a century of industry experience tomentary asset and our investment in a The Port of Virginia role he assumedfleet upgrade and renewal program, in late 2019. Cannizzarosaid,addingthattheMoney that was typically spentchassis out-of-service rate has fallen by consumers on experiences is nowbelow 1 percent while the number ofwith people staying homebeingroad service calls has been cut in half.spent on home improvements, Can- Furthermore,ThePortofVir-nizzaro explained. People staying atginiasterminalreservationsystem homewatchingNetflixrealizetheyhas been a huge success, creating a need a new couch or a new big-screenpredictable experience for our motor TV, and not just for the holidays. carriercommunity,accordingto TherecordactivityatcontainerCannizzaro,whocitedongoingcol-facilitiesofThePortofVirginiaslaboration with trucking leadership.567-acreNorfolkInternationalTer- Wevedeliveredanaverage minals(NIT)and291-acreVirginia36-minuteturntime,withalmost90 International Gateway (VIG) in Ports- percent of turns in less than an hour, heTrucks moving containers through The Port of Virginia enjoy an average turn time of just 36 mouthhasnotadverselyimpactedadded. When a truck comes to a Portminutes, with nearly 90 percent of all moves predictably completed in less than an hour.service levels, Cannizzaro said. ofVirginiafacility,thedriverknowskeepsmovingforwardtowardcom- fresh food transport and delivery. The ThePortofVirginiaisaccom- exactly how long theywill be here. pletion by the end of 2024, to makecountrys yearly flu shot distribution plishing this thanks to major projectsVirginia home to the deepest harborprogram provided some direction aswith a total investment of more thanC ollaboratIvee FFortS arev Ital on the U.S. East Coast. well, although standards of tempera-$800millionthatdeliveredmoreTheenviableproductivityandAndVirginiaportofficialsareture control arent nearly as exacting.than1millionTEUsofadditionalrecord throughputs at Port of Virginianever willing to rest upon laurels, noChile now distributes both Pfizer annualcapacitybetweenJuly2019container terminals are, according tomatter how impressive they may be. and Chinas Sinovac Covid vaccines. and November 2020. Cannizzaro, facilitated by: John Reinhart once likened it toSinovacneedsonlystandardrefrig-The most recent additions to NITThe hard work and excellent coop- aracewithoutanend,Cannizzaroeration.ThePfizervaccinerequires include two new ship-to-shore craneserationofInternationalLongshore- said. You have to pace yourself. Itsultra-cold storage ofminus 70C. Thethe largest of their kind in the UnitedmensAssociationlaborpartners,a constant balancing act between pro- country soon will begin to distribute Statesthat arrived in fall 2020 asincludingcollaborationonCOVID- jecting volume demand and buildingJohnson & Johnsons vaccine as well, part of the renovation and reconfigu- related safety protocols;the capacity to serve it. Too early ispossibly as early as April. That, too, ration of NITs south berth area. TheThe fortitude of the Port of Vir- a little bit better than too late. Here atneeds only refrigeration from 2 to 8C. mammothsuper-post-Panamaxgan- giniateaminrecognizingthattheThe Port of Virginia, we believe whatChile relies on refrigerated trucks for tries,capableofworkingultra-largepandemic would not be an excuse toweredoingisjustrightforprofi- thedeliveryofboththePfizerand containershipsdeployedbyglobalexplainshortcomingsbutratheranciently serving the needs of port usersSinovacvaccinesovershorterdis-carrieralliances,aresimilartofouropportunity to highlight capabilities; for decades to come. tances, as the vaccines are carried in such cranes delivered in early 2019 toThevisionofThePortofVir- specializedboxesthatcankeepthe VIG, as well as two more units set forginias leadership team, led by Johnvials safe for 48 hours.delivery to NIT in early 2022. A totalF.Reinhart,whoistransitioningto(MODELcontinued from page 5) Because the Pfizer vaccine demands of 30 ship-to-shore cranes now oper- the role of chief executive officer andthepropertechnology,infrastructuresuch cold temperatures, air transport is ate in the Norfolk Harbor. executive director emeritus, as well asand experience, but also with clear-cuta must for longer distances. It was the Also at NIT, a two-year $44 mil- the Virginia Port Authority board ofchains of command and well-definedbiggest challenge in terms of the cold lioncentralrailyardexpansioniscommissioners; and tasks. These can overcome immenselychain, said Muoz.slatedtogetunderwayinAugust,The unwavering support of numer- difficult undertakings, even across vastThecountrysthreemajorpri-boding to double rail capacity. ouselectedandappointedstateanddistances.InthecaseofChile,thatvateairlinesLATAM,SKYand federal officials. expanseencompasses mountains, des- JetSmarttransport the vaccine free C HaSSISF leete njoyIngr enewal Lookingtothefuture,ThePorterts and a 4,000 mile coastline., not toofcharge.Notonlyisthevaccine Another key project to ensure sus- ofVirginiaanticipatesproductivelymention islands that can be more thanhighestpriority,buttheyfitinwell tainable growth in capacity is renewalfilling the 1 million TEUs of added2,000milesfromthemainland.Thewithusualairfreightcargopatterns, of the chassis fleet at the port. Whencapacity while continuing to advancecountry, with a population of 19 mil- Muoz said. Vaccine transport doesnt complete in March, the program is tofurther projects, including enhancinglion, stretches more than 2,600 milesdisrupt other air cargo. Almost all of bringtheaveragechassisagedowncapabilities inside and outside gates atnorth to south and often relies on airtherefrigeratedcargocomesfrom to31/2yearsforthe15,000-chas- Richmond Marine Terminal and Vir- transport to reach far-flung locales.the regions to Santiago for export so sis fleet, with units featuring best-in- ginia Inland Port in Front Royal. theres ample capacity traveling from class LED lights and radial tires. Most notably in Hampton Roads,e xperIenCe wItHC oldS torage Santiago outbound, and most of thatAt a time when the supply chainthe project to bring depth of the Nor- The vaccination program is a sin- comesviarefrigeratedtrucks,not hasstruggledtoaccommodatethefolkHarborto55feetandoceangularachievement,especiallygivenplanes. We dont have local distribu-unprecedented volumes and changingapproachestoasmanyas59feetChilesdisturbinglyhighrateofthetion [from Santiago] of fresh cargo in virusitself.Becauseofthespread,these airplanes, she said. someregionscontinuetobelockedIn addition, a federation of private down and an overnight curfew remains. pilots and small airplane and helicop-Chile is a major global exporterter operators is delivering vaccines for of fresh produce and fish and a lot offree to remote towns and villages.those fresh fruits and vegetables we eat this time of year come from Chil- p lannIng Ford IStrIbutIonean farms. So, it has had long experi- Governmentagenciesstartedto ence in cold storage. That has certainlyplan for distribution in May, which helped, Muoz said, as everyone fromMuozsaid,wasproblematicas cargo handlers to truck drivers under- thecountrywasntsurewhatvac-stand the importance of maintainingcines would be approved or become the cold chain.available.ByNovember,thevac-Freshcargohasbeenagoodcinechoiceswereclear.Whatfol-school, not just for the government,lowed, she said, were three weeks of but for every logistics worker relatedmarathondiscussions.Thatkindof with these vaccines, she said. Mostcoordination was critical for under-of the people who work in the airportstandingwhatwasnecessaryand orinthelogisticsandcoldsupplywho was responsible.chainteamknowaboutfreshfoodWe had many meetings with every and how to manage it, so [handlingactor involved to understand each pro-the vaccine] is a little easier for them.cess and improve the performance, she Cold chain is not so rare, she said. said.The goal was to have the shortest Butthatexpertiseonlygoessolength of stay for the cargo at the airport far.Theexactingstandardsrequiredand distribute faster.ofvaccinetemperaturecontrol,theWhile the Sinovac vaccine comes The arrival of two new super-post-Panamax gantries at Norfolk International Terminals furthersprecisehandlingandmonitoringfromBeijing,thePfizervaccineis The Port of Virginias capabilities to efficiently accommodate multiple megacontainerships. required, far exceeds that necessary in(MODELcontinued on page 20)'