b'10American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comNational Shipping of America adds Port Everglades service to Puerto RicoNational Shipping of Amer- stateside to Puerto Rico trade ica is celebrating its 10 thyearbutoffersauniqueservice servingPuertoRicofromprofilebyutilizingnontra-Houston and Port Everglades.ditionalportsofthePuerto The service has provided cus- Ricotrade.Houstonisthe tomersinTexasandSouthsourceformostofPuerto Florida an additional gatewayRicosindustrialmaterials. to San Juan.Additionally,thecross-bor-The Port Everglades callder trade with Mexico contin-commenced in January 2021ues to expand at a faster pace whichformedanAmericanwith the near shoring trend MarineHighwayknownasacceleratedbythesupply theM-10.TheAmericanchaincollapseofthepast2 MarineHighwayprogramyears. Houston is well poised issponsoredbyDOTandto be the gateway port for theIn March 2022, Port Canaveral, broke ground on a $48 million project to rebuild Port Canaverals North Cargo Berth 3.the Maritime Administrationborder trade. While being the withthegoaltotaketruckslargest USA port in terms of(FLOODcontinued fromstructureDevelopmentPro- LMH 600. The new crane will offtheroad.NSAinitiatedliquid and dry cargoes, navi- page 6) gram(PIDP)grantfromthehave lift capability up to 154 theM-10servicelinkinggationchallengesexistinbusinessportfolio.AfteraU.S. Department of Transpor- tons and a jib length of 200 HoustontoPortEvergladesthe Gulf of Mexico with thecouple of difficult years, itstations(USDOT)Maritimefeet.Its20-containerreach thatparallelsInterstate10.annual Atlantic/Gulf hurricanegreattobebackand,onceAdministration(MARAD).will accommodate containers Thismarineoptiondivertsseason as well as a fog seasonagain, building our future onTheFloridaDepartmentofstacked nine high on deck an freight from the highways tofrom November to April. Thea solid foundation of currentTransportation (FDOT) is sup- upgradedhandlingcapabil-the ocean - a more economi- Port of Houston and Floridabusiness and a wide horizonportingtheprojectwith$33ity from the previous model cal,environmentallysus- ports felt the surge of freightof new opportunities. million in state grant funding. generationanditsundercar-tainable,andsafermodeoffromthepandemicdemandBuilt in 1976, North CargoInOctober2022,Portriagewillhave32axelsets transport goods. of2021-2022andresil- Berth 3 has been out of serviceCanaveralsignedanagree- compared to 26. A new crane PortEvergladesiswhatientlyresponded.Consider- since 2014. The original overment with the Liebherr Groupcontrolsystem,advanced NationalShippingtermaingtheadverseconditions,water pier design in combina- toacquireanothermobilesensor integration and digital pivotportbetweenHous- ofNationals97arrivalsintionwiththeincreasingsizeharborcranefromthecom- information transmission can ton and San Juan. By addingPortEvergladesandSanof todays commercial vesselspanytosupportthePortsenablefutureassistanceand thisfortnightlycallin2021JuanfromJanuary2021toandthePortsgrowingcargogrowing cargo operations. Thepartial automation systems.National Shipping created notdate, National recorded 90%diversityhadmadetheberth320-foot-tallLiebherrLMHBlueWaterIndustries,a only a marine highway but aschedule reliability as per thefunctionally obsolete. Demoli- 600isthesecondmobilenationalbulkmaterialssup-southbound call to San Juan.published schedule.tion of the existing pier beganharborcranetobedeployedplier, has entered into an agree-ThisprovidedSouthFloridaA growing and disturbingin December 2021; it will beat Port Canaveral and is partmentwithPortCanaveral shippers with a reliable, fasttrend especially in the Floridareplacedwithan880-foot- of a new mobile harbor craneterminal operator Ambassador servicetoSanJuanwhichstraits is the frequent rescuelong multi-purpose wharf thatproduct line recently launchedServicesInternational(ASI) appeals to time sensitive car- of refugee human lives at sea.ensuresthenecessarychan- by Liebherr. The Ports first,toimportbetween400,000 goes especially perishables. AThevessel,NationalGlory,nelwidthtoaccommodateaLiebherrLMH600,wasto 800,000 metric tons annu-late Friday cut off at Port Ever- hasperformed2rescuelargervesselssimultaneouslyenteredintoserviceinearlyallyofvarioussizedaggre-glades,Sundaysailingandoperationstransitingnorthatberth.AtitsSeptember2019.In August, the Canav- gate through Port Canaveral. Wednesdaymorningarrivalof Cuba. A total of 32 refu- 2021meeting,theCanaveraleralPort AuthorityBoardofScheduleddeliveriesofthe inSanJuanallowsproductsgee lives were saved in twoPort Authority (CPA) awardedCommissioners approved theproducts originating in east-tobeonweekendgroceryinstances3 months apart. a$48.07millioncontractto$7.4millionacquisitioncostern Canada will arrive at Port shelves. Port Everglades alsoThestrategyfortheTitusville,Fla.-basedRUSHfor the new crane, which willCanaveralmonthlyanddis-offers rail connection to mid- futurewillremainfocusedMarine,LLCfortheNCB3beoffsetbya$2.8milliontributedthroughoutFlorida Atlantic ports through Floridainservicingnon-traditionalproject. Total development costgrant from the FDOT. and the southeastern US for EastCoastRailway(FEC).US stateside ports to PuertoofthePortCanaveralCargoBuiltbyGerman-baseduseinroadwayconstruc-WithdeparturesfromSouthRico. Both Florida and TexasBerth Rehabilitation and Mod- LiebherrGroup,theLMHtionprojects.Thefirstload Florida, FEC reaches Atlanticwith their large Puerto Ricanernizationprojectis$48mil- 600isa128-wheeled,696- of cargo, 52,000 metric tons destinationsofJacksonville,(ADDScontinued onlion. The CPA was awarded aton crane that will be 74-tons(FLOODcontinued on Savannah,andCharlestonpage 32) $14million2019PortInfra- heavier than the Ports currentpage 33)daily,allowingborderand Texas freight to transit Flor-ida for mid- Atlantic destina-tions economically. The trade from stateside to Puerto Rico is stable but fragile. New projects especially geared towards renewable energy are moving at a fast pace. The goal under PR100 is for the island to be 100% energy renewable by2050withamilestoneof 40%self-sufficientby2025. PuertoRicoisinpartnership with the Department of Energy and FEMA in this effort. Proj-ectsincluding45,000rooftop solarsystemsandstoragein amicrogridenvironmentare progressing.Thegovernment is offering grants for low- and moderate-incomehouseholds. FEMA is also releasing $9.4B to Puerto Rico Power Authority (PREPA) to improve repairs to the current power grid for more resiliencyduringinclement weather which the island sus-tains on a regular basis.Nationalisthesmall-estJonesActcarrierinthe'