b'FEBRUARY 20 - MARCH 19, 2023TOP EXPORTERS & IMPORTERS25(PLANcontinued fromlandedthematColumbias page 16) MetropolitanAirportwhich re-engineeredthemtomakehadneverhandledajumbo sure the medicine arrived safely747 although it has one of the and intact at the hospitals. longest runways in the South-UPSsenttheirengi- east. Added Kennedy: UPS neeringexpertswhomadeunloaded that entire plane in adjustments to our layout and45 minutes after landing and it shippingareas,notedKen- was on its way. UPS is like a nedy. Their suggestions andwell-oiled machine.rearrangementsampedupThe pharmaceutical CEO ourabilitytohandlelogis- claimshercompanyhasa tics in a much more efficientgreatpartnershipwiththe way.McLaurinsaidUPSglobalfreighthauler.How revamped the shipping area ado you top this? UPS allows total of four times. ustoshipovernightpack-ages to our customers free of a P harmaCeUtiCal charge to the recipient in the l ogistiCsP lan US and that includes Hawaii AddedKennedy:UPSand Alaska.HealthcareworkedwithOverall, McLaurin contends Nephron to create a pharma- the relationship between UPS ceuticallogisticsplanandandNephronismorethan customcoldchainpackag- shipping.Itslikeabusi-ingmaterialstoprotecttheness consultancy. They made critical temperature-sensitivea lot of changes, and it was shipment. We were providedduringthepandemicwhen withspeedydeliverydis- other companies were having tributionwithfullvisibilitytroubles. Cargo being removed from a UPS Boeing 747-8F freighter.along the way.Partofthatplan,said McLaurin, was helping Neph-ronreducethesizeoftheir small packaging which made it lighter and less expensive. Weactuallyshrunktheir package for the sterile inject-ables by 15%.No dwell time.Ryan McLaurin Just on Meantime,UPSzeroed in on logistical and handling problems.Thechallengetime. Nephron had was limited floor spaceintheirshippingarea but high ceilings, so we intro-duced them to a German ver-tical lift module manufacturerWelcome to done.called Kardex which makes it easier for the pickers to pack smallparcels,saidMcLau-rin.Nephronhasamazing state-of-the-artmanufactur-ing themselves with complete robotics, but everything American Journal of Transportation was8x 10 .125 08/16/22No Dwell Time. Just On Timeset up for pallet shipping. We recommended they purchase two modules, but they ended up buying 10.In addition, he said KardexTitle:Pub:We move fast. And we go further for you. The Port Trim Size:Job #:Colors: Bleed Size:Close Date: of Wilmington connects you to the Midwest region setupadistributionfacil-ityinWestColumbianearvia the Wilmington Midwest Express in as little as theNephronPharmaceuticalfive days. And we offer competitive rates, efficient 20077-NCP_JustOnTime_AJOT_Print_8X10_k1 NC Ports 20077 InDesign CC 4Cheadquarters. on-port operation and a standard of service you Kennedy said UPS designedwont find anywhere else. Welcome to the port amajorlogisticssolutionforwhere fast is just the beginning. Nephron line of Nitrile gloves. The division found a manu-facturerinSouthKorea, butKoreanAirLinesdoes nothaveastationinFile Name: SouthClient: App: Carolina and chose, instead,to fly the glove manufactur-ingequipmenttoChicago OHareandtruckthemto Nephrons headquarters. 800.213.4430 // NCPorts.comBut time is of the essence inhealthcare,saidMcLau-rin,andwecharteredtwo Atlas Air 747-8 freighters and 22031_20077-NCP_JustOnTime_AJOT_Print_8x10_k1.indd 1 8/16/22 2:37 PM'