b'42American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comCanadian pension plans investing in foreign offshore wind projects HWYH2O.COMBy Leo Ryan, AJOTIn the past few years, Canadas lead- of California that was the subject of ing pension plans have been allocatingan auction held by BOEM. This auc-more and more investments abroad totion is particularly notable as it is the portandotherinfrastructureprojects.first floating offshore wind lease sale One can now add to the list recent foraysin the country. It was also the first off-into offshore wind projects, notably inshore wind lease sale of any kind on the United States and Europe. the US West Coast.Latein2022,inanundertakingGolden State Winds winning bid thatdrewstrongattention,Oceanfor lease area OCS-P 0564 was $150.3 Winds(OW)andCanadaPensionmillion,withOWandCPPInvest-Plan Investment Board (CPP Invest- ments each maintaining a 50% invest-ments)announcedthattheirnewlyment in the project. When fully built formedoffshorewindjointventureoutandoperational,theleasearea GoldenState Windwasawardedancouldaccommodateapproximately 80,418-acreleaseareabytheU.S.2 GW of offshore wind energy, gen-Bureau of Ocean Energy Managementeratingenoughenergytopowerthe (BOEM) in the Morro Bay area off theequivalent of 900,000 homes.central coast of California. AspartofGoldenState Winds CPPInvestmentsSustainablewinningbid,OWandCPPInvest-Energies Group is active globally, withmentscommittedtoinvesting$30W I T H O U R N E W A N Dnet assets totalling about C$30 billion,millioninworkforcedevelopmentI M P R O V E D G A T E W A Yincluding investments in renewables,andsupplychaininitiativesandtoI N C E N T I V E , T H E R E H A Sutilities, and power generation. workcloselywithkeylocalstake- N E V E R B E E N A B E T T E ROnthatoccasion,BruceHogg,holderstomaximizethebenefitstoT I M E T O S T A R T S H I P P I N GT S H I P P I NManaging Director and Head of Sus- California from the emerging offshoreO N T H E G R E A T L A K E Stainable Energies at CPP Investments,wind industry. W I T H H W Y H Owas to comment: We are proud thatThe CPPIB joint venture in Cali- 2our partnership with Ocean Winds hasforniawasannouncedjustafew earned this opportunity to help accel- weeks after the opening of the Saint eratethetransitiontolower-carbonNazaire wind farm off the west coast sources of energy for Californians and,ofFrancethatwasalsobackedby more broadly, to serve as an exampleCanadas pension giant.for other jurisdictions. This investmentInanotherrecentmove,the aligns well with our efforts to reduceOntario Teachers Pension Plan Board carbonemissionsacrossourportfo- agreedtoinvestUS$1billionina lio while continuing to deliver strong,jointventurewithCorioGeneration long-term risk-adjusted returns for thetodevelop14offshorewindproj- For more information:Funds contributors and beneficiaries. ects extending from Ireland to South1-905-641-0309 or email [email protected],OCS-PKorea. Some are floating and others 0564, is one of five sites off the coastare fixed-bottom.Saskatchewan,Ontario,andQuebecTupper, Nova Scotia. It is touted as areimportantwindenergymarkets.the first such industrial-scale project We have been in the tower market forin North America.20 years, Giroux recalled. This is aEverWindacquiredthePoint market that will continue to expand.Tupperterminalinearly2022.Its The towers we manufacture here areexisting, operational marine terminal transportedonallmodesdependingisthedeepestice-freeberthonthe on the client. Much is moved by truckEast Coast of North America. The site orbyrailviatheQuebecGatineauhascapacitytoproducemorethan Railway(QGRY).Forcertainmar- 10 million tonnes per year of green Canadas fossil-rich province of Alberta in forefront of new wind energy installed capacity.kets,thelatteristhemostpracticalammonia.Thesite,withapproxi-(STRONGcontinued from page 41) oftheSt.Lawrence/GreatLakessince there can be more weight andmately $1 billion of existing storage Across Canada: As of Decembershipping corridor, one finds at Trois- dimensional constraints. and logistics assets, is regarded as an 31, 2022, Ontario had more than 5.5Rivires (mid-way between MontrealLookingatsomerecentwindideal hydrogen hub and is connected GW in total installed wind capacity,and Quebec City) a leading manufac- projects in the works across Canada,viacriticalinfrastructureincluding poweringnearly1.5millionhomes.turer of wind towers in North Amer- theCanadiangovernment,throughrail, road, and pipelines, in addition to Quebec had nearly 4 GW. Alberta hadica: Marmen Inc. A subcontractor forits Arctic Energy Fund, has investedits port facility.a new total of 2.6 GW, Saskatchewanoriginalequipmentmanufacturersin the Haeckel Hill Wind Project inEverWindremainsontrackto had 804 MW of installed wind capac- (OEM) specializing in high-precisionWhitehorse, Yukon where four winddeliver green ammonia to German off ity, and Nova Scotia had 616. products, this enterprise operates twoturbines are slated to be operationaltakers,E.ONandUniper,by2025, Among Canadian ports, the PortplantsinTrois-RiviresandMataneby November 2023. achievingthegoalsoutlinedinthe ofThunderBayonthetipofLakein Quebec and one plant in Brandon,At Inuvik in the Northwest Ter- historicCanada-GermanyHydrogen Superior, is continuing to develop itsSouth Dakota which facilitates trans- ritories,a3.5MWwindturbineandAlliance signed in August of 2022.specialvocationasastrategicgate- portationthroughthecentralUnitedother components delivered by bargeThe environmental approval from waytohandleimportwindenergyStates by truck or rail. lastfallisdestinedtoreducelocalthe provincial authorities is a signifi-components destined for wind farmsIn an interview, Mathieu Giroux,diesel consumption by 30% when thecant milestone for start-up EverWind inWesternCanada.Ourabundantdirector of purchasing and supply forInuvik Wind Project is scheduled toanditsFirstNationsequitypart-laydownareaisanassetforcargoMarmen Inc., enthusiastically noted:become operational later this year. ners, Membertou, Paqtnkek (Bayside staging and storage, as is direct on- We consider ourselves very lucky toDevelopment Corporation) and Pot-dock access to the CN and CP railwaybe in a port-city on the shores of the St.$6 B illiong reene nergy lotek. It paves the way for construc-network and the Trans-Canada High- Lawrence River. The St. Lawrence isP roJeCt inn ovas Cotia tion to commence in the first half of way, said Chris Keikkinen, directorone of the most important waterwaysBut elsewhere in Canada, as men- 2023. Last December, EverWind was of business development. of the world because it offers accesstioned earlier, Nova Scotia has com- thesuccessfulproponentinaPro-Wind continues to be a leadingto many markets. The port allows usmandedconsiderableattentiononvincialrequestforapplicationsfor opportunity for our marine business into penetrate markets when the com- both the offshore and inland fronts. Crown land and is now exclusively 2023, he told the American JournalponentsinvolvedareveryheavyorEarlyinFebruary,EverWindapplying for leases on 137,000 acres of Transportation. Adding, Keep anultra-dimensional. Fuels Company of Halifax receivedoflandtodevelopa2GWonshore eye out for some oversized shipmentsMarmenschiefclientbaseinenvironmentalapprovalfortheini- wind farm in northeast Nova Scotia. at the port this year. Canada and the United States coverstial phase of its planned C$6 billion,The onshore wind farm is expected diverse markets from wind and hydro- 1milliontonnesperannumgreentopowerthesecondphaseofits s tl aWrenCeC onneCtion power to steam and gas turbines. hydrogenandgreenammoniapro- greenhydrogenproductionfacility Interestingly, located in the heartIn Canada, the provinces of Alberta,ductioncomplexlocatedinPointby 2026.'