b'34American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comAll cargoes are booming inD E L AWA R ER I V E RP O R T S2023the Delaware River seaportsSeaportsinPhiladelphia,southernNewJersey and Wilmington, DE, are seemingly always pros-pering and expanding.By Tad Thompson, AJOTSeanMahoney,directorfounded in 1923.Receiving ofmarketingforPhilaPort,heavybananaships,Wilm-indicatesthatthedozenter- ington is the largest fruit port minals belonging to PhilaPortin the United States.increased annual volumes byButtheDelawareRiver fourpercentin2022versusalso receives a great deal of 2021. On average, U.S. Eastdry cargo.Coastportsaveragedafive percentincreaseover2021.o CeanW ind al ong - termBut a key ingredient in thoseP roJeCt forsJPCnumbersisthattherewasFor the next 20- to 25-years nodecreaseinPhiladelphiathe South Jersey Port Corpora-volume during 2020 becausetionexpectstobeoccupied of the pandemic. Other Eastwith providing monopile foun-Coastportssawasmuchdationsforwindturbinesto asdouble-digitdeclinesinOceanWindandadditional volumein2020,soPhila- (BOOMINGcontinued on Ports2022increasesarepage 36) The new Wan Hai Lines service connects Philaport with China, Taiwan and Vietnam.trulyremarkable.PhilaPort handled762,632TEUsof cargo in 2022.Mahoney underscored that Port Authority and terminal staffareespeciallyexcited about the new Wan Hai Lines service,whichconnectsthe portwithChina,Taiwan, andVietnam.WanHaiis expected to add bigger ships totheservice,whichwill lead to even greater container volume growth.Sean Mahoney, director of marketing for PhilaPortWintertimefruitarriv-als in Philadelphia are strong again to start 2023. The Packer AvenueMarineTerminal, which is operated by Green-wich Terminals, is increasing its capacity, due to investment from PhilaPort and Glouces-ter, NJ-based Holt. HoltsownGloucester Fruit Terminal is also expand-ing and adding volume capac-ity for receiving. Downstream,GTUSA has exclusive rights to oper-ateanddevelopthePortof Wilmingtonfor50years. OwnedbyGulftainer,the company is planning to invest $580 million in the port. This includes approximately $410 millionforanew1.2mil-lion TEU container facility at DuPontsformerEdgemoor site,whichwasacquired bytheDiamondStatePort Corporationin2016andis immediatelyupstreamof Port Wilmington, which was'