b'40American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(CENTURYcontinuedMany ports are still deal- of Wilmington has achievedMaritime Exchange for the DE from page 38) ingwithcongestionissues,throughout its 100 years.container terminal with a capac- but the improvements we haveCelebratoryeventsareRiver reports 2022 ship arrivalsity of 600,000 TEUs. Construc- made at the Port of Wilming- being planned for later in the tion is on the Edgemoor site,ton are allowing us to continueyear and details of these willTheMaritimeExchange5%. On the export side, min-immediatelyupstreamfromourplannedgrowth,saidbe released shortly. fortheDelawareRiveranderalcargoesincreasedfrom WilmingtonspositiononCruise. This is such a diverseWhen the Port of Wilm- Bayannouncedthetristate23 to 35 or 52%, vehicles by theDelawareRiver.Thisisport, with great facilities, newington first opened in 1923,port vessel arrival statistics for13 or 20%, and containers by scheduledtoopenin2025.equipment and with the cargoitstoodon105acres.Now2022.TheDelawareRiver56 or 7%.GT USA will utilize a rubberhandling expertise of our ILAitoccupies308acres.Ini- portsystemcontinuedits tiredgantryyardconfigura- partners, we will continue totially,itswarehousestorageimportant role as an economic tionthatwillbeseamlesslyseizeuponopportunitiestowas 120,000 square feet. Asengine for the region over the(BOOMINGcontinued integrated to maximize oper- attract new business, Cruisementioned above, that figurelast12months,saidMari- from page 38)ational efficiency and featureindicated to AJOT. nowexceedsonemillion.time Exchange President Lisaports growth.a new state-of-the-art refrig- WecontinuetoworkWilmingtons original berth- Himber. Exchange membersSince2016,Pennsylvania erated warehouse. Expansionhardwiththeassistanceofing area of 1,210 feet is nowand local businesses are reap- hasinvestedmorethan$539 of the facility and equipmentall our partners to fulfill theover 4,500 feet. According toing the benefits of expandedmillion in the ports infrastruc-will eventually increase volumepotentialofthisgreatPort.Cruise, in the terminals firste-commerceandconsumerture, warehousing, and equip-capacity to 1.2 million TEUs. Theinfrastructureimprove- yearithandled17,000tonsdemandeveninthefaceofment.Criticalinfrastructure As to the 100th year sincements that have been made inofcargoandtodaytheportinflationary pressures.investmentsincludedthepur-the port opened its gates andrecent years are helping us tohandles over six million tons. AccordingtoMaritimechaseandimplementationof commenced cargo operations,provide increased services toPartnershipswiththeseExchange records, 2,398 shipsthree new super post-Panamax Cruiseobservesthatitsnotall our customers, as well ascountries go back a long wayarrived at Delaware River portcranesatthePackerAvenue only volumes that have enor- to attract new customers, andinWilmingtonshistoryandfacilities in 2022, a 4% increaseMarineterminal,thebuild-mouslyescalated.Itisalsowe will continue building ontheyremainstrongtothisin vessel calls over 2021.ing of two new state-of-the-art interesting to note the changesthoseimprovements.Weday. In early February, CruiseImportandexportcar- warehouses,andthedevelop-in the types of cargo cominghaveahard-workingworkattended a breakfast at the Chil- goes realized gains year overmentoftheSouthportAuto throughtheport.Earlycar- forcethatisquiteflexibleean Ambassadors residence inyearwithsomereachingTerminal,thefirstnewport goesconsistedoflumber,and, with the upgrades to theWashington, DC to commemo- double digit increases. Petro- terminal in more than 45 years. woodpulp,quebrachologs,forklift fleet, yard truck fleet,rate200yearsofdiplomaticleumimportsclosedstrongSince implementing the infra-cork, jute, burlap, lead, ilmen- and all electric RTGs they arerelations between our countrieswith316arrivals,a24%structureimprovementplan, iteore,fertilizer,andpetro- even more productive, saidandtheArgentinianMinisterincrease over last year. Vehi- theporthasrealizedrecord leumproducts.LumberandJoe Cruise.GT USA Wilm- forTradevisitedthePorttocle imports increased by 11 orbreaking cargo volumes, nearly petroleumproductsstillfea- ingtonaimstopayafittingreaffirmtherelationshipwith8%,containerizedgoodsby60% container growth, and cre-turesignificantly,butnowtribute to everything the Portthe Port of Wilmington. 42 or 7%, and fruit by 15 orated thousands of new jobs.fresh fruits dominate.Forinboundshipsarriv-ingfromDelawareBay,the PortofWilmingtonisthe first major port on the Dela-ware River and not only a key port of entry but distribution centerforyear-roundcargo ofbananasandpineapples, Wilmington seasonal importation of fresh MoroccancitrusandChil-ean grapes, along with other fruits and juices from around theglobe.Cruisenotesthat the port boasts a one-million squarefooton-dockware- When house complex and is one of North Americas largest facili-ties that serves as a refriger- best-in-class ateddistributionhubforthe United States and Canada. South American fresh pro- efficiencyduce continues to be a mainstay atWilmington,withgrapes, peaches, plums, cherries, avo-cadosandcitrusfromChile, apples and pears from Argen-tina,fruitconcentratefrompartners Brazil, grapes and citrus from Peru and bananas from Colom-bia and Ecuador. Cruise indi- with global cates that continuing the fruit seasonthroughthesummer monthsremainsaprioritytradeforGTUSAWilmington. Thisbeganduringthe2022 summer with several vessels and hope to grow this busi-ness during 2023. First deep water terminal on theBeyondfreshproduce,Delaware Riverthe port handles diverse car-goes,includingcontainers, No waiting on Berthdryandrefrigeratedbreak-bulk and dry and liquid bulk; Refrigerated & Dry space availablesalt,petcoke,grains,new and used vehicles and heavy Over 20 acres of available lay downequipment,livecattle,space components, wind blades, andareamuchmore.Forestproducts areafastexpandingcargo Safe Quality Food CertifiedforthePortofWilmington. Lumber, in particular, has had a strong start to the year, withPort of Wilmington, DelawarethePortreceivingthreeves- 1 Hausel Road, Wilmington, DE19801 sels in January alone. portofwilmington.com'