b'18American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comproved to be well-positioned to over- as an alternative. While tonnage at the comethesupplychainchallengesClevelandBulk Terminalrebounded the world faced in 2022, said Daveduringthesecondhalfofthe2022 Gutheil,chiefcommercialofficeratseason,theportmoved4,896,310 the Port of Cleveland.metrictonscomparedto6,943,139 Generalcargotonnagein2022metric tons in 2021, and 8.1% below totaled525,486metrictons,ajumpthefive-yearaverageof5,327,938 from 421,755 metric tons in 2021 andmetrictons.Thisdecrease,accord-ahead of the ports five-year averageing to Gutheil, is a result of ongoing of 402,886 metric tons. Containerizedmaintenance on the furnace at Cleve-goods shipped to Cleveland more thanland Cliffs steel mill.doubled, at 9,978 TEUs, compared toIn October of last year, the port 4,810 TEUs the prior year and wellwas awarded a $27 million grant by the above the five-year average of 4,956U.S.Departmentof Transportations TEUs. These increases can be attrib- (DOT)PortInfrastructureDevel-uted to factors including high demandopmentProgram.Theprojectwill forsteelinthelocalmarket,highimprove the ports largest warehouse, transatlanticcontainerdemand,andcontinuetheimplementationofthe favorable shipping rates, said Gutheil.PortAuthoritysstormwatermaster plan, make electrification investments C ongestionC reates to prepare the port for zero emissions, The Captain Henry Jackman sails down the St. Lawrence Seaway. o pportunity and construct a new on-port maritime (ENGINEcontinued from page 16) tionofcargoes,andregionaleco- CongestionattheU.S.coastallearningandresourcecentertopre-The SLSMC has already surpassednomic development.ports also created an opportunity forpare high school students for employ-thosetargets,saidBowles,reach- Anotableprojectundertakeninthe Port of Cleveland to present itselfment in the maritime industry.ing 58% in 2022. He attributed those2022wasthewharfrevitalizationin reductionstoincreasedenergyeffi- Port Colborne, which aims to increase ciency in SLSMC buildings, replace- the areas freight-handling capacity by ment of fuel-powered equipment withover one million tons, presenting sig-electricalequipment,andincreasednificant growth potential. In 2021, eco-fuel efficiency of corporate vehicles. nomic development projects included TheSeawaysreliability,whichthe shipyard and cement works devel-surpassed 99% in 2022, helps reduceopments, as well as the Saint Catharine fuelconsumptionandloweremis- commercial hub, all in Ontario.sions, said Bowles. The Seaway alsoIn the 2022/2023 fiscal year, the supports efforts to develop new tech- SLSMCinvested$73.7millionin nologies such as hands-free mooring,infrastructurerenewalandmainte-he added, which increases ship turnnance, with the goals of bolstering the times and improves productivity. Thesupply chain and promoting long-term technology also reduces energy con- safetyandeconomicgrowth.During sumption and emissions by over 90%the 2021-2022 fiscal year, the SLSMCSpliethoffs Doornekamp docked at the Port of Cleveland.during berthing thanks to the reducedspent $75.7 million on infrastructure. use of tugs and ship engines.Majorprojectsexecutedin AsmembersofGreenMarine,2022/2023yearincludeaprojectat anenvironmentalperformancemea- Lock 8 of the Welland Canal, where surementprogramforthemaritimea gate replacement project was begun,HWYH2O.COMindustry, the SLSMC and GLS alignand the replacement of a steel deck of their scores and provide results on anan historic lift bridge over the canal. aggregated basiswhich reached 4.7IntheMontreal/LakeOntario out of a maximum of 5 in 2022. section, counterweight cables on the The SLSMC is currently devel- St-LouisdeGonzagueverticallift oping a voyage information systembridge near Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, (VIS),acollaborativedatasharingQuebec,werereplaced.Newand environment that will connect mari- improved air bubblers and air curtains time stakeholders, and will enableat the St.-Lambert lock were installed informeddecision-making,opti- toenhancethemanagementofice mized lock schedules, and improvedduring winter operating conditions.resource coordination, said Bowles.Duringthelastfiscalyear,an The VIS will create a virtual networkinvestmentbytheSLSMCmade for stakeholders to exchange vesselbridge operations in the Beauharnois voyageandtransitinformationandCanalmorepredictableandaccurate supportdecision-makingprocesses.to remedy ongoing issues over impacts Use of the VIS will improve sched- of bridge operations and lifts on local uling, planning, and coordination ofcommuters.Technologychanges resources to reduce greenhouse gaswhich were implemented make infor-emissions, according to Bowles. mationonthebridgestatusmore Alonghistoryofinvestmentsaccurate, allowing for easier travel for and reliability demonstrate that themotorists and recreational boaters. TheW I T HOOUURR N E WAANNDDGreat Lakes are uniquely positionedSLSMC plans to use this technology inI M P R O V E DGGAATTEEWWAAYYtoweatherupheavalsintheglobalother areas of the Seaway.supply chain, said Tindall-Schlicht.I N C E N T I V E ,TTHHEERREE HHAASSTheSeawaySystemisaleadingN E V E RBBEEEENN AA BB E T T E RE T T E RT I M ETTOO SSTTAARRTT SHHI P P I N GGexampleofaworldwideeconomi- (MIXEDcontinued from page 16) S I P P I Ncally-resilientandenvironmentally- 21.8%, or 0.85 tons, led by a drop inO NTTHHEE GGRREEAATT LL A K E SA K E Ssustainable shipping corridor.steel and slab imports. W I T HHHWWYY HH OOSeaway traffic results show pos- 2s upplyC haina lternatiVes itive trends among certain commodi-One way the Seaway authoritiesties, which demonstrates our systems worktoenhanceNorthAmericanabilitytoquicklyadapttochanges supply chain resiliency is to providein the market, said Terence Bowles, shippers with new supply chain alter- president and CEO of the SLSMC. nativesthroughrealestateinvest- The Cleveland-Cuyahoga County mentsandeconomicdevelopment.Port Authority, one of the largest ports According to an SLSMC document,intheGreatLakes-Seawaysystem, the agency manages substantial landalsoshowedmixedresults,register-holdings and is always interested iningincreasesforgeneralcargoandFor mmoorreeiinnffoorrmmaattiioonn::exploringnewbusinessopportuni- containerized goods and decreases inEm h [email protected], including those that contributebulk tonnage. emaaiill hwtosystemcompetitiveness,optimalOuroveralltonnagenumbers utilization of real estate, diversifica- indicatethatthePortofCleveland'