b'8American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comacollaborationtoco-locateeredsimultaneously.Wein Americold warehouse facili- the trucking industry are not tiesontheCPKCnetwork.opposed to pollution free or Theintentistobuildtheclean air. Yet it is all so uncer-firstfacilityinKansasCity,tain. The concern is will not bringingtogethercoldstor- we have to raise our prices to age, value-added-services, andcomply with the new rule but expeditedintermodaltrans- how much?portation connecting the U.S.MCExpressTrucking Midwest and Mexico. LLC,with250tractorsand Transittimewilllikely350 trailers in San Diego and emerge as a key factor in theBajaCaliforniaandhauling competitionforintermodalto48states,isthelargest businessbetweentheU.S.- crossbordertruckingcom-Mexico border and Chicago.pany, however, it repeatedly TheUP-CNrouteisshorterdeclined to respond to AJOTs than CPKCs and offers four- request for comment on how day transit times. it plans to cope with CARBs TracyRobinson,presi- new zero emissions trucking dentandCEOofCanadianvehicle rule.National,saidthatthenewAgain,itsunclearhow servicecreatesthemostmany trucking companies will directrouteandthefastestbeaffectedbyCalifornias transit times between Canadarecently mandated advanced andMexico.Itwillprovideclean fleet regulation, Cali-ourintermodalcustomersfornia Trucking Associations with the efficiency of biggerShimodounderscoresany payloadsandtheabilitytotruck handling containerized acceleratetheshiftoftruckcargo destined to or originat-business to rail.ing from a regulated port or FalconPremium,sherailyard traveling to and from added, leverages each part- themanufacturingcenters ners best services and routesin Baja will need to comply, tocreateatransformationalevenifthefleethasjusta new product.singletruckviathedrayage Creelacknowledgedthattruckrequirementsinthe (STIFFcontinued fromin May that it was more thanGrande River at the U.S.-Mex- the CPKC route is 194 milesATF. The weight of the elec-page 4) doublingitsexistingfleeticoborderatLaredo,Texas,longerthanthatofitscom- tric powered big rigs will be serviceconnectingChicago53-foot,refrigeratedinter- offersanalternativetohigh- petitorbutassertedthatmuch heavier than a diesel to Canada.modalcontainersbyaddingwayportsofentry,henoted.CPKC will be able to delivertruckbecauseofthebattery 1,000 new ones to its inven- A second span to expand thegoods from Chicago to Mon- size so, they carry a lesser i ntermodalh asr oom to tory. CPKC expects the MMXbridgescapacityandfurtherterrey, nearly two days fasterpayload,soyouhavemore g row temperature-controlledser- increase the efficiency of cross- than Falcon Premium. CPKCtrucks on the road.The ratio of U.S.-Mexicovice will be moving fresh andborder train movements is cur- will also operate a shorter andShe agrees that while it is tradehandledbyintermo- frozen produce, baked goods,rentlyunderconstructionandfaster route into the Mexicoimportant to reduce the level of dal rail has been reported ascandy, and other food prod- expectedtobecompletedbyCity area, he said.pollutants in the air, the tech-wellunder10%,suggestinguctsnorthbound,andbeef,the end of 2024. Ashorterroutedoesnology (for operating and fuel-that there is a lot of room forchicken, and pork southward. CPKCisalsoonthenotnecessarilymeanfastering electric trucks) is not here growth.WhenyoulookatHundreds of trucks crossverge of creating inland ter- service,saidCreel.Wereyet. Hydrogen powered trucks similarlengthofhaul,youthe border at Laredo, Texas,minalswithsupportoftheready to compete. could be a cost-efficient alter-wouldexpectmuchhighereverydaycarryingrefriger- Mexicanregulator,Creelnative and it would not drain conversiontointermodal,ated and frozen cargo, saidadded,toallowbeefandelectricity off the grids. Every-saidJamesFilter,groupKeithCreel,CPKCsCEO.poultry to be inspected inland(DILEMMAcontinuedone would win if we waited presidentfortransportationTruckscanspendtwotoand not at the border. from page 6) foranalternativeoptionit andlogisticsatSchneiderthreedaysattheborderHe figures a charger infra- could shorten the supply chain National. So, we see that aswhile their cargo is unloaded,t emperature -C ontrolled structuremayincludeacen- instead of lengthening it and an opportunity for growth. inspected, and reloaded.m arket tralchargingunitwithfivethe environment would bene-The CPKC-Schneider com- CPKCsInternationalRail- In June, CPKC and Ameri- extensionssothatfivezerofit. Right now, these deadlines binationwillimproveinter- roadBridgeovertheRiocoldRealtyTrustannouncedemission trucks can be pow- are unachievable.modalpossibilitiesinthe U.S.-Mexicotrade,accord-ingtoFilterbybypassing the number of interchanges thatyouwouldexperience moving freight from Mexico intotheU.S.Eachoneof those interchanges is a poten-tial point of failure. CPKCs single rail delivery will tran-sitfromSchneidersthree ramps in Mexico directly up to the Midwest, said Filter, improving service levels over theformerKCS,anarea that struggled with service. AccordingtotheIntermo-dalAssociationofNorth America,70%ofcontainers moving from Mexico termi-nate in the U.S. Midwest.The UP-CN Falcon Express service is expected to be car-rying automotive parts, home appliances, and temperature-controlledproducts.CPKC is betting that its MMX ser-vicewillbecarryinglarge volumesoftemperature-controlledcargoes,asevi-denced by its announcement'