b'12American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(WRONGcontinued from page 6) (BOLSTERScontinued fromdiesel-poweredequipmentbutdownmost part, its the same piece of equip-by 3.5% to 43.1% month over monthpage 4) timeduetomaintenanceisafactor:ment,right?Youarejusttakingout fromOctobertoNovember(2023),much were saving there. But the bat- So far, I would say no productivity lossthe diesel engines and you are putting while the top five East and Gulf Coasttery electric side of things, we haveor gain really on the hydrogen fuel cellin these new battery, electric motors. ports decreased by 3.1% to 42.0% ofhadacouplehiccups,tobehonestRTG that weve seen so far, it operatesSo, they are getting some offsite train-the market.with you on the electric top panel sidealmost identical to the diesel pieces ofingforthat,buttheyrealready ofthings.Justtheseare,again,theequipment in terms of efficiency. Again,prettyequippedonthemachines r etrAining AK ey very first ones off the assembly line,(with) the fuel efficiency we are noticingitself with the chargers. A lot of that Inhisstudyofautomationatsoitsnothingmajor.Thebatteriessome gains there. is still covered under warranty during Los Angeles and Long Beach, Nachtare performing great, its nothing withHamilton said the hydrogen fuelthefirstyearSo,theyarebeing explained that new jobs at the auto- theelectricalsystems. Andthenoncell RTG is the preferable way to gotrained,theyretypicallyonstandby matedcontainerterminalsrequirethe RTG on the hydrogen fuel cellbecause it is a mobile piece of equip- and observing with the OEMs that are thatlongshoreworkersberetrainedsidethat has been really exceedingment:Wereveryhopefulthatthecoming out and doing any maintenance to handle new jobs in data analysis,our expectations. We have had veryRTG with the hydrogen fuel cell willon the chargers themselves. But over softwaredevelopmentandmainte- little downtime or maintenance issuescontinue to perform as well as it is.time, ILWU (International Longshore nanceofequipment.Butwiththeseat all in the first couple months usingBecause with the fuel cell, you do stillandWarehouseUnion)willtakeon skill requirements comes higher pay. that machine. So again, very positivehave that flexibility like you do withthat work as well. On the hydrogen fuel Higherpayaccompaniestheseresults on that side of things as wellthe diesel piece of equipment wheresupply or fueling same thing. Mainte-jobsbecausetheimprovementin Over time, certainlyour dieselyourenottiedtoanythingItsnance is very similar, so no additional productivitymotivatesemployerstopiecesare quite old right now, andtruly a mobile piece of equipment. staff there. We have a vendor that does reward workers with high pay to keeptheyredownfrequently.AndTrainingonthenewequip- all of our maintenance and repair, and themhappyandsoitssawin/winits getting more and more expensivement has gone smoothly: The PMAthatvendorisPacificCraneMainte-situation for workers and employers. to maintain them, which is one of the(PacificMaritimeAssociation)levelnance Company. So those people that The benefit for the automated ter- big selling points of the electrics thatiswheretheyareoverseeingnewworkforPacificCraneMaintenance minals is you can track containers atweprobablywontfullyrealizefortraining opportunities for both batteryCompany are getting the opportunity the terminal, and you dont lose themanother year or two electricandhydrogenfuelcell.Theto learn how to do the maintenance and in stacks the way you can with con- In terms of productivity, Hamiltonmechanicsare already familiar withrepair on our new equipment here on ventionalcontainer(terminals)espe- does not see a difference compared withthe electric equipment because for theYusen Terminals.cially where there is an overflow. The automated systems also allow for more compact stacking, and this is why youB R A T Isee automated terminals handling 510L E N GTEUs per acre as opposed to 350 TEUsC Eper acre at conventional terminals.Automatedterminalsarerun with zero-emission electrical equip-mentwhicheliminatesthediesel1920-2020pollutiongeneratedatconventionalOterminals. This reduces health risksF SE ICEtosurroundingcommunitiesandRVadvances the implementation of zero emission terminal operations as sup- SUCCESS STARTS WITH A WINNING TEAM!ported by the Clean Air Action Plan adopted by the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Since our establishment in 1920, we haveWE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS:In their report, the two authors notebeen providing our global customers a thatconventionalterminaloperatorspremier level of service through superiorOn-site Storage and Multi-modalhave been slow to adopt full automa- handling and performance, technologicalDistribution Servicestion because it requires capital invest- advancements, and a perpetual eye Customer Access to 24 hour Inventory Trackingment that could go as high as billionson customer satisfaction. Also, we offer oneStandard Berths and Ro-Ro Ramps are availableof dollars. It can take 15 years or moreof the most cost effective and reliable laborSpecially engineered Lifting Geartoimplementand,therefore,topayforces in the North Atlantic. off through productivity gains, despiteContainer Transloading from / to Rail or Truckloweringrelativelaborcosts.AsaWe have the ability to accommodate aOn-site service provided by 2 Class Iresult, some terminals opt to automatevariety of automobile, breakbulk, bulk,Rail Carriersonly some cargo-handling functions.container and forest products. OurEfficient Distribution to Two Thirds of the ilWu-PmA t rAiningc enters distinction, is based on our ability to closelyUnited States and Canadian populations within A dAPtW OrKers tOe merging coordinate your Stevedoring, Warehousing48 - 72 Hours t echnOlOgies and Distribution Logistics. OnMay31,2024,theILWU announced the opening of the ILWU-PMAMaintenanceandRepair (M&R) training center at the Port of Los Angeles:AdditionalM&Rtrainingcen-ters will be opened to serve Northern California and the Pacific Northwest.FOR MORE INFORMATION Thecentersarepartofanagree- CONTACT US AT:mentbetweentheILWUandthe PMA to establish a program to trainJH STEVEDORING, INC. dockworkers in new skills to main- 2147 South Columbus Blvd. tain and repair existing and emerg- Philadelphia, PA 19148ing technologies. TEL: 215-218-3060The ILWU explained: The pro- FAX: 215-218-3078gram will provide re-skill and up- WEB: www.jhstevedoring.comskillprogramsforILWUmembers including a mechanic up-skill programPENN WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION, INC. to train current ILWU mechanics and2147 South Columbus Blvd. continue their technical education inPhiladelphia, PA 19148TEL: 215-218-3000maintaining and repairing current andFAX: 215-218-3043future equipment. WEB: www.pennwarehousing.comThe ILA strike is partly directed at fighting automation and semi auto-mationatcontainerterminalswhere the union says jobs will be lost.But the reality is that at West Coast ports: automatedcontainerterminalshave replaced old jobs with new jobs for ILWU dockworkers.'