b'6American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comIs the ILA wrong about automation?With the ILA contract extension due to expire on January15 th ,2025,thequestionofautomation comes to the forefront. By Stas Margaronis, AJOTInOctobertheInterna- want any form of semi-auto-tional Longshoremens Asso- mation or full automation. We ciations(ILA)briefstrike,wantourjobsthejobswe shut down ports on the Easthave historically done for over andGulfcoasts.Thestrike132 years.endedwithanagreementDaggettsoppositionto extendingthecontractandautomationwassupported negotiationsuntilJanuarybyJackPennington,Presi-Chancay Port, located 50 miles north of Lima, is Cosco Shippings first green and smart port in South America. 15 th ,2025.WhilemuchofdentofILALocal28(Port thefollowingpublicdis- ofHouston),whowrotein Cosco megaport open for business in Peru cussioncenteredonwages,apost:Dontbesoquick the crux of the negotiationsto judgment on us the long-By Luke King, AJOT wasnt about wages and ben- shoremen of this country for efits, but focused on oppos- fighting for our jobs because A megaport designed to handle the worldstwodirectcontainershippingroutescon- ingautomationatcontainerwhoknowswhenitwillbe largest container ships has opened in Peru. nectingShanghaiandChancayinjust23terminalswheretheunionyour turn next!! We are fight-ChancayPort,locatedaround50milesdays, while integrated intelligent loading andsays jobs are threatened. Buting for our rights to make an north of Lima, is said to be Cosco Shippingsunloadingequipment,includingall-electricistheILArightaboutthehonest living not to allow a firstgreenandsmartportinvestmentincontainertrucks,aredrivingadecreaseinthreat of automation? robot to wipe us out so that South America. It spans 1,500 meters in lengthenergy consumption. ILAPresidentHaroldthemcorporatebastardscan and has four berthstwo for containers andEfforts are underway to establish a regionalDaggetthaschargedthatbuyanothervacationisland two multi-purpose berths. logisticsdistributionhubatChancay,whileatheU.S.MaritimeAlliancesomewhere!!!!Designed for a throughput capacity of 1planned ro/ro service would facilitate a promi- (USMX)employersarenot million TEUs, six million tons of bulk cargonent automotive distribution center, Cosco said. negotiatingingoodfaithA utOmAtiOni sc reAtingand 160,000 vehicles annually, the port fea- Cosco Shipping, which owns a 60% stakeandtheILAisparticularlyn eWJ Obs AtP Orts OFl Osturesstorageyards,warehousesandmulti- intheport(40%isheldbyPeruvianmineropposed to plans to automateA ngeles& l Ongb eAchpurpose logistics areas. A 1.8-kilometer tunnelVolcan),added:ChancayPortaspirestocontainer terminal operations:However, the ILAs asser-connects the port to the Pan-American High- become a hub port in Latin America, distin- USMX is trying to fool yoution that automation eliminates way, facilitating land transportation to the eco- guished by its operational efficiency and dedi- withpromisesofworkforcejobs is not borne out by the nomic hinterland. cation to green, low-carbon growth. Throughprotectionsforsemi-automa- (WRONGcontinued onThe natural deepwater port has launched(OPENcontinued page 38) tion. Let me be clear: we dont page 8)READY,INNOVATIVE &RESOLUTION FOCUSED40 Reliable access between U.S. Markets and the Pacic RimOptimal supply chain readinessSuperior, Actionable, Operational Data Visibility45Recognized industry leadershipInnovative Port Optimizer supply chain solution 50Leader in Environmental Stewardship53 ft channel and berth depthEFFICIENCY FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.portoosangeles.org @PortofLA'