b'36American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(WINDOWcontinued frommaintenancethantheirdieselsitiveproducts.Recentworldpeople suffer from hunger. Theseers,portusersandpartnersto page 32) counterparts, he said.events, such as COVID-19 andfood losses, from production toopen up new markets to meet the Carrier will soon launch LynxDryden said the expansiongeopoliticaldisruptions,haveconsumption,affectemergingneedsofthosecompaniesthat FacTOR, an innovative software- of the global middle class willshown that supply chain disrup- countries due to a lack of infra- want to grow and diversify their as-a-service(SaaS)solutionthatcontinue to fuel the need for antions can no longer be consideredstructure needed for proper pres- logistics and supply chains.the company is betting will trans- efficient, comprehensive end torareevents,Drydensaid.Atervation, he said. He continued, Our modern, formpharmaceuticalproductend cold chain.thesametime,newbiopharmaCarrier,alongwithothersemi-automated terminals, com-releasedecision-making.LynxAs the global middle classdevelopments, including person- leadingorganizations,agreedbined with our unique business FacTOR automates the process ofexpandsandurbanizationcon- alize cell and gene therapies, andtoworkwithUnitedNationsmodel, where we both own and evaluating batch integrity, reduc- tinues,thereisanincreasingevolvingdistributionmodels,World Food Programme to buildoperateourterminals,proved ing manual work and expeditingdemandforfreshandhigh- likedecentralizedclinicaltrialsa world-class Transport Trainingtheirvalueduringthesurgeof the movement of products in thequality perishable goods. Globaland direct-to-patient distribution,Center in Accra, Ghana, aimedcargo that came our way because cold chain. developmentisalsocreatinghave elevated the importance ofat enhancing transport and logis- of the tragic bridge collapse that Pharmaceuticalcompa- a greater need for reliable coldstricttemperaturecompliance,tics capacities across the region,closed the Port of Baltimore for niesfacenumerouschallengeschainstosupportinternationalproductvisibility,andeffectiveenablingefficientdeliveryofnearlythreemonths.Wepro-inensuringproductintegritytrade. Theglobaltradeofper- supplychainriskmanagementessentialgoodslikefoodandcessed the diverted cargo without throughout the distribution jour- ishablegoods,suchasfruits,for pharmaceutical companies. medicine, Dryden said. Sinceanydegradationofserviceand ney, Dryden said. The currentvegetables, dairy products, and2023,theTransportTrainingclearlydemonstratedourposi-methods can be tedious, involv- seafood, is on the rise. Consum- t rAiningP rOgrAms Centerhastrainedmorethantion as the most modern gateway ingmanualentryofexcursioners are increasingly demanding aBut Carrier is aware of the370 participants from 21 coun- in America.events, and maintaining compli- wider variety of fresh and exoticneedforcoldchainimprove- tries and more than 35% of theAlongwithincreasedship ance is both complex and labor- foods year-round, which neces- ment and training in developingparticipants are women. Collab- calls and TEU processing, FY24 intensive,costingcompaniessitatestheuseofrefrigeratedcountrieswherefoodlossisaorations like this help improvestatisticsforThePortofVir-potentially millions annually incontainerstomaintainspecificvery real problem.health outcomes, reduce hungerginia also show an increase of manual labor inefficiencies. temperatures and prevent spoil- Effectivecoldchainsareand lower carbon emissions. 13%inrailcontainerprocess-Lynx FacTOR tackles theseage, he said.critical in developing countries.ing. This increase evidences not issueshead-onbyofferingaThelifesciencessector,AccordingtotheU.N.sFoodonly the importance of current single source of truth throughoutincludingpharmaceuticalsandandAgricultureOrganization,(DIGScontinued from page 31) rail service availability, but also thepharmaceuticaldistributionbiotechnology,requirespreciseabout a third of the food producedto South America and the Indiansuggests the potential for contin-lifecycle.Thisdevice-agnostictemperaturecontrolandmoni- globally each year goes to waste,Subcontinentaswell.Weareued future growth with the new solution automatically evaluatestoringforthetransportofsen- while approximately 800 millioncollaborating withourcustom- expanded rail service options.productviabilityatthebatch level, reducing assessment times from days to minutes.n etZ erO e lectriFicAtiOn is theK ey RELIABLE SHIPPINGCarriersRoadMapto NetZeroisanoverarching strategyinitiatedbythecom-panytotransformitsportfolioFROM JACKSONVILLE TO SAN JUANthroughelectrification,integra-tionandresilience.Newprod-ucts innovations are part of the foundation. Ournewversionofthe VectorHE19trailerrefrig-erationunitfeaturesanew lowglobalwarmingpotential (GWP)refrigerant,anditis compatiblewithB100biofuel. Thesolutiondeliversatotal minimumreductionof73%in CO2emissionsoverayearof use. The new Vector HE 19 ver-sion made its commercial debut earlier this year in France with two long-standing Carrier Tran-sicold customers, Dryden said.Drydensaidelectrification is the future of the cold chain industry.Theneedtotransition fromdiesel-poweredtransport refrigerationunits(TRUs)to electricsolutionsisclear,he said.Environmentalregula-tions and customer demand for sustainable practices are driving this transformation.Electrificationhasbeen continuously growing in the pas-senger car industry for years and isnowsignificantlyevolving in the truck industry, including electric TRUs, Dryden contin- From food and ued. Carrier is fully embracingpharmaceuticals to andactinguponthistransfor-mation and is proud to offer anelectronics and the vehicles electric solution for 100% of ouron the road, imported goods are vehicle ranges. Electric units, such as Car- essential to the people of Puerto rier Transicolds eCool series, canRico.significantlyreducefuelcosts comparedtodiesel-poweredTOTE is proud to provide the trades best-units.Overtime,thiscanleadin-class experience to our customers as we to substantial savings, especiallypartner to deliver on our shared commitment as fuel prices fluctuate, he said. Electric TRUs help companiesto the island.complywithemissionsregula-tions, avoiding fines and poten-tial operational disruptions.Switching to electric TRUsDEDICATED. RELIABLE. BUILT TO SERVE. 877.775.7447 TOTEMARITIME.COMcan help customers achieve their sustainabilitygoalswhilemaxi-mizing their operational efficiency andproductquality.Inaddition, electricTRUsoftenrequireless'