b'28American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(EVOLVINGcontinued from page 20) warehouse of over 400,000 sq/ft at 1000 Imeson Park(CHANGEScontinueed from page 22)15th, 2025, the resiliency of the US supply chainBoulevard in North Jacksonville. Kellaway noted thecosts and potential delays.could soon be tested again.agreement expanded its Jacksonville footprint to three Andthereareotherfactorsimpactingthefacilities and more than 800,000 sq/ft of warehousegsc e Asterne xPAnsiOnsupply chain, such as the urgency of retailers pull- and transload space. RoadOne also added a transloadAlthoughGSCsactivitiesareconcentratedon ing ahead inventories to not only get the goods intofacility in Norfolk and recently broke ground on atheWestCoast,earlierthisyearGSCopenedan the warehouses for the upcoming holiday seasonstate-of-the-art facility Summerville, South CarolinaofficeinthePortofSavannah.Savannahwasan but to get ahead of the annual manufacturing slownear to the Port of Charleston. The two phases of theinteresting choice for an initial venture away from the down for the Chinese Lunar holiday [Tuesday Jan.Summerville construction will add 384,800 sq/ft andWest Coast. But as Arsenault explained at the time of 28 through Tuesday Feb.4th 2025]. Through Octo- 279,720 sq/ft of distribution space and due to be com- the opening: GSC established a larger footprint . in ber, there was a shift to West Coast ports as the bigpleted in January 2025 and January 2027. Like thethe Pacific Northwest than we even have in Oakland container ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach andother RoadOne warehouse projects, transloading is awhere we are the largest tenant at the Port. But if you Oakland all posted strong inbound numbers. How- key feature. The addition of transloadingmovinglook at growth over the last five years, for example, in ever, overall, US TEU throughput was in line withfreight from a container to a rail car or freight fromOakland, its been about a 6% reductionin volume expectations but that may not be the case going for- a rail car to containerusually cuts out the dray-it was about an 11% reduction in volume in the ward. US importers are now trying to beat potentialage trucker. But by incorporating the transload fea- PacificNorthwest.Andthenthatsamefive-year new tariffs that the incoming Trump administrationture into the supply chain mix, especially with on-siteperiod there was 35% growth in Savannah.might levy.warehousefacilitiestheservicescaleexpands. AsThe growing market of the Southeast makes sense: Finally,whilethePanamaCanalwaterlevelKellawaysaysofRoadOnesservice,theydeliverWe were densifying our relationships with clients as issue has abated for the moment, should the HouthisSingle Source Solution or S3.a third-party logistics providerby providing chassis ceaseattackingshipsintheRedSea,afloodofHowever, the merging of services like transload,and yards and pull offs and transloading.freight traveling through the Suez Canal, will joinshows how port drayage has evolved into somethingWhat GSC is doing is much like other compa-freight already on its way around Africa to Europeelse altogether, whether that is a 3PL or yet to benies that started out in drayage, filling out the ser-resulting in a colossal jam-up at European ports. Andnamed logistics acronym. vices offering and adding new markets.this port congestion in Europe will ripple across to US ports in the form of liner service disruptions and delays. [Although this scenario increasingly looks unlikely now with Russia accused of using their sat-ellites to pass on to the Houthis targeting informa-tion on ship movements in the Red Sea. Making it far more likely that more ocean carriers will divert their rotations around Africa.] For drayage companies, the flood of inbound freight means the so-called freight recession could quickly be over and replaced by terminal congestion and slower truck turn times, putting a premium on equipmentespecially chassis.t hee vOlutiOn OFd rAyAge tO3PlOfcourse,inacopycatindustrywhereone move by a company most assuredly leads to another company making a similar move, will K+Ns pur-chase lead to other similarly placed logistics provid-ers doing the sameparticularly since drayage has morphed into third-party-logistics (3PLS) providers.Thereareanumberofbothdomesticand internationallogisticscompaniescompetingin thesamespace.International3PLSlikeDHL, DSV(whichacquiredDBShenkerearlierthis year), CEVA, Nippon Express, DP World Logis-tics, GEODIS and Hellmann Worldwide all have reasons to follow suit. And there are a number of well positioned domestic players like CH Robin-son, Expeditors, Penske or Ryder that could take a run at the drayage business. The prevailing 3PL businessmodelfavorsbeingasset-lightonthe transportation side and asset-heavy on the transac-tional portion. Beyond the 3PLs other supply chain providershavedippedtheiroarsintothedray-age business. Take for example, MEDLOG USA. MEDLOG USA is the domestic arm of MEDLOG whichispartoftheGeneva,Switzerland-based MSC Group (Mediterranean Shipping Company), which notably includes MSC Shipping, the worlds largestcontainershipoperator.MEDLOGoper-ates independently and is a specialist in intermo-dal transportation solutions. That logistics package includes among other services door-to-door solu-tions, off the dock storage and intermodal trans-portationthatincorporatesdrayage.MEDLOG USA illustrates just how competition in the dray-age sector is evolving as more players within the supply chain work to increase their service reach.r OAd O ne Andt rAnslOAdingPerhaps an even better example of how drayage has evolved into a 3PL is RoadOne IntermodaLogis-tics. RoadOne, as founder Ken Kellaway explained attheSouthCarolinaInternationalTradeConfer-ence (SCITC) in October, has grown both organi-cally and through acquisition and now has around 75 million sq/ft of warehousing space, 95 locations and around 2,500 trucks and 5 million sq/ft of transload space. In recent years RoadOne has added around fourteenacquisitionsandthecompanysfootprint has expanded across the nation. In tandem with the companysfootprintexpansion,sodidtheservice offerings. RoadOne has invested heavily in expand-ing new distribution facilities in the South Atlantic region. In February the company agreed to leasing a'