b'november 9 - 22, 2020NOrth AmericAs trANsPOrtAtiON & LOGistics NewsPAPer 15I NtErmodal& l ogIStIcSN EWSWarehouse jobs topPatriot Rail reaches agreement pre-Covid levels asto acquire short line operator online sales boom Salt Lake Garfield & Western RailwayPatriot Rail Company LLCaccesstoexpertise,resourcesseveralbusinessgrowthinitia-Warehouse operators acrosstive officer of Integrity Staffing(Patriot), a leading U.S. operatorandcapitaltoservethegrow- tivesincludingaMegaSite the U.S. are rushing to hire work- Solutions, noticed clients in theof short line and regional freighting needs of our expanding cus- Programandaninlandport ers amid a boom in online sales,logistics industry cutting experi- railroads, rail services, and inte- tomer base. We couldnt be moreauthority and district comprising a bright spot for a labor marketence requirements and boostinggrated port logistics companies,thrilled about the prospects of aover 4,000 acres of developable that faces mounting challenges. recruitmentbudgets,signalingannouncedithasenteredanbigger and better SLGW underland,knownastheNorthwest Withpurchasesofevery- higher wages. agreementtoacquireshortlinethe Patriot umbrella. Quadrant.thing from sweatpants to toiletoperatorSaltLakeGarfield&In continuous operation forSLGWrepresentsthefirst paper set to hit a holiday record,e arlyr ush WesternRailway(SLGW)andover 125 years, SLGW currentlybolt-onacquisitionbyPatriot companies that order, pack andForWonolo,ajobsplat- its related entities Caballero LLChandlesmorethan6,000loadedsinceFirstSentierInvestors ship goods are moving up sea- form that connects about 500,000andCaballero2LLC,storagerailcars annually within its 26-mile(FSI),aleadingglobalinves-sonal hiring earlier in the yearpeoplewithmostlygigwork,and transload service providers. line. Its location, in the heart oftorininfrastructure,acquired andconvertinggigpositionsthe holiday rush came early. JobFinancialtermswerenotSalt Lake Citys industrial corri- Patriot in October 2019.tofull-timerolesatafasterpostings have soared: in the yeardisclosed. The transaction is sub-clipthanbefore,accordingtothrough August, there were nearlyject to customary closing condi-employers and staffing agencies.six times more e-commerce open- tions and regulatory approvals.Many are also raising wages andings for the holidays than last year.The agreement aligns with loweringthebaroneducationImportantly,theaveragewagePatriots vision of future growth and experience requirements toincreased 16% to $14.18. asapremierserviceprovider get people in the door. Shipfusion, an e-commerceintheU.S.shortlinerailway Whileoverallemploymentstartupthathandleswarehous- industryandcomplementsthe across the U.S. is still nearly 11ing, packing and shipping needsPatriotportfolio,saidJohn millionbelowpre-viruslevels,forsmallandmedium-sizedFenton,CEOofJacksonville-thewarehousingandstoragebusinesses,morethandoubledbased Patriot. SLGW provides industry is one of the few sectorsitsfulfillmentoperationsstaffpremier service to its customers whereemploymentisactuallythis year to 160 people, about 50and we are honored to carry that higherthanbeforethepan- of them full-timealso doublelegacyforward.CEOMariana demic: 1.25 million people werelast years level. Mavor and her team have done on payrolls in September, aboutThe Carol Stream, Illinois- atremendousjobexpanding 46,000 more than in February. basedcompanyalsorecentlycapacityandfindingcreative Thats a welcome sign con- hired a sales director and some- solutions for shippers.sumerspendingshouldhelponetoleadexpansionplansSalt Lake City-based SLGW SLGW currently handles more than 6,000 loaded railcars annually within supportagradualeconomicacross the East Coast. has added both track and trans- its 26-mile line.rebound, with e-commerce cush- Wevedefinitelyexperi- load services over the past few ioning the shortfall from bricks- enced a lot of growth, the firmsyears and has plans to expand indor, is at the center of the regionsWere delighted to support and-mortarretail.Onlinesalesdirectorofinternaloperations,2021. The state of Utah is thriv- logistics. Neighboring the recentlyPatriots expansion and continue areexpectedtojumpasmuchErinPollock,saidbyphone.ing with growth projects. PatriotredevelopedandexpandedSaltto see exciting opportunities for as 35% to about $196 billion inAs soon as Covid hit, we wereis excited to participate in theseLakeInternationalAirport,thethe companys growth in North thecomingNovember-Januaryexperiencingthesamekindofinitiatives and we look forwardlinerunsadjacenttotwomajorAmerica, said John Ma, North period compared with a year ear- numbers as Black Friday. totheevolvingopportunities,interstates and connects with theAmerica head of the direct infra-lier, according to Deloitte, thoughFenton said. Union Pacific Railroad and BNSFstructureteamatFirstSentier economists forecasts for overallD elIVeryc osts As a family operated busi- Railway.In2017,SLGWwasInvestors.Therailsectorhas holiday spending are mixed. Shippingratesanddeliv- ness,SLGWhasgrown,espe- awardedAndeavorsSupplierbeen resilient this year, demon-Wereseeingincreasesinery delays have been the biggestcially over the last five years,Recognition Award for Innovationstrating the essential role it plays demand,especiallyrelatedto(BOOMcontinued onMavorsaid.Thispartnershipand Value. inenablingsupplychainsand e-commerce and that entire supplypage 16) with Patriot Rail affords us moreThe state of Utah supportskeeping businesses moving.chain,saidRichardWahlquist, president of the American Staff-ing Association.Whilesomeof the hiring activity is seasonal, the higher rate of conversion to full-time work bodes well for the labor market long-term, he said.Jobpostingsfortranspor-tationareup10%inthethird quarter, compared with 2.5% lastSingle Source Solutions S3year, according to LinkUp, a job-listing and analysis firm. UnitedLearn how our S3 can empower your intermodal ParcelServiceInc.isaddingtransportation program. Its the Single Source morethan100,000seasonalSolution that will pay dividends for you from workers,aslightincreasefromports and rails to warehouse and distribution last year, after already hiring tenssolutions nationwide.ofthousandsearlierthisyear. FedEx plans to hire 75,000, 27%LETS CONNECT. 855-4ROADONE higherthanlastyear.Amazon. One Kellaway Drive(855-476-2366)comInc.planstoopen1,000Randolph, MA 02368www.roadone.comwarehouses across the country.People are migrating toward industriesthatareexperiencingSolutions That Connectshortages, such as warehousing,Corporate Headquartersfrom the hospitality or restaurantDomestic Intermodal Trucking Solutions Regional Officessectors,saidMichaelEnglund,Service CenterschiefeconomistofActionEco- International Intermodal Trucking Solutions Northeast Regionnomics LLC. Theres going toContainer Terminal Solutions Midwest RegionbeapermanentcomponenttoRegional Dedicated Truckload Solutions South Regionthisbutthequestionis:WhatNational Transloading, Warehousing and Distribution Solutions West Regiondoestheendofthispandemic look like? Will people have per-manently shifted behavior? ReliabilityTenacitySafetyIntegrityLoyaltyToddBavol,chiefexecu-'