b'18American Journal of Transportation ajot.comMEXPRESS& S200 MYSTIC AVENUEMEDFORD, MA 02155(781) 395-8772/87Fax (781) 395-7319Container-LTL Bonded U.S. Customs CarrierPiggyback Coverage Radio DispatchedConsolidation-Distribution Bonded Container Freight StationPrivate Chassis FleetFully Insured Overwidth/Overheight LoadsDaily Service Port of BostonPort of Halifax celebrates the completed berth extension. Serving: Conn., Maine, Mass., N.H., rhode island, VermontDeep water berth extension atAlso Serving Logan international AirportPort of Halifax fully operational Container cargo on the The South End Container Terminal extensionAmericasUltra-Classvesselports,saidKevinGreat Lakes for the first at the Port of Halifax is now complete and is fullyPiper, President, ILA Local 269. We look forward operational. The first vessel to call on this expandedto a bright future working with PSA Halifax.pieceofcriticalinfrastructure,operatedbyPSAAll of us are absolutely thrilled to see thistime in over a decadeHalifax,istheZim Tarragonawhicharrivedonproject at successful completion. The construction October 23, 2020. team has done an excellent job navigating expectedOn the morning of OctobertionbetweenMediterranean With the extension project finished, the Southchallengeslikeinclementweather,andtheydid20th, the general cargo ship ClaudeShipping Company and Groupe End Container Terminal operated by PSA Halifax nowit without serious incident during a global healthA.DesgagnsdepartedfromDesgagns,Ontarioconsumers has the longest and deepest container berth in Easternemergencythatcontinuestoimpactjustaboutthe Port of Montreal bound forandbusinessescanonceagain Canada with 800 metres continuous length and 16every aspect of life as we know it, said HalifaxToronto. benefit from this shipping solu-metres depth. The recent installation of a new SuperPort Authority President and CEO Captain AllanThis is the first time in overtion,whichoffersimporters Post-Panamax (SPPX) crane, the largest in EasternGray. The completion of this project comes at theadecadethatsuchashipmentand exporters an alternative and Canada, brings the total compliment of SPPX quaysame time we are seeing the first of the 15,000+has happened. In fact, the prac- oftenprovidescostandtime cranes at PSA Halifax to five. Vessels over 15,000TEU Ultra-Class Container Vessels calling at ourtice of container cabotage fromsavingsaswellasacleaner TEU already calling further show how the Port of Hal- port, and it will help ensure we remain a competi- Montreal to the Great Lakes hastransportation solution.ifax is a significant player amongst East Coast deeptive international gateway which will provide tre- been abandoned since the earlyThis collaboration between water ports and is taking part in the growing deploy- mendousbenefittonationaltradecorridors,the1980s. A service was consideredMSCCanadaInc.andGroupe ment of Ultra-Class Container Vessels. local economy and the Province of Nova Scotia. in 2009, but was quickly decom- Desgagns reflects the ongoing PSAHalifaxhandlesthelargestcontainerTimeline: missioned in favour of transit bycommitment of these two vital vessels calling at any port in Canada and with the January 2019 Dredging begins truck or rail. PortofMontrealpartnersto opening of the berth extension we have the capabil-Spring 2019 Caisson construction begins at Rich- Thankstothecollabora- their clients.ity to berth two ultra-class vessels simultaneously,mond Terminalsor three vessels on the strategically important Med-Summer 2019 Placement of caissonsiterranean, North Europe and Regional trades that Fall 2019 Terminal infillingsupport Atlantic Canadian exporters and deliver forSpring2020Concretewallsandplacementof those global Ocean Carriers that frequent our ter- armour stoneminal said Kim Holtermand, CEO & Managing Summer 2020 Arrival and placement of PSA Hal-Director, PSA Halifax. ifax SPPX craneTheILAseesthecompletionofthepier Fall 2020 Asphalt and placement of additional extension as Halifax securing its place in Northtopside infrastructurePort of Virginia welcomes industry veteran Edwards as its next CEO and executive directorThe Virginia Port Authority Board (VPA) ofand competitiveness. The VPA boards executive CommissionersintroducedStephenEdwardsassearch committee immediately began working withThe cargo ship, Claude A. Desgagns, sails the Great Lakes.the next leader of The Port of Virginia. He suc- Tim McNamara and executive search firm Odgers ceeds John F. Reinhart who for the last seven yearsBerndtson, undertaking a worldwide search to findSuspension of overseas has led the VPA as its CEO and executive director. the ports next leader. During a special virtual board Edwardshasextensiveexperienceinthemeeting, John G. Milliken, chairman of the VPA global transportation industry most recently as theboard, held a vote on Resolution 20-19 to appointag container shipments is presidentandCEOofTraPac,EdwardstoserveasCEOand LLC(TraPac),whichoper- executive director of the VPA. blow to US ag communityates container terminals in LosVirginiaisproudofits Angeles, Oakland, and Florida.twenty-firstcenturyport,whichSpecialty Soya and Grainsprices.ReportstoSSGAare His tenure with the VPA beginsdriveseconomicinvestmentandAlliance members were shockedthatHapag-Lloydhasdecided on January 19, 2021. job creation, said Gov. Ralph S.to learn that shipments of agri- itneedstoquicklyreposition I am delighted to be join- Northam.IthankJohnforhisculturalproductsbycontain- empty containers back to Asian ing the Virginia Port Authorityexceptionalleadershipandwel- ers are being discontinued by ashippingcenters,evenifit team in January, Edwards said.come Stephen, whose track recordmajorshippingline,effectivemeans forgoing hauling critical Under John Reinharts leader- ofsuccessandinnovationwillimmediately and for the foresee- foodandagricultureproducts ship,ThePortofVirginiahasensure The Port of Virginia is ableable future. back to manufacturers overseas.put all of the pieces in place forto build upon its strong founda- TheGermaninternationalSSGA members in the Upper long-term success. The goal istion. Bringing Stephen on boardshipping and transportation com- Midwest,includingshippersof totakethesecollectiveassetssendsastrongmessagethatthepany Hapag-Lloyd has droppedbulk and identity-preserved (IP) andputthemtoworktotheStephen edwards, vPAs Ceoport will continue to be a power- abombshell,informingexport- soybeansandspecialtygrains, benefit of customers and cargoand executive director ful economic engine for Virginia,ers it is suspending overseas agnote the decision will especially ownerswhileattractingnewhelpingattractnewbusinessescontainer shipments from Northhit exporters hard in the Minne-business, jobs and economic investment to Vir- and anchoring a healthy maritime trade industry onAmerica,adecisionthatcouldapolis-St. Paul region. The strong ginia. I look forward to continuing this positiveour shores. cause major hardships within theTwinCitiesmarketfrequently momentum and leading the port to greater heightsIn the past seven years, we have made signifi- entire U.S. ag community. finds itself short of inbound con-in the coming years. cant investments to allow us to deliver world classThe decision is being driventainers to meet demand and has In May, Reinhart announced that he would beservice to our customers and cargo owners, MillikenbyhardeconomicsduringalongreliedonHapag-Lloyds retiring in March 2021. During his tenure, Rein- said. These investments in our land- and water-sidetimeofunprecedented demandservices to reposition containers hart helped secure the ports position as a leaderinfrastructure, our equipment and technology, and inforhigher-valueNorthAmeri- for exports.in the maritime industry by modernizing the portsour workforce will drive job growth and economiccanconsumerimportsbycon- (SUSPENSIONcontinued on infrastructure and rebuilding its reputation, brand,(WELCOMEScontinued on page 19) tainersfromAsiaatpremiumpage 19)'