b'november 9 - 22, 2020T emperaTure -C onTrolledl ogisTiCsT ri - annual7Delta Cargos new high-tech cooler(SOLUTIONScontinuedclusters could be linked to a from page 4) cold-storage plant.unopenedfor10days.WeFisherarguedthereason allows safer transportation of vaccines workedwithapartnertoAsiancountriesaremore includeadevicetoprovidelikely to find evidence of food The safe, reliable and effi- real-timeGPSandthermaland packaging transmission is cienttransportationofphar- tracking, said Alcorn.thankstothenowcontained maceutical products is a keyDevelopinganddistrib- natureofoutbreaksinmany focusforDeltaCargo.Touting a vaccine may be wellofthosecountries,unlike support that goal, the airlineinhand.Butforthoseanx- those in the west now battling hasapprovedtheDoKaSchioustoresumetravelanda second wave of infections.Opticooler RAP container forconcert-going, its likely thatYoudneverpickit use on Delta aircraft as partcitizens will be required carryup in the U.S. or in Europe, of its cold chain pharma pro- aninoculationcredentialtobecause you only pick it up gram for the safe transporta- enjoy those activities. Puttingif you go from zero cases for tion of vaccines. thatprograminplacewill100days,andthenhavea Thishigh-end,state-of- involve a whole other logis- small cluster, he said. You the-artclimate-controlsolu- tics challenge. say, well how did this small tionofferspharmaceuticalcluster start?andlifesciencecompaniesTo prevent this, food pro-acontrolledandreliable(CONCERNScontinuedductioncompaniesneedto 2-8Cand15-25Coptions,further expands our extensiveforIndependentValidatorsfrom page 6) ensure workers are vigilant on enablingittobeusedglobal network which allows(CEIV) Pharma Logistics Cer- when the virus was traced tomask-wearing, hand-washing forPharma1transportationustoofferourtemperature- tification.Thisawardmeansthe chopping board of a sellerandregularsanitizationof includingvaccines,with- controlledpackagingsolu- that Delta Cargo is compliantofimportedfish.NewZea- surfaces and utensils.out the need for dry ice. Thetions at even more locations. in its Atlanta warehouse and atland,whichhasmaintainedAnd you need to make Opticooler has a large controlDelta Cargo was the first49Pharmaapprovedairportslongvirus-freestretches,sure that all these outbreaks panelplusquadrupleredun- U.S. passenger carrier to receiveacrosstheglobe,providedalsosaiditwaslookingatinmeatprocessingplants dancyforallcriticalparts,IATAs Center of Excellencethroughitshandlingpartners.the chance that one of its newstop, he said.meaningtherearebackups foreachfeatureincaseof failure.Thelargeloading compartmenteasilyaccom-modatesfivestandardEuro palletsorfourCP-1pallets, plus the container has a large batteryoperatingindepen-dentlyupto120hoursand requires merely 2 to 4 hours battery-charging time.Theintroductionofthe Opticooler provides our cus-tomerswithmorechoice whenlookingforreliable containeroptionstosupport thegrowingglobaldemand for pharma and vaccine ship-ments, said Shawn Cole, Del-tas Vice PresidentCargo. Alongside our joint venture partners,AirFrance-KLM Cargo, we can now offer our customers a seamless experi-ence across the trans-Atlantic, helping to keep supply chains moving and ensuring the safe delivery of temperature sensi-tive shipments during the cur-rent pandemic.AndreasSeitz,Manag-ingDirectorofDoKaSch Temperature Solutions, said, ThisagreementwithDelta providesmoretransport optionsforshippersofsen-sitivepharmaceuticalgoods, which is especially important for the upcoming transport of vaccines against COVID-19. Many of these will require a temperaturerangebetween 2C and 8C during transport, whichisexactlywhatour Opticooler is made for. Delta (EFFECTcontinued from page 5)new cooling technologies to providebettercooling.We want to handle different types ofproduceandtoprovide special types of handling.Caseyseesplentyof growthpossibilitiesforthe future, especially in bringing in fruit and produce from new countries such as Chile. We are bullish on perishables, he added. We are seeing growth across the board.'