b'16American Journal of Transportation ajot.comDimerco secures sought after helicopterSenator Markey blasts FMCSA contract from leading aviation company oversight failureSenator Edward J. Markeyfile paperwork that pledges com-Internationalfreightforwardingandtrans- highest risk, therefore the Dimerco team has pro- (D-Mass.),amemberofthepliancewithfederalregulations, portation specialist Dimerco has won global bidsvided a detailed advance brief to the customer andCommerce, Science and Trans- withouteververifyingtruthful-toprovidespecializedcomplete-solutionsupplywill deliver a customized solution that leveragesportationCommittee,recentlynessorconductingmeaningful, chain services for a leading helicopter assembly,riskmanagement,monitoringprogresscloselysent a letter to the Federal Motorongoing oversight. Moreover, the refitting and operation company in China. The con- ateachcriticallogisticspoint,tokeepthecus- CarrierSafetyAdministra- FMCSA only initiates scattershot tract involves shipping near 30 Bell 407 helicop- tomer informed and ensuring this high value cargotion(FMCSA),demandingtheenforcement actions against com-ters from Canada to China by the end of 2020, firstremains safe. agency account for its repeatedpaniesrepeatedlycaughtviolat-moving the cargo by air ride truck from MontrealTo fulfill the high standards of the quality con- failuretoprovideproperover- ing basic safety standards or with to Toronto, then by air to Tianjin and on to finaltrol process, Dimerco employees monitor loadingsightto Americascommercialexceedingly high crash rates.destination in Xian by air ride truck. Each heli- and unloading on site at both the origin and des- truckingindustry.TheSena- GiventheFMCSAsloop-copter weighs 10,000kgs and transit time for eachtinationlocationsaswellasconductingregulartors letter comes in response tohole-ridden and patchwork system shipment will take just 7 days. follow ups with the carrier during transit to updatearecentinvestigationbyTheof accountability, it is no wonder A spokesperson for Dimerco said that the con- on the shipments status. BostonGlobe,whichrevealsthatthecommercialtrucking tractrecognizedthecompanyslongexperienceDimercos solution will include a wide-rang- howtheFMCSAhasallowedindustryisincreasinglydeadly in the transportation of helicopters, as well as itsing cargo insurance protection policy, with selectedtruckingcompaniesacrossthefor all users of the road, writes track record in international logistics, which spansadditional clauses added to the basic cover, all ofUnitedStatestooperatewithSenatorMarkeyinhisletterto almost 50 years. whichhavebeenspecifiedbyDimercotomiti- minimal to no federal account- FMSCADeputyAdministrator DimercosdedicatedlocalteamsinNorthgatethehighrisksassociatedwithloadingandability, despite rapid growth inJames WileyDeck.AlthoughI America and Greater China have long term part- unloading the helicopters, and covering long haultheindustryandanestimatedrecognize that the FMCSA faces nerships both with the relevant airlines and air ridetransportationtofinalmiledestinationsinInner48 percent increase in fatalitiesresource-limitations, I believe that truck operators, so that space booking and trans- Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Hainan and Tibet. fromcrashesinvolvinglargeyouragencysfailuresgowell portation will be seamless. We will also coordinateWithout doubt, our unrivalled experience oftrucks between 2009 and 2019. beyondfinancialorpersonnel operationswithourcustomerscustomsbroker,transporting helicopters, together with DimercosAmongthemostegregiousconstraintsandappeartorepre-ultimatelyachievingdoor-to-doortransportationglobal network and dedicated local teams, enabledfailuresrevealedby TheBostonsent a dereliction of responsibil-from Montreal to Xian within just one week. theus to develop a cost-effective, optimized logisticsGlobe is the FMCSAs continuality. I therefore urge you to take spokesperson confirmed. solution that won the confidence of our customerresistance to calls to adopt simpleimmediate action to implement Unloading the helicopters from aircraft pal- andsecuredthisvaluedcontract,Dimercosproceduresforreviewingnewstronger procedures for certify-lets to the air ride truck in Tianjin will pose thespokesperson concluded. trucking companies before grant- ingnewtruckingcompanies, ingthempermissiontooper- conducting regular oversight of ate. Instead, the FMCSA merelythe industry, and enforcing fed-requirestruckingcompaniestoeral safety regulations.Waymo adds Daimler Trucks to roster of driverless partnershipsWaymo has added the firstWaymoalreadyhaspas-truckingcompanytoafast- senger-carpartnershipswith growingrosterofmanufactur- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV, ers it will work with to developJaguarLandRoverAutomo-driverless vehicles. tivePlc,VolvoCarsandthe AlphabetInc.sself-driv- alliancebetweenRenaultSA, ingunitispartneringwithNissan Motor Co. and Mitsubi-Daimler AGs truck division toshi Motors Corp. While the tech put Waymos technology to usecompany recently opened up its intheFreightlinerCascadias,driverlessride-hailingservices the companies announced in ato the public in Phoenix, Chief statement.ThetwosaidtheirExecutiveofficerJohnKrafcik jointly developed fully autono- hasbigambitionsforautono-mous trucks will be available tomoustrucking,tellingBloom-U.S.customersinthecomingberg News a year ago that it may years,withoutgivingamoreendupbeingabusinessthat specific timeline. catches on faster.(TOOLcontinued from(BOOMcontinued from The contract involves shipping 30 bell 407 helicopters from Canada to China by the end of 2020. page 14) page 15)Now rapid molecular tests free forimpediments, she said. Air freight Ware raises funding to advancepassengers booked on a Monday,remainstight,andtruckdrivers Wednesday or Friday flight. TheretiringorquittingamidCovid-program is for one United flight19healthconcernsmeansthe warehouse innovation, drone technology and will be conducted in a ter- cost of ground delivery is also minal lounge at Newark-Libertysqueezing consumers and com-Ware, a technology startup deploying autono- meeting this challenge. Their support is especiallyInternationalAirport,outsidepanies, with rates up about 20% mousdronesforwarehouseinventorycounting,gratifyingamidsttheuncertaintysurroundingNew York. Results from the test,from 2019 nationwide.has closed $2.5 million in seed-round funding, ledCOVID-19 and the stress it has exerted on globalthesameoneUnitedusesforTheboomindemandis byUPPartners,withparticipationfromBloom- supply chains. international crews, will be avail- driven by a jump in orders on berg Beta, 2048 Ventures, Tom McInerneyangelAutomating warehouse cycle counts with Wareable within 20 minutes. Amazon.comandothercom-investor in companies like Uberand drone indus- is a 3-step process: The softwares dashboard dis- Passengers who test positivemercegiants,butalsosmall try expert Adam Bry, CEO of Skydio. The fundingplays an AI-assisted visual audit log of the ware- wont be allowed to board, and abusinesses like Lay-n-Go, which will be used for building out the team to furtherhouses entire inventory. Managers can extrapolatenegative result wont exempt thesells fabric purses and bags that Wares artificial intelligence capabilities and sup- accurateinventoryquantitiesforeachpalletbytraveler from the U.K.s 14-dayopenintomatstoeasilyfind port customers as they deploy their technology. viewing the presented data and be alerted to issuesquarantine.Customerswhoitems. Founder Amy Fazacker-Asanenterprise-gradesupplychainopti- that Wares processing engine finds and bubbles updont want to participate will beley noticed sales picking up in mization platform, Ware operates at the nexus ofto the top. As Ware collects more information from arebooked on another flight. July, and so far this year theyre robotics and machine learning. Its flagship productrange of warehouses, it will achieve a critical mass ofUnited is betting that a free,upabout10%comparedto enables organizations to perform inventory track- third-party data it can use to enrich customers oper- fast coronavirus test could stim- 2019, as customers found them-ingandwarehousetasksmoreefficientlywithations and customize workflow, automate inventoryulatetravelorlurecustomersselves spending a lot more time automation. Specifically, Warecombinesdronesreorder triggers, precisely assign cost centers, andfromanotherairline. The318- at home and looking to organize.abilitytoquicklyaccessandcapturedataofandrive more intelligent supply chain processes. seatBoeingCo.787-10thatsShe hired a sales and mar-entire facility, then apply proprietary algorithmicSelf-flying drones soar throughout the ware- usedontheUnitedflighthasketing firm this year to help with dataprocessingtodeliveraccuratereports,ulti- house, collecting images of pallet locations, databeen operating with 50-100 pas- analysis and digital advertising mately transforming the way warehouses and dis- from barcodes, and other inventory information. sengers, Earnest said. and, like so many other compa-tribution centers count and manage their inventory.With their pre-programmed flight pattern com- TheChicago-basedcarriernies, finding ways to get in front This is especially important as increased consumerpleted, the drones return to their Nests inside thebegan offering $250 virus testsof more eyeballs online.e-commerce spending due to COVID-19 has cre- warehouse, where they recharge and transmit theirthis month in San Francisco forPeoplearestillshopping, ated additional stresses for warehouses. cargo of data to Wares cloud. flights to Hawaii after the statejust in a different way because of Understanding the true state of inventory inWares processing engine analyzes the droneallowedtravelerswithnega- the pandemic, said Fazackerley, todays massive warehouses requires a significantimagery, distills the data, and delivers it into antive results to skip a two-weekwhose company is based in Alex-amount of manual labor and time-consuming rou- easy-to-useformat.Interactivereportsin Waresquarantineonarrival.Hawaiiandria, Virginia. It feels like the tines, notes Wares Chief Executive Officer Iancloud software are provided to inventory controlexpanded that program on Tues- economyisrestartingpeople Smith.OurinvestorsunderstandhowWareisteams to make decisions with and take action on. day to visitors from Japan. want to get back to normal.'