b'2American Journal of Transportation ajot.comThe pandemics subtle effects on perishables Moredomesticandat-homeconsumptionbendTemperature-Controlled some export and demand patterns.By Peter Buxbaum, AJOT LogisticsTri-annualIn 2019, the August throughgrape, is a hybrid of Vitis vinif-Novemberappleharvestinera, the most common grape WashingtonStateyieldedspecies in the country, and a arecord133.9million40Concord-like grape (first cul-poundboxesoffruit.YettivatedinConcord,Massa-fewerappleexportshavechusetts by Ephraim Bull). crossed the docks of the portsNewer varietals of grapes of Seattle and Tacoma sincearebecomingmoremain-theCOVID-19pandemicstream,saidCasey.The began.Washingtonusuallypandemicmayhaveopened exportsaround30%ofitsopportunitiesforpeopleto appleproductionto60-plustry new things as are they are countries around the world. eating more from home and Aswithmanychangesdont want to have the same to the trade environment thisfood. They are eating less in year,thevirusisthoughttorestaurants,sotheywantto beresponsible.Thefeed- try new and interesting things backwevereceivedisthatat home.therehasbeenanincrease(EFFECTScontinued on indomesticdemand,saidpage 5) Apples exported to IndiaGeorgette Reidburn, business developmentmanageratthe NorthwestSeaportAlliance (NWSA),whichincludes bothports.Morepeople are eating lunch at home and notgoingoutfordinner,soDEDICATED. RELIABLE.instead of the apples going out internationally, there has been B U I LTT OS E R V Eincreased local consumption.TheCOVIDstay-at-home lifestyle appears to have hadanimpactonWashing- For more than 30 years, TOTE has provided tonappleexports.Evenasreliable, twice-weekly deliveries to Alaska and theeconomyhasreopened to varying degrees, there arePuerto Rico - offering a best-in-class experience for fewer opportunities to eat outthe customers and communities we serve.and widespread public accep-tance of spending more time at home, especially for meals. Thats going to have an impact on perishables trade patterns. Separately, distribution of the comingCOVID-19vaccines willpresentlogisticalchal-lenges to the cold chain. (See box on page 4.)Sincemorepeopleare eatingmoremealsathome, theyarealsowillingtoand interested in expanding their gustatory horizons by eating agreatervarietyoffresh fruit.EricCasey,CEOof GT USA Wilmington, a unit ofGulftainerthathasbeen running the Port of Wilming-tonsince2018,hasnoticed growthopportunitiesfor importsofnewvarietiesof fruitasthepandemicpro-ceeds, and in its aftermath.We expect growth in the switchtospecializedgrapes, saidCasey.Most Americans arefamiliarwithThompson seedlesstablegrapes.Now we are seeing different variet-ies and different flavors from Chile and elsewhere starting to garner interest from American consumers.Theyareopening their taste buds and are becom-ing more experimental.Onesuchnewergrape varietaliscalledCotton Candy, which was developed inBakersfield,California, in2011.TheCottonCandyALASKA1.800.426.0074|PUERTO RICO1.877.775.7447|TOTEMARITIME.COMgrape,whichhas12%more sugarthanaregulartable'