b'november 9 - 22, 2020MaritiMe Section 19COVAXX and Maersk enterNorth Carolina Ports makes history partnership to supplywelcoming largest container shipCOVID-19 vaccines globallyThe North Carolina State Ports Authority set ato better serve existing and future customers.COVAXX, a U.S. companychain management, packing andrecord by welcoming the largest container ship toThearrivaloftheYMWarrantyhighlights developing a multitope syntheticshipping, via air or ocean, grounddate to call the Port of Wilmington. The Yang MingNorthCarolinaPortscommitmenttoitsmore peptide-basedvaccinetofighttransportation,warehousestor- Warranty sailed into Wilmington with a carryingthan $200 million capital improvements plan. Its COVID-19,hasannouncedaage and distribution to facilitiescapacity of 14,220 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalentvisit follows the completion of four major projects globallogisticspartnershipwithtosupportCOVAXXsrequire- unit) and is the largest class vessel calling on theaimed at improving access for 14,000+ TEU con-Maersk, one of the worlds largestments for a pharmaceutical grade,United States East Coast. tainer ships to the Port of Wilmington. Earlier this shippingandintegratedlogisticstemperature-controlledsupplyNorthCarolinaPortscontinuestoproveityear, NC Ports completed phase two of its turning providers. The agreement lays outchain. COVAXX is planning tois an attractive global gateway for shippers. Thebasinexpansionproject;opened2,600contigu-a framework for all transportationmanufacture100milliondosesarrival of the Yang Ming Warranty further solidifiesous feet of container berth space; and completed and supply chain services that willofUB-612duringearly2021,our position as a big ship ready port. We are capa- an air draft improvement project which increased be needed to deliver COVAXXsand a billion doses by the end ofble of working the largest container vessels call- the air draft over the Cape Fear River. Additionally, vaccine candidate UB-612 around2021. The design of the vaccineing on the East Coast, said Brian E. Clark, Chiefthe Ports Authority welcomed three neo-Panamax the world, once approved by regu- componentswillallowfortheOperating Officer, North Carolina Ports. As ourcranes in 2018 and 2019 specifically designed to latory authorities. Financial termsuseofexistingcold-chainstor- capabilities continue to expand so will our abilitieswork ultra-large container vessels.of the agreement are not disclosed. age and distribution channels, as COVAXXisdevelopingthe COVAXX vaccine does not UB-612 using a high precision,requireadditionalinfrastructure syntheticpeptideplatformtosuch as -80C freezers or liquid activatebothB-cellandT-cellnitrogen tanks to store materials arms.Theinvestigationalvac- atextremetemperatures.The cine is designed to mimic naturalCOVAXX vaccine is unique in biologyandpreclinicalstudiesthat it can be stored in the fridge haveshownhighimmunoge- you have at home, moved in the nicity and levels of neutralizingsame trucks that deliver grocer-titers against SARS-CoV-2. Theiesandadministered anywhere technologyplatformhasbeenyou can get a flu shot. - Lou successfulincommercializingReese Co-Chief Executive Offi-blood diagnostics as well as safecer of COVAXX.and effective vaccines for infec- Ourteam,whichnow tiousdiseaseinanimalhealthproudlyincludesMaersk,is and has been tested in numerouscommittedtoaddressingthe clinicaltrialsforotherindica- needsofcountrieswherethe tions to date. greatestunmetneedsexist COVAXX is currently con- today,saidMeiMeiHu,co-ducting Phase 1 clinical trials ofChiefExecutiveOfficerof UB-612inTaiwanandhasanCOVAXX.TodowhatisinThe 14,220 TeU Yang Ming Warranty docks at the Port of Wilmington, nCagreement with the University ofthebestinterestsofsocietyat Nebraska Medical Center to con- thistimeoftheglobalhealth(SUSPENSIONcontinued878 shipments of U.S. bulk soy- countries rely on us for their food duct Phase 2 trials in the Unitedcrisis, we are aligning with thefrom page 18) beans at a volume of more thanmanufacturing.Wevegotour States, upon regulatory approval.strongest leaders in their respec- Hapag-Lloyd has been one17,000twenty-footequivalentnewcropharvestedandwere The company has advanced pre- tive industries to meet the large- of the most reliable and depend- units(TEU)betweenOct.22,making significant and consistent commitments for over 100 mil- scaledemandandcomplianceablecarriersforrural,inland2019 and Sept. 25, 2020 to des- bookings with carriers to get our lion doses of UB-612 around therequirements that we expect. agshippers,sothisannounce- tinations around the world. Theproducts shipped quickly and as globe. In September, COVAXXEfficient and safe deliveryment is devastating and shock- majoritywenttoJapan,Indo- soon as possible.announcedanagreementwithofCOVID-19vaccinesarounding, said Bob Sinner, presidentnesia,HongKong, TaiwanandThe move by Hapag-Lloyd Dasa, the largest diagnostic med- theworldisthemosturgentofNorthDakota-basedSB&BMalaysia, as well as to Thailandposes an ominous sign for U.S. icalcompanyinBraziltocon- logistics challenge we face today.Foods and chair of SSGAs com- and South Korea. Over that sameag exporters if other ocean carri-duct a large-scale human efficacyA. P. MollerMaersk is com- petitiveshippingactionteam.span there have been 172 ship- ers decide to follow suit or delay clinical trial in Brazil. mittedtoworkingcloselywithFor those of us in the food soy- mentsofIPnon-GMOfood- ag shipments. SSGA is encour-ThemissionofCOVAXXCOVAXXtoensuresmoothbean arena, we are just cominggradespecialtysoybeansataagingHapag-Lloydandany istodefeatCOVID-19andend-to-end global delivery of thisoff a harvest that our overseasvolume of 780 TEU. other carriers considering simi-ultimatelydemocratizehealthvaccineassoonasitbecomesfoodmanufacturingcustomersThisdisruptsthefoodlar decisions to reexamine this worldwide.Maerskwillhelpavailable,saidRobTownley,areanxiousanddesperatetosupplychain,Sinnersaid,policy.SSGAwillexploreall fulfill this mission by overseeingHeadofSpecialProjectLogis- begin receiving. noting that consumption of soyoptions to work on behalf of its alllogisticsactivitiestoensuretics at Maersk. Our specializedAccording to available infor- foodshasbeenstrongthrough- members to try to help resolve efficient transportation to devel- logistics expertise and the globalmation from the global trade dataout the COVID-19 pandemic andthisissueandisencouraging oping countries. The agreementinfrastructureofMaerskmakecompanyPanjiva,asreadbythat worldwide food inventoriesexporter members to talk to their providesforend-to-endsupplythis a perfect match. SSGA,Hapag-Lloyddeliveredarelow.Companiesinthoseshipping representatives.(WELCOMEScontinued from page 18)developmentthroughoutVir-ginia. The board has made clear that economic growth is now job numberoneforthenewCEO. StephenEdwardshasship-line experience, a long record of suc-cess leading terminal operations, andadeepunderstandingof theindustryandthechallenges ahead. We are fortunate to be able to welcome him to Virginia.AsTraPacspresidentand chiefexecutiveofficer,Edwards is responsible for the overall per-formanceofthecompanywith focus on safety, service and sus-tainability. Prior to TraPac, he was the CEO of Global Container Ter-minals, which has two container terminals in Vancouver, BC, and container terminals in New York and New Jersey. Previous industry experience includes president and chiefexecutiveofficerofPortscustoms brokers&freight forwardersAmericaGroup;presidentand chiefexecutiveofficerofP&O Ports North America, and seniorwww . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041positionswithP&ONedlloyd/P&O Containers.'