b'12American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(PLATFORMcontinueders are needed too. the recent creation by the US from page 10) As for the measures takenand Canada of a Rail Decar-In terms of decarbonizinginFranceandtheEUtobonizationTaskForceto rail freight, much remains toreducecarbonemissionsindevelop a common vision for be done, in contrast to passen- the rail sector, Gallo reckonsreducingemissionsbrought gertransportwhererailcarsthere have been too few so far. into sharp relief the need for andhigh-speedtrainshaveRoad transport currentlya more collaborative approach been quicker to adopt electri- benefitsfromasignificantin the sector in Europe.fication. lobbyingcapacity,whichThere is far too little co-Brunel noted the scale ofmeansthateffortsarecon- operation in this field within thechallengeahead,reveal- centratedonthetruckfleet.the EU, and I think that such ing that out of an estimatedRail transport is rightly seena working group of this kind totalof31,000locomotivesasavirtuousmode,atleastcouldreallytakeoffwithin operating in Europe, 15,000for the time being, requiringthecontextofdiscussions are over 30 years old. He alsoless effort to decarbonize. between the major rail groups highlighted the limitations inin the sector, for example, the production capacity with thep rEssingi ssuEs For RFFRail Freight Forward, few manufacturers that makeg rEEningr ail acoalitionofEuropeanrail upthemarketonlyabletoHowever,hewentonfreight companies.supply 700 machines a year. to flag some of the pressingHesaidthataninter-CommentingontheissuesontheEuropeanrailestingcollaborativemodel financingplatform,Alexan- freightindustrysgreeningtofollowwasinthemari-dre Gallo, president and CEOagenda, among them the dif- timesectorwhereEuropes ofDBCargoFranceandficultiesfacedbyoperatorsfiveleadingoceanship-president of French industryofdiesellocomotivefleetsping groupsA.P. Mller bodyAFRA(LAssociationin gaining access to sustain- Maersk, CMA CGM, Hapag(PICTUREcontinued fromglobal level-playing field for FranaiseduRail),toldable rolling stock. Lloyd,MSCandWalleniuspage 10) shippingdecarbonization AJOT: Clearly, this is veryModernlocomotivesareWilhelmsen, on the marginsships plying the worlds waterslaid out the situation, saying, good news and represents averyexpensiveinasectorof the COP28 summit, issuedof nearly 1,479,783 gross tonsOurmaritimetransport significant amount of invest- with low margins, and statea joint declaration calling onandtoalargedegree,evensystem is the lifeblood of the ment.Wecertainlyneedaid for their purchase is verytheInternationalMaritimewiththemanytechnologi- globaleconomy,facilitat-morefinancialvehiclesofpatchy.Moreover,thedis- Organization (IMO) to createcalrefinementsandmassiveing over 80% of the worlds thiskind,especiallyforthetributionchannelsforcleantheregulatoryconditionsincreasesinsize,muchthetrade volume. Yet, this vital ageing fleet of thermal loco- fuelsHVO and B100, fornecessarytoacceleratethesameastheirpredecessorsectoralsocontributesto motives.Alargeproportionexample,arenotyetsuffi- transition to green fuels andmerchantshipspropulsionnearly3%ofglobalgreen-oftheelectricfleetisstillciently developed. In France,facilitate the drive toward netpowered by fossil fuels.housegasemissions.As some20yearsawayfromforexample,thesesamezero emissions by 2050. RebecaGrynspan,Sec- sea-bornetradehasgrown, renewal. And when you takecleanfuelsaretaxedtheThis seems to me to beretary-General of UNCTADemissions have escalated by intoaccountcurrentpro- same as fossil fuels, which isan excellent example of com- addressingaCOP28side20% in just the past decade, ductioncapacity,theresnonot normal. petitors coming together in aevent titled, The 2023 IMO(PICTUREcontinued on doubt that more manufactur- Gallo went on to note thatcommon cause, Gallo said. GHG Strategy: Defining thepage 13)Going the Distance on a lot less fuel.Through the adoption of new technology systems and operating practices, CSX is setting records for fuel efficiency and fulfilling our commitment to environmentally sustainable operations.CSX moves a ton of freight over 520 miles on a single gallon of fuel. And with our steadfast focuson delivering sustainable supply chain solutions,were dedicated to helping move America forward.MoveWithCSX.comCSXT-001933_AJOT_Dec2023 _SustainabilityJuniorSpread_22x8.5_RSG.indd 1 12/8/23 8:52 AM'