b'8American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comGamifying the cab (IMPACTcontinued fromthefinancial,medical,phar-page 7) maceutical,educational,and halfofallcompaniessur- othersectorsatthesummit. veyed by us felt that AI wouldWeprovideAPI(applica-By Chris Barnett, AJOTbecomethenewnormal.tion programming interface), AI can help alleviate some ofapowerfultechnologyfor Datatechnologyhasmus- apptotakeapictureofthethelaborshortagesofsometraditional cars and EVs.We cled its way into the cabs ofBOLattheplaceofpickupwestern countries in specificprovidediagnosticsoncars truckingfleets,anddriversandinoneclicksubmitsitindustries.AI is championedwithdefects.Ourservices theworldoverareleeryofto the terminal for load plan- byvicepresidents,presi- can also be used in the avia-sharing their tight space withning,dockoperations,anddents,CEOs,CTOs,etc.,attionandsteelindustriesas this silent, faceless, mysteri- routeoptimizationpurposes.the highest corporate level,also for infrastructure devel-ousco-worker.EspeciallySimultaneously, the image isBuilta said. opment, said Lin. todaywhenprofit-squeezed(GAMIFYINGcontinuedChin-Yung Lin, CEO of big rig operators are having aon page 9) NewYork-basedGraphenai o FFErsn EWW aVE oF Konrad Konarski, chair/director of tough enough time recruiting,Inc., explained that his com- a nalyTics operations, Applied AI Consortiumtraining, and retaining driverspanyworkedwithseveralKonradKonarski,chair/ Chemical, etc.He said that who are retiring from the roadindustriesusinghiscom- directorofoperationsatthehisorganizationdeveloped in sharply rising numbers. panysrobots.DisplayingApplied AI Consortium and aAIforassortedindustries Thetruckingindustryisimagesofdigitalhumans,member of its board of trust- includingmachinery,avia-short 80,000 drivers, a recordhesaidthisnext-generationees, with expertise in AI, IoTtion,etc.Konarskipointed high, Chris Spear, president,ofAIinteractiveassistantsand XR technologies for theout that AI could help prepare andCEOoftheAmeri- (AIia) would unlock bound- oil,gasandpharmaceuticaldocuments and analytics rela-canTruckingAssociationslesspossibilitiesforbusi- industries,pioneeredinitia- tive to port logistics. (ATA),toldCNNrecently.nessesthroughknowledge,tivesforenhancingworkerGreenstarTechnologies Thatisa30%hikefromintelligence,efficiencyandconnectivityandproductiv- LLC of Somerset, New Jersey, before the pandemic hit whenconsistency, as Lin put it.ity through AI, collaboratingwhich provides a platform as truckingwasthenfacingaHe claimed that his boothwith industry players such as(IMPACTcontinued on shortageof61,500drivers,Matt Trevalyan, DDC FPO hadreceivedvisitorsfromExxonMobil,BP,andDowpage 16)he added.At the same time, the end-to-end digital transformation ofsupplychainsisdriv-ing hard to shake off driver shortage slowdowns plus the growing demand from online consumers who expect swift deliveryare,amongother factors, fueling pressures for greater operating efficiencies and profits.ddc s yncsg aMiFicaTionoFT ruckingOne34-year-oldinterna-tionalcompanywhoseUS headquarters is in Evergreen, Colorado,isspearheadingan innovativesolutiontoan aspectofdigitizinglogis-tics using a creative approach that appeals to people of all agesgame playing.Actually,whatsounds likepurefunhasmorphed into a business discipline that isgainingpopularityacross manyindustries:itscalled Gamification. Andthecom-pany, DDC FPO, is using it in a product, DDC Sync, to trailblazethetechnological transformation of motor car-rierlogisticsbydelivering rapid data visibility for deci-sion making, again, from the truckscabtothecarriers main or regional office or to a warehouse.While motor carriers need tocaptureBillofLading (BOL)datawhileonthe move, not all of the (competi-tive) applications are designed tocapturetheactualdata, explains Matt Trevalyan, DDC FPOs head of customer suc-cess for its product line DDC Sync.Theycapturethe imageoftheBOLforhis-torical records and require the driver to manually key in the actualdataresultinginpro-cessfragmentation,human error,andlongerturnaround time. Its extra and often frus-trating work for the driver.Instead, with DDC Sync, thedriverusesaphone equipped with the optical char-acterreader(OCR)mobile'