b'DECEMBER 18, 2023JANUARY 21, 2024 NORTH AMERICAS TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS NEWSPAPER 9(GAMIFYINGcontinued from page 8)sent to the carriers accounts receivable team so the invoice can be prepared quicker.This reduces back-office work by digitizing the freight bill at the point of collection withdriverGPStaggingof precise location. DDC Syncs OCRhasasharperimage capturecapability,asserts Trevalyan, resulting in fewer time-wasting rejections and do-overs. Essentially, our plat-formhelpscarriersreceive data almost a day earlier than past processes.a pplyingg aMiFicaTion ToT ruckingBut while real-time data visibilityisexpeditedand drivertimeissavedbynot havingtodotediousin-cab key-ins,wherearethefun and games? And why was it incorporatedintoabusiness asseriousasmotorfreight transportation?Trevalyan, in an exclusive interview with theAmerican JournalofTransportation (AJOT), says gamification is not new to the logistics indus-try. But DDC FPO is the first andonlyknowncompany to introduce it to in-cab data captureandtransmission.It is essentially a labor recruit-ing, productivity, and carrier operational efficiency tool.It is tough for companies in all industries today to attract labor.But we realize that a core recruitment audience for motor carriers drivers have beenplayingvideogames from the late seventies, early eighties all the way through to today. Many are used to per-forming a task, getting points, and getting a reward for their effort.Videogameplayers arealsousedtoworkingin teams. It started with Pacman, SpaceInvaders,andcontin-ued on. So, we could target a keydemographicseasoned drivers who our clients want to retain.At the same time, some states were lowering the age for driving a truck from 21to18sowecouldtarget young people who were enter-ing the workforce and recruit new drivers. Byaddingthegamifi-cationfeaturetotheDDC Syncsin-cabmobileapp, he says, motor carriers could ensure proper adoption and engagement from drivers and teach them how to effectively use the app.g aMiFicaTioni nJEcTsT EaMWork inTod riVingMoreover,whiletruck drivingisoftenasoloand canbealonelyoccupation, gamificationinjectsteam-workintotheirday.Drivers canenjoyfriendlycompeti-tion by joining a dispatchers team and earning points and kudos based on a variety of tasksincludingthequality (GAMIFYINGcontinued on page 16)'