b'DECEMBER 18, 2023JANUARY 21, 2024DECARBONIZATION 13(PICTUREcontinued froming the goals and challengesficient demand for new fuelsingnessforcontainershipthe ships at sea.page 12) facingcontainershipcar- to justify the massive invest- carriers to address decarbon-a trajectory we simply cannotriers.WSCPresidentandmentsneedintheimmedi- ization but that it is far from aT racks ForaffordtocontinueOurCEO John Butler said, Linerate future. The challenge forclear path to a net zero future.d Ecarbonizingr ailmessagetoday,hereatthecarriersarecommittedtomember states at IMO is notThere are expensive techno- Although the process for COP,isveryclear:bold,deliveringonthe2050netjust to agree, but to agree onlogical choices to be made indecarbonizing trucking is well global action is necessary tozerotargetandarealreadyregulations that will providebuilding a new generation ofdocumented,lesshasbeen decarbonize shipping. investinginrenewablypro- investmentcertainty.Ifwecontainerships.writtenaboutdecarbonizing OnDecember7th,thepelled ships. To ensure therecangetthisrightfromtheAstudypublishedbyrailroads.Railroadsbythe WorldShippingCouncilarerenewablefuelsavail- beginning, we will speed theUMAS,aUnitedKingdom- sheer tonnage of their hauls (WSC), an organization rep- able to run those ships, in aenergy transition and make itbasedconsultancygroup,areinherentlymoreenergy-resentingthelargestlinercompetitivemanner,energymore affordable by avoidingwrote that ocean freight ratesefficientandsustainable shippingoperators,releasedprovidersmustseeregula- stranded investments. would need to be up to $450thaninternalcombustion astatementinrelationtotions written in the next twoButlersremarksdem- perTEUtocoverthecostengine(ICE)trucking.But theCOP28meetingoutlin- yearsthatdemonstratesuf- onstrate that there is a will- oflow-carbonfuels.Giventhelackofelectrifiedrail thefactthatoceancarriersand the vast distances moved have often added bunker sur- makesdecarbonizingrailin charges to freight charges ittheUS,acomplexproblem is likely these rates would bemoving to net zero. In con-passed on to the shippers. trast, Europe has much more What will they be pow- electrifiedrailandamore eredby?Somebelievecomprehensive approach to rail ammoniaisthebestalter- decarbonization.(seeStuart native fuel in the near termToddsAJOTarticleNew future. How much assistancefinancingplatformaimsto can wind power provide green European rail freight isitfeasible?Ishydrogenon page 10).reallytheultimatesolutionIn August, AJOTs Senior or is nuclear power going toBusiness correspondent Matt makeacomeback?WhereMillerwrote,Railroads doescarboncapturefigurerightlytoutthefactthat intoshipdecarbonization?theyre the most energy-effi-Whatistheelectricfuturecient way to move freight, a for ship propulsion? quarter to a third (depending And it is also worth noting,onthestudy)ofthecarbon that while container ships areproducedpertonoffreight the most visible aspect of ship- bytrucks.However,that ping, the container shiplinerdoesnt mean rail, especially shippingrepresentsonlyin North America, is shaded 4.6% of the merchant fleet and(PICTUREcontinued on decarbonization is a goal for allpage 20)Going the Distance on a lot less fuel.Through the adoption of new technology systems and operating practices, CSX is setting records for fuel efficiency and fulfilling our commitment to environmentally sustainable operations.CSX moves a ton of freight over 520 miles on a single gallon of fuel. And with our steadfast focuson delivering sustainable supply chain solutions,were dedicated to helping move America forward.MoveWithCSX.comCSXT-001933_AJOT_Dec2023 _SustainabilityJuniorSpread_22x8.5_RSG.indd 1 12/8/23 8:52 AM'