b'16American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2023_ACL11/10/239:01 AMPage 1(GAMIFYINGcontinuedandtransmittingclearBOL from page 9) theytransmitdata, get recognized for theirThe Ultimateoftheimagesprowesswithatopposting fromtheircab,asRichardon the carriers Leaderboard.CARRY ALLGreening, DDC FPOs chiefWithDDCSync,theyare informationofficer,toldacalled champions. reporter recently. Trevalyan says gamifica-AsTrevalyanputsit,tion has other benefits for the Gamificationallowsmem- driverandtheclient-carrierContainers, RORO, Breakbulkbers of the driver communitythat are more subtle and col-withinatruckingcompanylaborative. Instead of a driver to talk to one another aboutwith a problem having to call thingsinsideoroutsidea dispatcher for an answer and work such as where to parkadmittingtheywerestrug- A SERVICEinaspecificTennesseecitygling,theycancallacham-totheNFLfantasyfootballpionoroneofthepeersonFROM NEW YORK TO TRANSIT TIMESdraft. For example, women intheir team and ask for help. ANTWERP 20trucking, who have an under- DUBLIN 21representedvoicemaynots calingu pg aMiFicaTion BELFAST 20feelcomfortablediscussingGamifyingtoexpediteGOTHENBURG 25some subject matters in frontdata is not limited to driversHAMBURG 17of other employees, can nowatasinglecarrierterminalLIVERPOOL 13have a safe space and envi- whoworkforasingledis- RORO Customer Service Export Documentation Credit & Collectionsronmentinwhichtospeakpatcher,saystheDDCFPO877-918-7676 888-802-0401 888-225-7747freely. When you gamify, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] communities. wanttocreatecompetition Export Customer Service Import Customer ServiceDrivercommunitiesnotbetween, say, its terminals in800-225-1235 888-802-0403onlycommunicatewithoneSaltLakeCityandSeattle. [email protected] [email protected],hesays.Onenational level and have teams way for a driver to stand outatterminalsandcreatea among peers is to capture BillSuper Bowl between the twooutautomaticallygenerated(IMPACTcontinued frombusinessofficerofGreenstar of Lading data in a high-qualitytop city terminals. push notifications to the driv- page 8) Technologies, pointed out that image and transmit it quickly. Gamification of fast anders who performed well so ita service for energy utilitiesthere are 1,600 utility compa-Before DDC Sync, oneaccurateBOLdatadeliveryprovidesrealtimefeedbackdigitaltransformation,hasnies in the U.S. electricity seg-DDCclientswarehousehasstillotherbenefitsforand recognition. pioneeredtheSaaSconcept,ment.We provide software in night shift would be planningthemotorcarrier.Itstimu- Butwheregamificationand plans to host its platformthe segments of energy utiliza-for the day shift based on oldlates productivity, Trevalyanreallyshinesisimprovingin its National Energy Opera- tion,transformation,etc.The BOL data not necessarily sentcontends.Inthisindustry,line haul operating and logis- tionsCentre(NEOC)whichsoftware enables develop plat-from the point of pickup andpeople may not embrace andticsefficiency.Trevalyanwill provide managed servicesform. AI is an integral part of a low-quality BOL image. Ifadoptnewtechnologiesthatinsists,Forexample,ourfor U.S. utilities in a diversi- every applicationwe have either of these two things arequickly, especially if you aretechnology can be optimizedfiedandcustomizedmodel,investedsubstantiallywith not adhered to, the driver willa truck driver with 40 yearstomeasurehowharshlyaenablingreal-timedataana- theaimofexpansionwe lose points. If the driver, doesexperience,whohasneverdriver puts on the brakes andlyticsdeliveringbusinessdo analytics with our team of itperfectly,heorshewins,takenapictureofabillofhowthatimpactsfueleffi- intelligenceforgeneration,engineers and have done busi-and the client carrier wins. lading before. Theyre likelyciency.Youcanlosepointstransmission, and distributionness in overseas markets. Our How? By having the datato forget. But if someone tellsorearnpointsforimprovedfunctionsoftheutilityinabusiness model is used in infra-quicklyimmediatelytrans- them there is a reward on thefueluse.Logistically,thedynamic digital format. structure projects, he said. mitted clearly from the pointline, thats different. In someBOL data capture and trans- AI companies catering to ofpickupthedayshiftatcases, we have had 100 per- mission image tells the ware- the energy sector, are drawnai: J obk illEr orJ obtheterminalorwarehousecent adoption levels on newhouseteamexactlywhatisbytheprospectofbusinessb uildEr ?canproactivelyplanthattechnology in the first week.coming on the truck so theyfromtheBidenadministra- Billionsofpeopleare daysoperationsratherthanGamifyingisalsoacanplanwherethefreighttions$1.2trillionworthexpectedtouseAIthe reactively plan based on themanagerialtool.Eachday,goes in the warehouse beforeInfrastructureInvestmentandsector is evolvingI expect nightshiftsinput,Trev- adispatcherwillreceiveait arrives. Again, points areJobs Act which attaches impor- phenomenalchangesinthe alyan says. feedback loop so they can seeearned or subtracted based ontance to clean energy.transportation sector, Rahu-Meanwhile,driverswhowhich driver has made mis- thedriversperformanceofInaninterviewwiththelan contended. consistentlyperformfromtakes the day before. At thehow often- and how well- heAmericanJournalofTrans- AIisseenbymanyas the road in rapidly capturingsame time, DDC Sync sendsor she uses the app. portation, Dilip Rahulan, chiefajobkillerbutthereare also those who scoff at such notion.You will need human beingstocontrolmachines androbots.Yes,somejobs may be lost, just like any new technologydoes,butitwill noteliminatealljobs. After all, some 60% of jobs that we see today were invented in 1940.The fear of jobs being lost,comparedtonewjobs beingcreated,ledtocreat-ingworkandallowing time forotherwork,saidJona-thanBurke,anIrishhuman resources specialist. (SOLUTIONcontinued from page 15)othergreenalternativesare akeyriftbetweenthetwo major parties.Dagher, though, believes wind will have clear sailing. Evenintheprioradminis-tration, wind moved forward very well. Even conservative andfossilindustry-focused Texas has become the leading U.S.stateforwindenergy.'