b'12American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comGeorgia Ports Top Import Carriers(GROWTHcontinuedwerethemarketsthatwereGeorgia Ports Top Import Carriersfrom page 6) growingtheleast,orin2023 & 2022adirectservicetotheWestsomecaseswereactually2023 & 2022Coast of South America withshrinking. We were densify-theZIMColibriExpress.ingourrelationshipswithRank VOCC 2023 2022 Variation Variation %Rank VOCC 2023 2022 Variation Variation %The service, which is impor- clients as a third-party logis- 1 CMA-CGM (CMDU) 357,688 456,748 -99,059 -221 CMA-CGM (CMDU) 357,688 456,748 -99,059 -222 MAERSK LINE (MAEU) 323,182 387,760 -64,578 -17tantforperishableproducetics providerby providing2 MAERSK LINE (MAEU) 323,182 387,760 -64,578 -173 OCEAN NETWORK EXPRESS PTE LTD (ONEY) 280,357 286,643 -6,285 -2imports, calls Chile, Peru, andchassisandyardsandpull3 OCEAN NETWORK EXPRESS PTE LTD (ONEY) 280,357 286,643 -6,285 -24 HAPAG LLOYD A G (HLCU) 265,600 238,373 27,227 11Ecuador,andmakesSavan- offsandtransloading.But4 HAPAG LLOYD A G (HLCU) 265,600 238,373 27,227 115 MSC-MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S A - MEDU (MSCU) 262,687 427,230 -164,544 -39nah its first U.S. port of call.youknow,Ifwecanbe5 MSC-MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S A - MEDU (MSCU) 262,687 427,230 -164,544 -396 ZIM INTEGRATED SHIPPING SERVICES LTD (ZIMU) 257,593 278,686 -21,093 -86 ZIM INTEGRATED SHIPPING SERVICES LTD (ZIMU) 257,593 278,686 -21,093 -8SeaboardMarinesColum- successful in a market thats7 EVERGREEN LINE (EGLV) 233,950 223,121 10,829 57 EVERGREEN LINE (EGLV) 233,950 223,121 10,829 5bia service transitioned fromnotgrowingweonly8 COSCO SHIPPING LINES CO LTD (COSU) 123,026 169,995 -46,969 -288 COSCO SHIPPING LINES CO LTD (COSU) 123,026 169,995 -46,969 -28theOceanTerminaltothecanimaginehowsuccess- 9 ORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE LTD (OOLU) 81,067 92,758 -11,691 -139 ORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE LTD (OOLU) 81,067 92,758 -11,691 -13GardenCityTerminalandful we can be with the kind10 YANG MING (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD (YMPR) 67,243 2,764 64,479 2,33310 YANG MING (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD (YMPR) 67,243 2,764 64,479 2,333frombiweeklytoweeklyofclientsupportthatweveTotal 2,408,580 2,860,062 -451,482 -16Total 2,408,580 2,860,062 -451,482 -16callsatSavannah.OCEANgotontheWestCoast AlliancesChesapeakeBaynow also asking us to comeGeorgia Ports Top Export CarriersExpress/CBX added a Yoko- to the East Coast in a marketGeorgia Ports Top Export Carriers2023 & 2022hama call in early 2023.thats very vibrant and grow- 2023 & 2022Although the service hading extremely fast with 35% alreadybeencallingSavan- growth over the last five yearsRank CARRIER 2023 2022 Variation Variation %nah, noted Pyron, the Yoko- in total volume in Savannah. Rank CARRIER 2023 2022 Variation Variation %1 CMA-CGM (CMDU) 257,261 239,616 17,645 7.36hama call expanded Savannahs1 CMA-CGM (CMDU) 257,261 239,616 17,645 7.362 MSC-MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S A (MSCU) 196,560 211,738 -15,178 -7.17P eoPle& s oftware 2 MSC-MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S A (MSCU) 196,560 211,738 -15,178 -7.17direct connections to Japan. 3 MAERSK LINE (MAEU) 162,805 167,332 -4,527 -2.71GSCs successstarts3 MAERSK LINE (MAEU) 162,805 167,332 -4,527 -2.714 OCEAN NETWORK EXPRESS PTE LTD (ONEY) 138,209 138,654 -445 -0.32i ndiaC alls 4 OCEAN NETWORK EXPRESS PTE LTD (ONEY) 138,209 138,654 -445 -0.32withourpeopleandour5 HAPAG LLOYD A G (HLCU) 120,886 162,107 -41,221 -25.43Trade with India is assum- relationships, but it really 5 HAPAG LLOYD A G (HLCU) 120,886 162,107 -41,221 -25.436 ZIM INTEGRATED SHIPPING SERVICES LTD (ZIMU) 78,922 58,908 20,015 33.986 ZIM INTEGRATED SHIPPING SERVICES LTD (ZIMU) 78,922 58,908 20,015 33.98ing increasing importance foriscompoundedbyourtech- 7 EVERGREEN LINE (EGLV) 78,280 72,794 5,486 7.547 EVERGREEN LINE (EGLV) 78,280 72,794 5,486 7.54thePortofSavannah.GPAnologyfootprint.Wehave8 ORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE LTD (OOLU) 67,224 50,035 17,190 34.368 ORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE LTD (OOLU) 67,224 50,035 17,190 34.36has weekly container servicesreallyinvestedheavilyin9 CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING COMPANY (COSU) 61,431 81,644 -20,213 -24.769 CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING COMPANY (COSU) 61,431 81,644 -20,213 -24.76withIndiaslargestportofthis area over the past couple10 YANG MING MARINE TRANSPORT CORP (YMLU) 37,035 31,254 5,781 18.5010 YANG MING MARINE TRANSPORT CORP (YMLU) 37,035 31,254 5,781 18.50Nhava Sheva as well as withofyearssinceIvejoinedTotal 1,263,273 1,301,277 -38,004 -2.92Mundra and Pipavav. GSCbasedonthelessonsTotal 1,263,273 1,301,277 -38,004 -2.92In May 2024, Ocean Net- learned during the Pandemic, workExpresswilllaunchawithallthedisruptionsthat newcontainershipserviceweveencounteredandclientfacingdashboardsspreadsheets. (STORAGEcontinued between Savannah and Westexperience(d) across the entireas a tool at the fingertips ofThe result is that smallerfrom page 10)India.Thenewofferingsupplychainecosystem,weour clients so that they havecompanieslackthatnextonthenewyardistremen-willgivetheGeorgiaPortswereabletolearnfromreal time visibility to every- levelofsophistication.Anddous in scale.Authority 10 services via thethose lessons and implementthingthatshappeningwith what everybody is talkingCombined,theenhance-Suez Canal, with nine callingchanges in our processes andGSCinsideournetworkatabout now is one of the keymentstoyardandrailinfra-on the Indian subcontinent. our platforms to really supportany given time, 24/7 lessons learned from the Pan- structureprovidecustomers Indiasgrowthpoten- this scalable type of growth. Thiscompetitiveadvan- demic is that even the com- with greater inland connectiv-tialisthenewfrontierforThe result is better man- tageishappeningatatimepanies that thought they wereity and more routing options.businessinvestmentastheagementofassetssuchaswhentheharbortruckingthemostsophisticatedwithOurgoalistoensure worlds most populated coun- chassis:Theincreasedindustryisveryfrag- their technology realized thatGPA customers have the nec-try, said Pyron. GPAs stra- complexity that goes aroundmentedanditsstilllargelythere were shortcomings, thatessaryportinfrastructure tegiclocationrelatedtothemanaging pool chassis versuscomprised of a lot of smallerthey didnt have as much vis- capacityandsupplychain Panama Canal and access toyour own fleet managing mom and popmotor car- ibility as they maybe thoughtconnectivitytosupporttheir SuezCanalroutingsgivespull offs for longer distanceriers. And weve seen a lot ofthat they may have. long-termgrowthambitions customers multiple options inruns where you kind of set upconsolidation over the yearsinworldmarkets.Thisis multiple markets to competea hub and spoke type of a net- wheretheressomelargert eChnoloGyv ersus whatdrivesourportmaster and win business. workitsthe technol- asset-basedcompaniesthatl oGistiCsC omPanies planinvestments,saidGPA Import-exportvolumesogy (that) has really enabledhave come into some of theseTechnologybasedcom- BoardChairmanKentFoun-between Savannah and Indiaus, once weve revamped ourmarkets as well. But for thepanieslacktheexperiencetain. GPA recently completed totaled279,149TEUslastbusinessprocessestofullymostpart,itsstillaveryand the personnel to properly$1.9billionininfrastructure fiscal year, for an increase ofautomate them (and) allowedfragmented industry. And asdevelopsoftwareapplicationsimprovements and anticipates 18%.GPAexportstoIndiaus to totally differentiate oura result, its still largely run(EXPANSIONcontinuedinvesting nearly $4.5 billion in grewby50%infiscalyearsoftware. Now we even havebyemails,phonecallsandon page 16) the next 10 years.2023 vs. 2022 and by nearly 80%inthepastfiveyears. Overall GPA trade with India grewby18%inthepast fiscal year and 61% over the past five years.OtherthanthePortof New York/New Jersey, noted Pyron,Savannahhandles moreIndiatradethanany other U.S. port.(EXPANSIONcontinued from page 8)the Pacific Northwest than we even have in Oakland where we are the largest tenant at the Port. But if you look at growth overthelastfiveyears,for example,inOakland,its beenabouta6%reductionin volumeit was about an11%reductioninvolume inthePacificNorthwest. And then that same five-year period there was 35% growth in Savannah.Arsenaultsaidthatthe markets that GSC had really establishedourfootholdin'