b'40American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2023_ACL11/10/239:01 AMPage 1Launch of new refrigerated ocean transportation serviceThe Ultimateutilizing electric field tech CARRY ALLSumitomoCorporationpreserving logistics by devel-andOrientOverseasCon- opingrefrigeratedocean tainerLineLimitedrecentlytransportbasedonthisser- Containers, RORO, Breakbulkannouncedthesigningofavice. Through the promotion businessallianceagreementofthisservice,Sumitomo to provide refrigerated oceanCorporationandOOCL transport that utilizes electricwouldliketorealizeocean field technology and realizestransportationofnon-freez- A SERVICEthe long-term preservation ofingchilledproductsfrom freshness for a variety of com- distantlocations,whichisFROM NEW YORK TO TRANSIT TIMESmercial products internationalcurrently impossible, and toANTWERP 20transportationofperishabledeliver attractive food prod- DUBLIN 21products, which must be pre- ucts in fresh and stable con- BELFAST 20servedfreshness,faceschal- ditions to wider locations inGOTHENBURG 25lenges to be transported in thethe world.HAMBURG 17shortestpossibletransittimeIn implementing this ser- LIVERPOOL 13inoceantransportation,andvice,SumitomoCorporationRORO Customer Service Export Documentation Credit & Collectionshigh cost burden in air trans- and OOCL have conducted a877-918-7676 888-802-0401 888-225-7747portation. In order to expand30-month demonstration experi-
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] supply areas and ensurementwithItohamYonekyuExport Customer Service Import Customer Servicea stable supply of products, itHoldings,amajorplayerin800-225-1235 888-802-0403has been desired to develop
[email protected] that enables long-termprocessing industry, and suc-
[email protected] transportation utilizingcessfully established the new refrigeratedstoragetechnol- mechanism to distribute and ogy with minimal quality loss. is going to launch the com- (UPGRADEScontinuedwarehouse storage. of these refrigerated shippers Takingadvantageofmercialoperationoffreshfrom page 34) Brandon McDonnell, ChiefoutoftheSoutheast,South thedevelopmentofelec- pork as the first service pro- cargoes,thePorthasseenOperating Officer, PCC Logis- and Midwest have been uti-tricfieldcontainerscon- vider in the meat and logisticsexpanding reefer plugs on thetics told AJOT: Yes. Recentlylizing Oakland for 35 years. ducted by MARS Company,industrytotransportSpan- terminals to be able to handlewecompletedashowroomI think we need to ensure the Inc.,SumitomoCorpora- ishpork,whichhadprevi- therefrigeratedunitswhileat one of our older sites aboutequipmentsavailable,and tionestablishedanelectricously only been imported astheyreonterminals:The12,000 square feet in additionthe steamship line schedules fieldcontainerprocurementfrozenproducts,inrefriger- TraPac terminal is in need oftowhatwecurrentlyhave.are consistent, and with that, I systemwiththecoopera- atedcondition.Inaddition,additional plugs526 addi- Andatournewwarehouse,think we need more cold stor-tionofDaiichiInstitutionSumitomoCorporationandtional reefer plugs in additionwe are in the process of puttingage and transloading.IndustryCo.,Ltd.,whichOOCLwillcollaboratewithto their existing 700So, ain roughly 50,000 square feet manufactures and sells elec- SC Foods Co., Ltd, a tradingsignificant increase is comingof chill room and a small coldt urninGB asino aklandtric field-related equipment,company specializing in foodonline in another week.Westoragesomewherearounde stuaryandOOCL.Additionally,productswithintheSumi- were waiting for Pacific Gas2000 pallet capacity. In total inBrandes said that increas-SumitomoCorporationalsotomo Corporation Group, and& Electric to do final sign offOakland, well probably haveing the capacity for OICT is obtainedpatents,includingMowi Japan Co., Ltd, a major on increasing the load. Andupwardsof65,000to70,000focused on widening the Turn-oneforafoodtransporta- salmon manufacturer, to real- we received approval for thatsquare feet of showroom anding Basin in the Oakland Estu-tion method that lowers theize a new distribution modellast week. And we just needroughly 2,500 pallet positions.ary: Its a significant project non-freezing temperature offor a variety of fresh products.to do a couple modifications.Wehandleupwardsof3000totheport,[to]con-food products and improvesSumitomoCorporationandAndwithinthenextcouplecontainers a month in Oakland. tinue to keep the port able to the freshness retention effectOOCL will continue to buildaweeks TraPac should have anIabsolutelyagreewehandle the largest vessels . byshrinkpackingthefoodmoreenvironmentallyfriendlyadditional 526 plugsWe doneed more reefer capacity. Ito really safely and efficiently products with a high degreeglobal logistics network throughhave several cold facility .thinkOaklandshistoricallymove them in and out [of the of vacuum in an electric fieldprice-competitive, high-quality,withintheportcomplex.an ag export refrigerated port.terminal]. This is a nine year environment. low-carbonrefrigeratedmari- Cool Port Oakland being ourI think they need to build onprocess based on U.S. Army SumitomoCorporationtime transportation by leverag- largest. But we also have PCCthatlongtermreputation.CorpsofEngineersrules: and OOCL aim to establishing the strengths and businessLogisticsnowaddingaddi- Oaklands always been strongthree years for feasibility and a new standard for freshness- bases of both companies. tional reefer transloading andin agricultural exports. A lotenvironmentalimpactanaly-sis, three years for design and three years for construction.(TRENDScontinued from page 36)data from bad actors around the world.Oneoftheknottyques-tions broached by the Adminis-tration and Seroka is potential intelligence gathering capabili-ties by Chinese manufactured gantrycranes.Muchofthis informationistransactionaltypical of the international movementofgoods,butthe datademandsareincreasing and thus is the risk.Andthedatastreamis widening every day. As Sappio observes, When we do have a poolofinformationavailable fromreefercontainers,where they go, how they perform and so forth, that data is going to havetobeprotected.So,its a challenge for all of us, its a challenge the industry is going to be wrestling with for some time to come.'