b'36American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(TRENDScontinued from page 34) lines be able to charge beneficial cargothatabigheadacheforthe[truck- theglobeisR134a,butSeaCubes understandingwhattodowiththisowners for information or not? So, Iers] carriers is the theft of fuelthecontainers can take with some minor immediate flood of new data availablethink theres some fundamental ques- chassis with the genset on it goes outadjustments, R513a which is the next can be overwhelming to customers. Itionsthatwereallworkingthroughthe gate with a full tank of fuel andgeneration of refrigerant.ask them how their life will changeboth the carrier side and the equipmentit comes back after only a few hours withthisinformationavailabletoprovider side as well with the manu- andtheresnofuelleft.So,IthinkC yBers eCurity t heo mnisCientthem, the first response is a deer in thefacturers. But in all of that, I have totrackingfueluse,energyconsump- t hreat to thes uPPlyC hainheadlights look. imagine some people are going totion, geo-fencing or GPS positioningAnotherriskthatisinherentto Despite the data shock that comesfigure out once we have that data, howare all good reasons to have telematicthe immense flow of data is security. with the vast amounts of informationdoes AI or how does an algorithmicdevices on gensets. And then the nextCyber security is a challenge through-now available, Sappio sees a path for- environment provide us patterns, ten- big step would be: Can our suppliersout each link in the supply chain. In an ward for the industry, I think whatdencies that can help us make better[builders of the gensets] deliver toarticle in the AJOT, Port of Los Ange-theindustryhastofigureoutis,asdecisions? the market electric gensets that stoples Executive Director Eugene Gene technology is making more informa- that diesel emission because these areSerokacalledPresidentJoeBidens tion available to us, what do we don ext G en andG ensets all filled with diesel? cybersecurityinitiativeawakeup withitandhowdoesitchangetheThegensetsthatSappiorefersAnother trend tracking in the per- call for US ports. (see article by Stas way we do our job every day? And Ito provide the power for the refrig- ishables business is advancing the useMargaronis Cybersecurity initiative a still think as an industry, were feel- eration unitslargely portable unitsofenvironmentallyfriendlyrefriger- wake up call for US ports on pg 22). ing our way through that. If you lookthatkeepthereeferboxescold.ants in reefer containers and gensetsLike other industry leaders, Sappio attheDrewrydataandtheDrewryGensets like other parts of the trans- as part of the global goal of addressingagrees with the assessment and says, I reports as a source, the adaption rateportation segment of the supply chainglobal warming. As the largest buyerthink cyber security is everyones chal-of telematics on refrigerated contain- areundergoingatransformationtoofreefersandgensets,SeaCube,aslenge. Whether youre an ocean carrier, ers is enormous. Its rapidly getting toadapttoenvironmentalconcernsit has done with telematics, is tryingwhether youre a port, whether youre the point where there wont be a reefertoreduceemissionsofgreenhouseto stay ahead of the curve. As Sappioa BCO, an NVO or an equipment pro-containermanufacturedthatdoesntgasses (GhG). One potential solution,explains, SeaCube is a little unique.vider, a depot operator, cyber security have some type of a telematic device.Sappio explained, is deploying elec- Wehave$4billioninassetsunderis everyones challenge. Adding, AndIwouldarguethatgensetsaretric gensets.Were working with twomanagement. And by value, 70% offrom SeaCubes perspective, we spend probably very close behind. ofoursuppliersonpilotingelectricthat $4 billion are in refrigerated con- a great deal of money, time, and effort ButSappioalsoseesapoten- gensets.Nowtheyreobviouslynottainers and gensets. SeaCube has beento make sure that the data we use is as tialpotholeintheroadto AIadop- going to be able to use for long haul,the number one investor in refriger- protected as can be.tion, not just for the reefer sector buttheyre going to need to be used forated equipment over the last five orThefrighteningqualityofdata for the entire supply chain. And it isclose in to port facilities. But none- six years. Weve put over 300,000 newprotection is how one little mistake can framed by a deceptively simple but antheless,thatwouldbesignificantifreefers to work, and probably 5,000unravel an entire network. From Sap-enormously complex question: Whowe could pilot electric gensets.gensets 6,000 gensets in that period ofpios perspective its like, Pulling on owns the data? And gensets are also worthy can- time. Weve done a number of things.a thread. Somebody gets a hold of that As Sappio posits, . who owns thedidatesforadvancedtelematics,asAbout five years ago, we made a deci- thread, and they keep pulling it. And data? Who has access to what data? ISappio explains. sion,thatanyreeferwe[SeaCube]its frightening, and I think its going still think thats something that is tryingTheotherthingisputtingbuy, in particular our carrier reefers,to be top of mind for everyone in the to be worked out. And then ultimately,telematic devices on gensets to findwouldhavetheabilitytotaketheindustry, how we protect our data, our will the beneficial cargo owners (BCO)out their location to geo-fence them,next generation refrigerant. Today, thecustomers data, our internal propriety pay for this service? Will the shippingif you will. To track fuel. We all knowrefrigerant that is used mostly around(TRENDScontinued on page 40)most productive portin North AmericaCONTAINER PORT PERFORMANCE INDEXRaising capacity. Lowering temperatures. Exceeding expectations.Welcome to done.Ice cold. And blazing fast. Thats NC Ports. Were known for having the best turn times on the East Coast. But we also simplify logistics, reduce shipping headaches and create customized solutions that make things happen. In the world of cold chain, we power possibilities. And were just warming up.800.213.4430 // NCPorts.com'