b'34American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comSeaCube unique vantage point(UPGRADEScontinuedis the hardest thing to do. They from page 22) arejustintheprocessnow work the rail. But long term,of finishing the grading and of reefer tech trends it could be a growth potentialleveling of the facility so that and would allow for signifi- they can start working a train. SeaCube CEO Robert Sappio discusses tech trends in the reefer business. cant growth. The studies have By the summertime well yettobedonetoseewhathave an operating inland rail levelofvolumeswecouldramp in Reno and that would By George Lauriat, AJOT continue to reach, to be ableallow imports from Oakland to move the cargo through theto go to Reno. Interstate 80 is Robert Bob Sappio, chiefcoming fast. A recent supplyinformation. And the impor- system out of Oakland. Theaheavilyusedthoroughfare executiveofficerofSeaCubechainsurveybyMIHandtanceoftelematicsto AIisrailroads have told me theyrefortrucks,sotheRenorail Container Leasing, has seen aDeloittereportedthat84%as Sappio points out, Some- at 50% capacity, but if we didfacility would remove a lot of lot of change in his long careerof respondents plan to investwhere in all that data that ison dock rail, we would needtrucks off that road. It doesnt in logistics, which among otherin AItechnologywithinthegoing to come from telemat- to increase rail at a multiplemuchhelpinthemiddleof stops includes nearly a 30-yearnext five years. ics devices is an opportunityof probably four or five notthesummer,butduringthe stint at APL. In short, SappioStill,itisimportanttofor artificial intelligence (AI)just increasing by 50%. winter, it would help. When knowstheinsideandoutsideunderstandthatAIisntanto help people make smarterthe roads close for a day or oftheboxbusinessandhasapp but rather a massive leapand faster decisions. n ewr ailC onneCtion to day or two due to snow, trains witnessedfirst-handthechal- intheassemblyanduseofIn short, telematics is then evada keep going through. So, they lengesandinnovationsthatdata, and that data has to startinitial data input, from whichA new rail connection tokeephavingsnowplowsto haveshapedcontemporarysomewhere. And in the reeferall else flows. Reno,Nevadawillsoonbekeeppushingthrough. They containerized shipping.business, that primal node isBut as with any historicoperational:Theonethatsdo not stop.SeaCube,oneofthetelematics. leapintechnology,thereisgoing to be operational is in worldslargestlessors(andUnder Sappio, SeaCube wasa period of adjustment. It isRenoTheyve already goti nCreasinGr efriGerationpurchasers)ofrefrigeratedan early adopter of telematics.sometimesdauntingatfirstthefacility;theyvealreadyC aPaCitycontainers,betterknownIn laymans terms, telematicsblush. As Sappio explains ofgottherailspur.TheyveIntermsofrefrigerated asreefers,islodgedintherefers to devices that transmit(TRENDScontinued onalreadygottheagreement(UPGRADEScontinued middle of the supply chain orlong-distancecomputerizedpage 36) with the Union Pacific, whichon page 40)cold chain, as the business of moving perishables is some-times dubbed. Clients include shipping lines, trucking com-panies, BCOs along with ser-vice providers, manufacturersFUELED FOR THE FUTUREandothersengagedinthe complex business of movingFROM JACKSONVILLE TO SANJUANperishables.Foranoperator like SeaCube, staying ahead of the technological curve is an essential business practice and although Sappio is quick toconfessthatImnota technical guy, his position at the helm of SeaCube offers a unique vantage point to view industry trends. Robert Bob Sappio, CEO, SeaCube Container Leasingt elematiCs andai Oneemergingtechnol- TOTE launched ogythatstandspoisedtothe worlds first reshape the supply chain (andLNG-powered everythingelse)is Artificial IntelligenceorAI.Whilecontainership in 2015, there are other notable supplyand we are proud to be a first chain challenges such as themover in the maritime industrys decarbonization drive and theclean fuel revolution. goalofnetzeroforgreen- From our JAXPORT home on the St. houseemissionsoraddress- Johns River to the Caribbean waters of ingcyber-securityrisks,Puerto Rico and back, our vessels operate inthiseraofBigData,AIusing the cleanest marine fuel available, touches everything. protecting the diverse marine life and waterways we AIisnowubiquitous.traverse. Literally AI is all things to all peopleandallindustries aswellwhichwillhave farreachingimpactsonthe supply chain. DEDICATED. RELIABLE. BUILT TO SERVE. 877.775.7447 TOTEMARITIME.COMAndwhileunderstand-ingthepotentialeffectsthe technology will have on the supplychain,especiallythe coldchain,isatthisstage stilldifficulttocalculate nonetheless AI is coming and'