b'32American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comDHLs temperature-controlled logistics important link in the pharmaceutical supply chain DHL Forwardings (DGF) is laser focused on the demanding logistics of the most time sensitive of all perishablespharmaceuticals.By Chris Barnett, AJOTOvertheyears,DHLrequirements, she says.hasbuiltaworldwiderepu-tationforspeedinshippingQ uiltedt hermaleverythingfromdocumentsB lanketsto project cargoes, but sinceThe DGF executive declines 2020,itsDHLGlobalFor- toidentifyseveralmajor warding (DGF) business unitshipperstheforwarderis has been laser focused on onecurrentlyworkingwithin ofthemosttimesensitivetransportingfromtheU.S. ofallperishablesepidemicto Europe. But she candidly fighting pharmaceuticals. explainsthatthepharma-DGF is no stranger to theceuticals do not move in just demanding,rapidlygrow- anyclimate-regulatedcon- TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED ing health care commoditiestainer. DGFs logistical solu-sector.Itscorporatesibling,tionisfarmoreinnovativeLOGISTICS TRI-ANNUALDHLExpresswithitsdis- (LINKcontinued on tinctivecanaryyellowjetspage 38)and trucks, have been deliv-eringmedicinesandmedi-cal devices domestically and globallyasquicklyasthe same day they were shipped. Field FreshCovid 19 t estss uPPlyC hain whentheCOVIDWith Less WasteBut 19pandemicstruckinterna-tionally,the600,000-person transportation company, said to be the largest in the world, hadthecapacity,infrastruc-ture,manpowerandexperi-ence to become an important linkintheglobalsupply chain for COVID vaccines.PatriciaPattiCole, who is global head of both the DGF Same Day team and the DGFTemperatureManage-mentSolutionsteam,based in Sterling, Virginia, is quick topointoutthattransport-ingCOVIDvaccinesisan initiative within the pharma sector and was not an instant global rollout.Patti ColeTransportationisonly partofthechallengeofFood Waste Remote Climate Zero CO 2 Best in Class movingdelicatevaccines,Mitigation Tech Controls Emissions EquipmentCole told the American Jour-nalofTransportationinan exclusiveinterview.Pack-agingavailabilitycombinedIts not just the boxwiththecoordinationandits our approach to offering food waste mitigation handlingoftheCOVID19solutions bundled with leading edge technology that vaccineshaspreparedourmakes the difference.teamforcomplexhandlingVisit www.seacubecontainers.com to learn more.of upcoming pharmaceutical shipmentswithsimilartem-perature ranges and handling BSYA 1084 SeaCube Field Fresh Lemon 8x10 AJOT.indd 1 3/12/24 10:29AM'